216 research outputs found

    Obesity and Hypertension in Students of Jahangirnagar University: Alarming Issues

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    The prevalence of obesity and hypertension (HTN) in university students of Bangladesh has not reported yet. Considering the proper health maintenance of this population in mind, the study was aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity and HTN as well as relationship among them in the students of a residential university of Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University. This descriptive cross sectional study included 500 randomly selected students (250 males and 250 females). Participants completed a questionnaire on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, dietary factors, smoking and family history of obesity, HTN, and coronary artery disease. Blood pressure and anthropometric parameters such as height, weight, waist and hip circumferences were measured following standard procedure. The Statistical analyses were performed using the software SPSS.The prevalence of overweight was 25% (31.1% males, 15.6% females) and obesity 7.2% (9.4% males, 4% females). Pre-HTN was found at 27.1% (38% males, 11.2% females) and HTN at 2.2% (3.3% males, 0.4% females). A high rate of smoking, sedentary behavior, physical inactivity, excessive consumption of unhealthy food, and caffeine-rich drinks was also observed. Significant correlation was found between parameters of obesity and HTN. High prevalence of pre-HTN in males and central obesity in females were found which is immediately needed to control for better health maintenance of this population

    Geo-electrical mapping and groundwater potential zoning in some selected pockets of Baromura hill of Tripura (India)

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    Baromura hill of Tripura is characterised by complex geology and very rugged landform. Water scarcity is a very general problem for the remote hilly villages of this area. Thus groundwater is considered as one of the most valuable natural resources in hilly villages of Baromura hill. The present study aims to prepare small area survey based geo-electrical mapping for understanding groundwater condition in some selected pockets of the study area. For that purpose one hill slope and one trough shaped low land (locally known as lunga) was selected. Soil resistivity meter was used for electrical survey. A circle plot was prepared for geo-electrical survey on the basis of which geo-electrical maps were drawn. In the studied hill slope morphology four sectors of ground water conditions were observed according to their electrical resistivity character namely shallowest zone, medium zone, deep zone and very deep zone. The trough shaped low land (lunga) is characterised by comparatively shallower condition of groundwater and it was divided into five classes namely near surface water, very shallow zone, shallow zone, medium shallow zone and medium zone. Though the depth of the water bearing strata cannot be detected by this method it is very suitable for understanding the groundwater potential zones in remote places like present study area

    Earliest use of initial prophylactic dose of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) in severe pre-eclampsia to improve maternal and perinatal outcome, in a rural medical college, WB, India

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    Background: Eclampsia is one of the high risk obstetric complication throughout the world. Till today, eclampsia is one of the important cause of maternal mortality in our country. However the administration of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) has changed the scenario significantly.  Methods: The study includes 100 patients with severe pre-eclampsia admitted Malda medical college hospital, from 1st June 2013 to 30th April 2014. This study compares the maternal fatal outcome between two groups of patients with severe pre-eclampsia (BP ≥160/110 mm. proteinuria 2 gm/24 hours. or ≥2 + dipstick.). The first group of patients were admitted in this institution after being referred from primary and secondary health care facilities, after getting initial prophylactic dose of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) (Group A). The second group (Group B) includes those patients who were admitted without getting any prophylactic dose of magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) from outside.Results: Patients were included, in group A, eclampsia and maternal mortality were nil. Where as in group B eight (8) patients (16%) had eclampsia and 4 patents (8%) expired.Conclusions: Initial dose prophylactic magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) the earliest, can prevent both maternal perinatal maternal mortality. So, prophylactic magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) must be started at the first point of contact by trained health providers


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    This paper aims to assess the shallow crustal deformation in a highly seismic-prone zone ofnortheast India. For that purpose, Tripura University campus has been selected which isnearly 8 km away from Agartala city. The field work was conducted by using electricalresistivity meter. Vertical Electrical Sounding or VES method of resistivity survey wasadopted for measuring the electrical resistivity and structural analysis of the study area.Total four VES points were recorded namely near the Department of Physics, Department ofGeography and Disaster Management, Teachers’ Residential area and Girls’ Hostel. Therecorded data was measured and two different electrical profiles were drawn i.e. (a) Physicsbuilding to Geography buildings and (b) teachers’ quarters to Girls’ Hostel. From theelectrical resistivity profiles, a clear break in resistivity characters has been observed in thewestern part which is located near the Tripura University Girls’ Hostel. This clearly provesthat a deformation occurred in this area below 4 m depth and it can be very dangerous if ahigh magnitude seismic slip takes place. From this observation, this hostel is detected as themost risk prone building. Apart from that, the teachers’ quarters near the Girls’ hostel havealso been detected as equally risk prone. From this point of view it can be recommended thatconstruction of heavy buildings should be restricted in Tripura University campus as thesubsurface deformation zone can create faulting during high magnitude earthquake

    Umbilical discharge - An extremely rare presentation

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    Umbilical discharge and dermoid cyst of ovary are quiet commonly encountered problems in the outpatient departments. However, dermoid cyst presenting as a cause of umbilical discharge is extremely rare, and we could find only one case reported in literature so far. A 20-year-old lady presented with painful umbilical swelling and purulent discharge from umbilicus for the last 2 months. A 1 cmĂ—2 cm sprouting granulation tissue with purulent discharge was found at the umbilicus with surrounding erythema. The dilemma in diagnosis was not resolved with routine investigations and imaging studies. On surgical exploration, a fistulous tract was found extending from the umbilicus to the enlarged right ovary. The diagnosis of benign teratoma of ovary with sinus tract up to umbilicus was made on histopathology. The rarity of this case makes its reporting further relevant, considering the differential diagnosis of umbilical discharge or presentations of dermoid cyst of ovary

    (Chiral) Virasoro invariance of the tree-level MHV graviton scattering amplitudes

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    In this paper we continue our study of the tree level MHV graviton scattering amplitudes from the point of view of celestial holography. In arXiv :2008.04330 we showed that the celestial OPE of two gravitons in the MHV sector can be written as a linear combination of current algebra and supertranslation descendants. In this note we show that the OPE is in fact manifestly invariant under the infinite dimensional Virasoro algebra as is expected for a 2-D CFT. This is consistent with the conjecture that the holographic dual in 4-D asymptotically flat space time is a 2-D CFT. Since we get only one copy of the Virasoro algebra we can conclude that the holographic dual theory which computes the MHV amplitudes is a chiral CFT with a host of other infinite dimensional global symmetries including current algebra, supertranslations and subsubleading soft graviton symmetry. We also discuss some puzzles related to the appearance of the Virasoro symmetry
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