20 research outputs found

    Rezim Kerjasama Sosek Malindo Kaltim-Sabah: Mengukur Derajat Compliance Partisipan Perjanjian

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    Sosek Malindo cooperation is mutual agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia that concentrated in the field of socio-economic development in border areas. The main objective of Sosek Malindo cooperation is to improve the welfare of the people who live in border areas of each country. Sosek Malindo Cooperation produce some agreements, but not all of them can be implemented, because of compliance problems. The failure was caused by several factors, among others: the limited authority of the actor, the factor of interest, in managing the agreement Sosek Malindo regime does not use persuasive methods. Moreover it has serious implications to the implementation of agreement and actor behavior

    Pendekatan Keamanan Manusia dalam Studi Perbatasan Negara

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    The study of state border have always been an interesting topic of discussion among the IR's scholars, this is because the border issues are related to territorial issues and state sovereignty. So that discussions about state borders are always dominated by traditional security approaches that put the ecountry as the primary actor.While this article seeks to use the human security approach in reviewing state border issues. This is done as a form of response to the dynamics of change in International relations. Unlike traditional security approaches that always put the state as the object of reference, the human security approach places the individual as the object of reference. Human security is an approach that is focus on individual security. According to UNDP there are seven universal components in human security approach; economic security, food security, health security, environment security, personal security, community security and political security

    Keamanan Kemasyarakatan Dalam Pembangunan Kawasan Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia di Kalimantan Utara

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    This study aims to explore the societal security as a new approach of country’s border area development policy. The concept of societal security is becoming an important topic when it relates to the development of border area. Indonesia shares the borderline with Malaysia in North Kalimantan Province. However, the condition of residents in that area is marked with severe underdevelopment. Responding to the issue, Indonesian border development policy began to adopt simultaneously economic approach and environmental approach besides the traditional security approach which emphasizing military presence in the border area in order to boost the economy and increase the prosperity of the border area residents. This study is a field research (conducted at Krayan, Indonesia and Ba’kelalan, Malaysia) and qualitative approach was applied. Data obtained through participant observation and in-depth interview to several informants. Data was analyzed using descriptive method with emphasizing in data segmentation process. The result suggest that Indonesian government needs to include the societal security approach in the policy as the people who live in the border area have their unique customs and traditions (as their identity) that could be at odds with current policy. In addition, it was noticed that the adoption of societal security approach will complete the picture of North Kalimantan border area policy and could go hand in hand with other approaches as a country’s border area development program

    Rezim Kerjasama Sosek Malindo Kaltim-Sabah: Mengukur Derajat Compliance Partisipan Perjanjian

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    Sosek Malindo cooperation is mutual agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia that concentrated in the field of socio-economic development in border areas. The main objective of Sosek Malindo cooperation is to improve the welfare of the people who live in border areas of each country. Sosek Malindo Cooperation produce some agreements, but not all of them can be implemented, because of compliance problems. The failure was caused by several factors, among others: the limited authority of the actor, the factor of interest, in managing the agreement Sosek Malindo regime does not use persuasive methods. Moreover it has serious implications to the implementation of agreement and actor behavior


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    The main issue of this article is all about the development policy and prosperity of the people in the border area. Development policy becomes the key role in order to increase the quality of social life especially for the people in Sebatik Island. This article is an effort to capture the implemented policy and the real condition in particular after the enlargement of Sebatik Island. The instruments of analysis are the concept of development and the welfare state. The research findings show that development policy in the border didn’t go with the basic human need. So it is important for the government to apply the participatory model in excuting development programs

    Rezim Kerjasama Sosek Malindo Kaltim-Sabah: Mengukur Derajat Compliance Partisipan Perjanjian

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    Sosek Malindo cooperation is mutual agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia that concentrated in the field of socio-economic development in border areas. The main objective of Sosek Malindo cooperation is to improve the welfare of the people who live in border areas of each country. Sosek Malindo Cooperation produce some agreements, but not all of them can be implemented, because of compliance problems. The failure was caused by several factors, among others: the limited authority of the actor, the factor of interest, in managing the agreement Sosek Malindo regime does not use persuasive methods. Moreover it has serious implications to the implementation of agreement and actor behavior

    Pendekatan Keamanan Manusia dalam Studi Perbatasan Negara

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    The study of state border have always been an interesting topic of discussion among the IR’s scholars, this is because the border issues are related to territorial issues and state sovereignty. So that discussions about state borders are always dominated by traditional security approaches that put the ecountry as the primary actor.While this article seeks to use the human security approach in reviewing state border issues. This is done as a form of response to the dynamics of change in international relations. Unlike traditional security approaches that always put the state as the object of reference, the human security approach places the individual as the object of reference. Human security is an approach that is focus on individual security. According to UNDP there are seven universal components in human security approach; economic security, food security, health security, environment security, personal security, community security and political security.</em


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    The implementation of development program is a reality must be conducted by the local government in Indonesia, including Kutai Kartanegara. Unfortunetly, implemented development not always produces social welfare as it does. It sometimes creates poverty and environment degradation. Poverty has becomes undeniable social problem. It was also happen in Kutai Kartanegara, poverty problem still need a serious attention by government. This article was intented to explain the cause factors of poverty in sub-district Muara Muntai Kutai Kartanegara, furthermore it investigates about the handling method. The results show that there  were three causes of poverty: structural factor, natural factor, and cultural factor. To handle poverty problem the government was implementing human empowerment strategy and consolidate the development potency


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    Development of border area always becomes an interesting discussions, this is proved when development of border area issue becomes as a part of the national development plan. For Indonesia, border area has a strategic means, especially in defence-security side, economic-trade side, and social-cultural side. This article is an effort to describe the management of land border area in North Kalimantan. They were located in both Malinau and Nunukan district spreading in 17 sub-districts which are bordered with neighboring country Malaysia. The proximity distance enabled the interactions and transborder activities among the people in land border area. Border areas in North Kalimantan have a big potential to be developed as the central of growth area, so properly policy and management are required


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    Konflik Palestina-Israel merupakan konflik yang sangat panjang dan mmit, konflik yang sudah berlangsung lebih dari 50 tahun itu merupakan serial konflik yang pernah terjadi dalam sejarah konflik di kawasan Timur Tengah. Saking panjang dan rumitnya, konflik ini menjadi indikator yang paling signifikan dalam menentukan proses perdamaian di Timur Tengah. Namun kedua belah pihak tidak ingin selamanya terjebak dalam sirkulasi konflik tersebut, sehingga akhirnya kedua pihak pun sepakat untuk melakukan perundingan guna mewujudkan perdamaian di antara mereka. Sejak awal tahun 1990-an, negosiasi-negosiasi damai antara pihak Palestina dan Israel mulai dilakukan, dan dari perundingan-perundingan tersebut kedua belah pihak telah sempat membuat kesepakatan yang tertuang dalam sebuah resolusi konflik.. Dalam resolusi konflik tersebut telah disepakati berbagai macam perjanjian sebagai upaya untuk mengakhiri konflik dan menciptakan perdamaian antara kedua belah pihak. Namun upaya tersebut dalam implementasinya selalu saja terhambat dan sering kali menemui jalan buntu. Sehingga resolusi konflik yang sudah disepakati itu, dianggap tidak efektif dan belum banyak memberikan kontribusi yang positif bagi proses perdamaian antara kedua pihak