4 research outputs found

    Tiga Kasus Implan Koklea pada Displasia Mondini

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    Mondini dysplasia is a kind of cochlear malformation caused by a failure growth of cochlea in the seventh week of pregnancy, results in cochlear turn which only reaches 1,5 turn until less than 2,5 turn. There is sensorineural hearing loss in Mondini dysplasia caused by anatomical malformation. The diagnosis of Mondini dysplasia is made by accurate anamnesis, audiology assessments and imaging results. This case study explains the importance of the holistic process of diagnosis and treatment of Mondini's dysplasia. Purpose: To explain that Mondini dysplasia should be diagnosed immediately and given the cochlear implant. Cases: There had been reported three cases of cochlear malformation of Mondini dysplasi type. They were first diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss and speech delay in the age of 2-4 years. After had been done sequence of audiology assessments and imaging CT-scan and MRI simultaneously there were obtained that those three patients had Mondini dysplasia. Case Management: The use of hearing aid in those three patients had no effectiveness that brought them to the decision of cochlear implantation. Cochlear implant became such a great challenge even through for experienced physicians considering the scarcity of the case and the risk for complications like pelymph gusher and incorrect insertion of electrode. Cochlear implant surgeries had been done to those three patients with carefu consideration and the selection for appropriate type of electrode. On the first case there had been applied right ear cochlear implant, on the second case was bilateral, and on the third case was in the left ear. Complications of the surgeries were bleeding and perilymph gusher but they had been solved properly. Electrode insertion in all three cases had been placed correctly. Conclusion: Found three cases of Mondini dysplasia with symptoms of bilateral hearing loss, speech development, bilateral Mondini dysplasia, techniques and complications of cochlear implants. These three cases differ in the shape, width and size of the cochlear anatomy if they are studied more specifically. Two cases of unilateral cochlear implant placement and one bilateral case


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    Potensi sumber daya hayati dan non hayati laut di Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar (PPKT) di Indonesia dapat menjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi kawasan perbatasan Indonesia. Saat ini, pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan perbatasan tersebut tertinggal dibandingkan di daratan. Potensi ekonomi kawasan PPKT mempunyai multiplier effect yang luas, membuka lapangan kerja, pendapatan, dan devisa jika dikelola dengan baik. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi PPKT yang dapat menjadi pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah perbatasan. Analisis skoring terhadap variabel-variabel penentu digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi di PPKT. Hasil analisa menunjukkan terdapat 61 PPKT dari 111 pulau yang mempunyai potensi sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah perbatasan. Enam puluh satu PPKT tersebut memiliki keunggulan bervariasi sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi.Hasil skoring terhadap variabel potensi pada 61 PPKT tersebut menunjukkan adanya 7 (tujuh) kelas prioritas pengembangan PPKT. Hasilnya,Pulau Tokong Belayar, Senua, Mangkai, dan Mantehage termasuk ke dalam PPKT kelas prioritas pertama. Kegiatan wisata bahari direkomendasikan sebagai kegiatan potensial untuk mengembangkan perekonomian PPKT yang dapat menyediakan lapangan kerja dan sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat setempat serta berpeluang menambah devisa negara.Title: The Small Islands as a Center of the Regional Economic Growth in Indonesian Border Areas: Review of the Technical, Social and Economic AspectsPotency of renewable and non-renewable marine resources of Indonesian small islands could promote economic growth in Indonesian border areas. Currently, the economic growth of border areas have left behind compared with mainland areas. Potency of economy could give multiplier effect, create employment, income, as well as foreign exchanges when the resources are well managed. This study aimed to identify the potency of small islands that can be developed as center of economic growth in the border area. Scoring analysis to determinant variables were used to identify the source of economic growth in the small islands. The finding showed that there were 61 small islands of 111 small islands have the potency to be developed as economic growth center in border areas. Those 61 small islands have 7 (seven) priority classes for small islands development. As the result, the island of Tokong Belayar, Senua, Mangkai, and Mantehage islands were included in first class priority. Finally, marine tourism becomes potential activity to develop the economy of small islands, create new jobs opportunity and income sources for local communities, as well as contribute the increase of foreign exchanges

    Edukasi Mengenai Kanker Nasofaring Pada Masyarakat di Kawasan Pesisir Barat Pulau Lombok

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    Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is a malignancy in the field of ENT-KL with a high incidence and ranks 4th in Indonesia. There are several risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer, including infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), environmental factors (consumption of salted fish, smoking and exposure to dust, occupational fumes), and genetics. Related to lifestyle, coastal areas are the areas that produce and consume the most salted fish, and are active smokers every day from a young age. The Tanjung Karang area is one of the coastal areas located in the west of Lombok Island, where the habit of consuming salted fish and smoking is also a habit of the people. The lack of public knowledge, especially in coastal areas, regarding the risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer and its early prevention is one of the reasons for the need to hold health education activities on this matter. Coinciding with the commemoration of World Cancer Day, ENT Specialists gathered in PERHATI-KL Cab. NTB conducts educational activities regarding Naopharyngeal Cancer, with the aim of increasing public knowledge about this dangerous disease. as a result, this activity was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the people in the area and was attended by 66 participants. This can be used as a benchmark and evaluation material for the implementation of further educational activities in the futur

    Implementasi Virtual Reality Berbasis Foto 360o Untuk Memvisualisasikan Fasilitas Perguruan Tinggi Surabaya

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    The college selection process is an important phase because this process affects the future achievement targets of prospective students. One of the factors that is considered in determining a university is the supporting facilities provided during the lecture process. prospective students will continue to search and at the same time consider universities despite the pandemic COVID-19. By implementing 3600 photo-based virtual reality (VR), prospective students or external parties can get information about university facilities anytime and anywhere because it can be accessed online. This study uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method in application development, then uses a quantitative approach to test the feasibility of the application. The results showed that 3600 photo-based virtual reality (VR) is an alternative media in conveying information related to the facilities and logistics owned by universities, the variables of smoothness and convenience of operating 3600 photo-based videos have a high enough influence, but on user motivation to use VR is worth less. This happens because users are not used to using this technology.  masa depan calon mahasiswa. Salah satu faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan perguruan tinggi adalah fasilitas penunjang yang diberikan selama proses perkuliahan. Calon mahasiswa akan tetap melakukan pencarian sekaligus mempertimbangan perguruan tinggi meskipun terjadi pandemi COVID-19. Dengan mengimplementasi virtual reality (VR) berbasis foto 3600, calon mahasiswa atau pihak eksternal dapat memperoleh informasi mengenai fasilitas perguruan tinggi kapanpun dan dimanapun karena dapat diakses online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) dalam pengembangan aplikasi, kemudian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk menguji kelayakan aplikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa virtual reality (VR) berbasis foto 3600 merupakan media alternatif dalam penyampaian informasi terkait fasilitas dan logistik yang dimiliki perguruan tinggi, variabel kelancaran dan kenyamanan pengoperasian video berbasis foto 3600 mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup tinggi, namun pada motivasi pengguna dalam menggunakan VR bernilai kurang. Hal ini terjadi karena pengguna belum terbiasa menggunakan teknologi tersebut