23 research outputs found


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    Synthetic meatball gluten-Tempe is one of diversification of products that can be consumed by vegetarians. This study aims to determine the effoct of the addition of tempeh and gluten-starch so produced synthetic balls with good quality and preferred by consumers. This research using completely randomized design with two factors: comparison of gluten-soybean (80:20, 70:30, 60:40) and the addition of starch (5, 7.5; 10%) and each factor of three replicates. Results showed that the best treatment is obtained at the ratio 80:20 tempe glutenstarch with the· addition of 10% with the synthetic ball that has criteria: moisture content 60.41%, 21.59% of total protein content, soluble protein content of 2.89 %, 15.44% starch content, fiber content 5.89%, the texture of 0.28 mm I mg.dt


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    Soft  candy is  mixtures  of  sucrose,  glucose  syrup,  water,  gel-forming  materials  and additives  such  as flavor,  dye  and  has  a  soft texture. Roselle  petals  become  alternative for the manufacture  of  soft  candy  roselle that  have  vitamin  C  and  anthocyanins  that  serves  as  a natural  red  color. This  soft  chewy  candy  is  produced  from  the  gel-forming  material.  Corn starch  as  a  gel-forming  material,  because  the  nature  of  corn  starch  in  its  contribution  to  the texture. Cooking is an important processing stage in the manufacture of candy that will affect the  texture  and  color  of  the  candies  are  produced.  This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of adding corn starch and long ripening on the quality of roselle soft candy and to obtain the best combination  treatment  between  the  addition  of  corn  starch  and  long  cooking  in  the manufacture. This research method using a completely randomized design with 2 factors and repeated 3 times. The first factor was the concentration of corn starch (5%, 10%, 25%) and the second factor  is  the  length  of  cooking  (1.5  minutes,  3  minutes,  4.5  minutes).  The Best  research  results    soft  candy  corn  starch  concentration  of  10%  and  long  cooking  3 minutes to produce water content 5.712%, Vitamin C 27.78 mg/100gr, 56.060% total dissolved solids, texture 0.186 mm / gr.dtk and anthocyanin 0.0713%.Keywords: Software Candy, Rosel

    HIDROLISIS GELATIN TULANG IKAN KAKAP MENGGUNAKAN LARUTAN ASAM (The Hydrolysis Gelatin of Kakap Fish Bone Using Acid Solution)

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    Gelatin is  a natural  product obtained by hydrolysis  of collagen, a soluble protein, which acts  as the  gelling agent. In  general, the  process  of making gelatin begins  with soaking the bone  in  acid  solution,  aimed  at  dissolving  calcium  phosphat  and  other  mineral  salts.  This treatment resulted  in changes to the texture bone , so that bones become relatively non-rigid. Type of acid used is strong acids, namely HCl, H2SO4 and H3PO4, with the level of 3% - 6% concentration. The  purpose of  this  study  was to determine  the  type and  concentration  of acid as a soaking solution. The result showed that the best treatment was HCL concentration of 3%, with  water  content  6.54%,  ash  3.27%, 77.92% protein, gel  strength 72.07  bloom, viscosity 17.86 cp, pH 4.88 and  yield 14.03%. Key words : gelatin, collagen, bone, hydrolysi


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    ABSTRACTSausage is an emulsion food of oil in water which is elastic Sausage whichis circulated in market there are many deviation of product quality and theaddition food additif and pollution of bacteria exceeding the fixed standard.Related to the facts, it needs a survey of nonprobability sampling in the centre ofSurabaya. The aim of the research is to give information to society about nitritecontent, synthetic dyes, and the number of stapyloccus aureus bacteri in sausageproducts. The result of the survey and the analysis was 17,62 ppm nitrite contentto 27,65 ppm, Content of synthetic dyes was 15 mg / kg ponceane 4 R, 22 mg/kgcarmoisin content, 19 mg / kg sunset yellow content, total bacteria of 0,6.10 3coloni/gr to 6,33.103 coloni/gr, and staphylococcus aureus 0,36.102 coloni/gr to1,05.102 coloni/gr.Keyword : sausage, synthetic dyes, staphylococcus aureus ABSTRAKSosis merupakan bahan makanan emulsi minyak dalam air (o/w) yangbersifat elastis. Sosis yang beredar di pasaran banyak terjadi penyimpanganmutu dan kualitas produk, serta bahan tambahan makanan dan pencemaranbakteri melebihi standar yang ditetapkan. Kenyataan ini, perlu diadakan surveicara nonprobability sampling di Surabaya Pusat. Tujuan penelitian memberikaninformasi kepada masyarakat tentang kadar nitrit, jenis pewarna sintetis, jumlahbakteri dan Stapylococcus aureus pada produk sosis. Hasil survei dan analisadidapatkan data kadar nitrit terendah 17,62 ppm dan tertinggi 27,65 ppm, kadardi bawah standart, aman dikonsumsi penggunaan nitrit Permenkes/XI/1988sebesar 125 ppm. Jenis pewarna sintetik ponceau 4R jumlah 15 mg/kg, sunsetyellow 19 mg/kg dan carmoisin 22 mg/kg, tidak melebihi batas maksimalpenggunaan 70 mg/l. Jumlah maksimal cemaran total bakteri 105 koloni/gr, masihdibawah standart aman dikonsumsi. Jumlah Staphylococcus aureus tertinggi1,05 x 102 koloni /gr dan terendah 0,35 x 102 koloni/gr, standart cemaranmaksimal 102 indoni gr, 7 produk aman dikonsumsi dan 1 produk tidak aman,melebihi batas standar 1,05 x 102 total bakteri terendah 0,6.103 koloni / gr.Kata kunci : Sosis, pewarna sintetik, staphylococcus aureus


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    Pembuatan susu jagung manis bubuk substitusi susu kacang hijau (Kajian : Penambahan dekstrin dan Na-CMC)

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    Pembuatan susu jagung manis bubuk substitusi susu kacang hijau (Kajian : Penambahan dekstrin dan Na-CMC

    SIFAT FISIKO-KIMIA FLAKE PISANG KEPOK DENGAN SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG CASSAVA (Phisyco-chemical Properties of Flake “Kepok” Banana With Substitution Casava Flour)

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    ABSTRAKFlake merupakan salah satu jenis makanan sarapan siap saji yang memilikiwarna coklat keemasan, tekstur renyah dan kadar air rendah. Pada umumnya bahandasar yang digunakan untuk pembuatan flake adalah jagung dan gandum. Sebagaiupaya penganekaragaman produk flake dan pemanfaatan tepung pisang, makadilakukan pengolahan flake menggunakan tepung pisang sebagai bahan baku yangdisubstitusi dengan tepung Casava untuk memperbaiki karakteristik flake yangdihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh substitusi tepungCasava dan jumlah air terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia flake pisang kapok. Rancanganpenelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri dari 2faktor yaitu substitusi tepung Cassava terhadap tepung pisang kepok (20:80), (30:70),(40:60) dan presentase penambahan air 70%, 80%, dan 90%. Data yang diperolehdianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian, serta uji lanjut menggunakan DMRT. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik yaitu substitusi tepung Cassava 30%dengan presentase penambahan air 80% yang menghasilkan flake pisang denganrendemen 62,635%, kadar air 4,307%, kadar pati 76,653%, kadar serat 2,323%, dayapatah 0,272 kg/cm2 dan daya rehidrasi 71,379%. Hasil rata-rata uji sensorismenunjukkan jumlah rangking rasa 71, tekstur 79, dan warna 80.Kata Kunci : Flake, cassava, pisang kapokABSTRACTFlake is a prayer One Ready-eat breakfast Operates food Which has a goldenbrown color, crisp texture and the air content was low. IN general, basic materials baseUsed to Manufacture review is corn and wheat flakes. As a flake product diversificationefforts and utilization of banana flour, then do processing chips using plantain flour asa raw material The flour is substituted with Casava to review the characteristics FixingThe resulting flakes. The purpose is to review research studying the effect of floursubstitution plane Casava And Period Of physico-chemical properties of banana flakescured. The study design used is Complete Random Design (RAL), which is composedfrom two factors Namely Against Cassava flour substitution kepok banana flour(20:80), (30:70), (40:60) And the percentage of air disposals 70%, 80 %, and 90%. TheData were analyzed using analysis of variants, as well as a further test using DMRT.Results showed that the Best That substitution flour Cassava 30% with percentage ofdisposals of air 80% The produce flakes of bananas with yield of 62 635%, the watercontent of 4,307%, starch 76 653% fiber content 2,323%, Power broken 0272 kg / cm2And Power 71 379% rehydration. The average yield of organoleptic test showed Period71 rankings flavor, texture 79, and 80 colors.Keywords: Flake, cassava, banana kepok</p


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    Sinbiotik  (eubotic)  is  a  combination  of  prebiotics  and  probiotics.  The  advantage  of  this combination is to enhance  the growth  of  probiotic  bacteria  by prebiotic  substrates. In general, the  raw  material  of  sinbiotik  beverage  is  milk.  At  this  time,  as  product  innovations  made  brew filtrate  sinbiotik  of  yam  tubers  (Pachyrrizus  erosus).  The  advantages  of  this  product  is  the availability of two components as well as the  inulin derived from the  tubers of  yam which acts as a prebiotic and Lactobacillus Casei that act as probiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of skim milk and the concentration of starter (Lactobacillus casei)  that  most  optimally  in  the  process  of  making  drinks  sinbiotik  yam  tubers.  The  results showed  that  the  best  treatment  there  is  the  additional  treatment  of  skim  milk  20%  and  the concentration of starter (Lactobacillus Casei) 2%. The results showed total lactic acid bacteria 11.2933 log CFU / ml, 0.5119% total acid, pH 3.7, total dissolved solids 36.0680 (oBrix), inulin content of 3.2503% and 0.3667% soluble protein.Keywords: sinbiotik, skim milk, probiotic bacteria, prebiotic substrates</p


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    Abstrak Tauco is shaped pasta products are yellowish and have a slightly salty flavor. Tauco making process is done by means of fermentation. Tauco used as a natural food seasoning as distinctive smell and taste. Tauco usually made from soybean. Unfortunately, soybean production can not meet the needs of domestic soybean that still need to import from other countries. To reduce dependence on it can be used soy substitutes, one of which is leucaena. This study aims to determine the proportion of soybean leucaena with long fermentation on the characteristic physico-chemical of leucaena_angkak tauco. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors. The first factor, proportion soybean-leucaena 70%:30%, 50%:50% 30%:70%. The second factor, fermentation time of 3 weeks, 4 weeks and 5 weeks. The results showed that the best treatment was the treatment of soybean-leucaena (70:30) proportion and fermentation time 5 weeks resulted tauco with criteria that had a moisture content 24.952%. The ash 5.081%, soluble protein 79250 µg/ml, fat 4.075%, total acid 7.620%, total solids 18.167% brix, phenol 2781,25 ppm, antioxidant activity 45,68% and 76 favorite color,taste 76,and flavor 71. Key words : leucaena, soybean,  tauco, fermentation time Abstrak Tauco adalah produk berbentuk pasta yang berwarna kekuning–kuningan dan mempunyai rasa yang agak asin. Proses pembuatan tauco dilakukan dengan cara fermentasi. Tauco digunakan sebagai penyedap masakan alami karena bau dan rasanya yang khas. Tauco biasanya terbuat dari kedelai. Namun sayangnya, produksi kedelai tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kedelai dalam negeri sehingga masih perlu mengimpor kedelai dari negara lain. Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada kedelai maka dapat digunakan bahan pengganti, salah satunya adalah lamtoro gung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi kedelai:lamtoro gung dengan lama fermentasi terhadap kualitas tauco lamtoro gung-angkak. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor dan 3 kali ulangan, Faktor 1 proporsi kedelai:lamtoro gung 70%:30%,50%:50%,30%:70%. Faktor II lama fermentasi 3 minggu, 4 minggu, dan 5 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah pada perlakuan proporsi kedelai:lamtoro gung (70:30) dan lama fermentasi 5 minggu yang menghasilkan tauco dengan kriteria lama fermentasi 5 minggu yang memiliki kadar air 24,952%, kadar abu 5,081%, protein terlarut 79250 µg/ml, lemak 4,075%, total asam 7,620%, total padatan 18,167% brix,  Fenol 2781,25 ppm,aktivitas antioksidan 45,68%,dan tingkat kesukaan warna 76, rasa 76, dan aroma 71.   Kata kunci : lamtoro gung, kedelai, tauco, waktu fermentasi</p