6 research outputs found

    Pembinaan Minat Baca

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    This study aims to determine the performance of librarians in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and obstacles faced by librarians in utilizing SLiMS at UPT Pasundan University Library, Bandung. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Informants in this study amounted to two people who are librarians of circulation services. The data analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that first, the knowledge and understanding of librarians in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be good. Although librarians only know the role of SLiMS in completing their work. Whereas SLiMS can be used in planning the work to be done by the librarian. Second, the skills of circulation service librarians in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be skilled. This can be seen from the ability of librarians to use various features available in SLiMS for borrowing, returning, extending, fines and other activities related to activities in library circulation services. Third, the attitude of the circulation service librarian in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be good. This can be seen from the ease of completing work and satisfaction with the work that has been completed by the librarian. Fourth, the obstacles experienced by circulation service librarians in utilizing SLiMS are difficulties in installing and migrating data to SLiMS because the software previously used was different.Keywords: performance; librarian; senayan library management systemABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja pustakawan dilihat dari aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap, dan hambatan yang dihadapi pustakawan dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Pasundan Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang yang merupakan pustakawan bagian layanan sirkulasi. Tekink Analisa data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa pertama, pengetahuan dan pemahaman pustakawan dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan baik. Meskipun pustakawan hanya mengetahui peran SLiMS dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka. Padahal SLiMS bisa digunakan dalam merencanakan pekerjaan yang akan dikerjakan oleh pustakawan. Kedua, Keterampilan pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan terampil. Hal ini terlihat dari mampunya pustakawan dalam menggunakan berbagai fitur yang ada pada SLiMS untuk kegiatan peminjaman, pengembalian, perpanjangan, denda dan lain sebagainya yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan pada layanan sirkulasi perpustakaan. Ketiga, sikap pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan baik. Hal ini terlihat adanya kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan kepuasan akan pekerjaan yang sudah diselesaikan oleh pustakawan. Keempat, hambatan yang dialami oleh pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS adalah kesulitan dalam menginstal dan melakukan migrasi data ke SLiMS dikarenakan software yang sebelumnya digunakan berbeda


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    Vandalisme di perpustakaan merupakan tindakan perusakan yang dilakukan oleh manusia terhadap koleksi maupun fasilitas yang ada di perpustakaan. Bentuk dari tindakan vandalisme terhadap bahan pustaka diantaranya corat coret, menandai dengan bolpoint atau stabilo, memberi tanda sebagai batas baca, melipat bahan pustaka, merobek, mengambil sebagian halaman bahan pustaka, menggunting gambar, mencopot stiker, penambahan tulisan serta mengotori bahan pustaka. Perpustakaan sekolah tidak terlepas dari bahaya vandalisme, salah satunya tindakan perobekan terhadap bahan pustaka. Hal yang dapat dilakukan pustakawan dalam mengatasi perobekan bahan pustaka yaitu dengan mengadakan kegiatan sosialisasi, melakukan kerjasama dengan guru kelas, melakukan kerjasama dengan orang tua siswa dan memberikan sanksi yang tegas terhadap pelaku perobekan bahan pustaka. ABSTRACT Vandalism in the library is an act of destcution committed by humans agains collection or facilities in the library. The form of vandalism against library materials such as scribbled marks, marked with ballpoint or highlighter, gave punctuation marks, forl library materials, rips, tore the page, removes stickers, attaches additives and contaminates library materials. The school library is inseparable from the dangers of vandalism, one of the act is tapping the materials. The things that librarians can do in overcoming library materials is by holding socialization activities, cooperating with teachers, parents and giving strict sanctions against the perpetrators of tapping library materials.

    Perpustakaan Digital Sebagai Sarana Media Promosi Bagi Masyarakat

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the digital library as a promotional mediumfor the community, by describing the development of information in the library is growing rapidly and because of that the public’s need for a library should be growing. This article wascompiled using a literature study approach. Literature studies obtain sources from journals,books, internet, and libraries. Literature studies get sources from journals, books, internet,and literature. In this research, the author will collect sources relevant to the research topic,sources that support this research based on several journals and other reference sources.Information technology has become a necessity for libraries in Indonesia, especially to dealwith the demands of the knowledge-based needs of the Indonesian people for information inthe future. Some of the things that underlie the idea of the need to digitize libraries are thedevelopment of information technology in computers increasingly opening new opportunitiesfor the development of library information technology that is cheap and easy to implementby Indonesian libraries. The role of digital libraries can be transformed not only as aninformation center but also as a forum for development in society to improve welfare

    Kinerja Pustakawan Layanan Sirkulasi Dalam Memanfaatkan Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS)

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    This study aims to determine the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and obstacles faced by librarians in utilizing SLiMS in the UPT Library of PasundanUniversity Bandung. The method used in this research is the descriptive method with a qualitative approach, while the data interview technique is through observation, interviews, and documentation study. From the research results, it can be concluded that the knowledge and understanding of circulation service librarians in utilizing the circulation service module SLiMS can be said to be good because SLiMS can help work without any difficulties in learning and operating it. The skills of service librarians who are served in utilizing SLiMS features can be said to be skilled. The attitude of librarian services in utilizing Slims circulation can be said to be good. SLiMS is able to cut the time needed to do a job. The obstacles experienced by circulation service librarians are in installing SLiMS and adding features according to the needs of circulation services, such as independent extension and sms gateway menu where the menu serves as a reminder for library users if they experience delays in returning books, and librarians do not have basic programming because SLiMS in its manufacture uses the PHP programming language

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    Buku ini membahas mengenai pembinaan minat baca, konsep dasar motivasi dan metode pengembangan minat baca, keterampilan membaca, konsep dasar memilih bacaa