22 research outputs found

    Loneliness in Joseph Brodsky's poetry.

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy jest samotność w poezji Josifa Brodskiego. Jest to jeden z wiodących motywów w twórczości pisarza. Dlatego też warto jest rozszerzyć i przeanalizować ten temat nieco głębiej. W biografii autora można znaleźć kilka przełomowych momentów, jednakże dla danego tematu najważniejszym okazuje się przymusowy wyjazd ze Związku Radzieckiego w 1972 r . Z tego właśnie powodu w pracy rozpatrywane są wiersze z okresu przed emigracją jak i po opuszczeniu kraju.The theme of this work is loneliness in the poetry of Josif Brodsky. This is one of the leading motifs in the writer's work. Therefore, it is worth expanding and analyzing this topic a bit deeper. In the biography of the author, you can find some breakthrough moments, but for a given topic the most important turns out to be a forced departure from the Soviet Union in 1972. For this reason, the work considers poems from the period before emigration and after leaving the country.Темой нынешней работы является одиночество в лирике Иосифа Александровича Бродского. Поскольку творчество поэта очень богатое, то рассматриваются здесь только избранные стихотворения. Особое внимание уделяется стихам, которые связаны с биографией автора, в частности с критическими моментами в его личной жизни.Исследование разбито на две части: мотив одиночества в лирике до эмиграции в 1972 году и после нее. Такое разделение обосновывается тем, что переезд в США связан с большими переменами не только в личной жизни Бродского, но и в его лирике

    Serotonin Receptor HTR3A Gene Polymorphisms rs1985242 and rs1062613, E-Cigarette Use and Personality

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    We nowadays record growing numbers of e-cigarette users. The development of nicotine dependence is a result of many factors, including genetics and personality. In this study we analyzed two polymorphisms—rs1985242 and rs1062613—in the serotonin receptor HTR3A gene in a group of e-cigarette users (n = 135) and controls (n = 106). Personality traits were measured using the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. The comparison of e-cigarette users with the control group indicates that the former showed significantly higher scores on the neuroticism scale and lower scores on the scales of extraversion and conscientiousness of the NEO-FFI. Homozygote variants of rs1985242 were more frequent in the study group. The results of the 2 × 3 factorial ANOVA for e-cigarette users and the control group as well as interaction between the HTR3A rs1985242 variants were found for the NEO-FFI conscientiousness scale. These results allow us to conclude that the combination of psychological factors and genetic data creates a possibility for making more complete models of substance use disorders

    OPRM1 Gene Polymorphism in Women with Alcohol Use Disorder

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    The main aims of the present study were to explore the relationship of the OPRM1 gene rs1074287 polymorphism in alcohol-dependent women with their personality traits and to try to find out whether any specific features may influence alcohol cravings and be a prognostic for alcohol dependency and treatment in AUD women. Our study found a notable correlation between openness and the interaction of the ORIM1 gene and AUD. The alcohol use disorder subjects with genotype AG showed a higher level of openness compared to the control group with genotypes AG (p = 0.0001) and AA (p = 0.0125). The alcohol use disorder subjects with the AA genotype displayed higher levels of openness than the control group with genotype AG (p = 0.0271). However, the alcohol use disorder subjects with the AA genotype displayed lower levels of openness than the control group with genotype GG (p = 0.0212). Our study indicates that openness as a personality trait is correlated with the OPRM1 gene rs1074287 polymorphism in alcohol-dependent women. These are the first data and results exploring such a relationship between opioid and alcohol pathways and the mental construction of AUD women. Personality traits such as openness to experience and neuroticism might play major roles in the addiction mechanism, especially in genetically predisposed females, independent of the reward system involved in the emotional disturbances that coexist with anxiety and depression

    Suicidal behavior and haplotypes of the dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) and ANKK1 gene polymorphisms in patients with alcohol dependence--preliminary report.

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    Suicide is a significant public health issue and a major cause of death throughout the world. According to WHO it accounts for almost 2% of deaths worldwide. The etiology of suicidal behavior is complex but the results of many studies suggest that genetic determinants are of significant importance. In our study,--we have analyzed selected SNPs polymorphisms in the DRD2 and ANKK1 genes in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome (169 Caucasian subjects) including a subgroup of individuals (n = 61) who have experienced at least one suicide attempt. The aim of the study was to verify if various haplotypes of selected genes, comprising Taq1A, Taq1B, and Taq1D single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), play any role in the development of alcohol dependence and suicidal behavior. The control group comprised 157 unrelated individuals matched for ethnicity, gender,- and age and included no individuals with mental disorders. All subjects were recruited in the North West region of Poland. The study showed that alcohol dependent subjects with a history of at least one suicidal attempt were characterized by a significantly higher frequency of the T-G-A2 haplotype when compared to individuals in whom alcohol dependence was not associated with suicidal behavior (p = 0.006). It appears that studies based on identifying correlation between SNPs is the future for research on genetic risk factors that contribute to the development of alcohol addiction and other associated disorders. To sum up, there is a necessity to perform further research to explain dependencies between the dopaminergic system, alcohol use disorders and suicidal behavior

    Association of the rs3864283 Polymorphism Located in the <i>HINT1</i> Gene with Cigarette Use and Personality Traits

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    Nicotine is the major reinforcing component of tobacco and it is believed that the pharmacological effects of nicotine motivate the initiation and maintenance of a smoking habit. HINT1 appears to play a role in the modulation of the effects of drug abuse. Hence, the aim of this study was the analysis of the association between the rs3864283 polymorphism of the HINT1 gene and cigarette use; the analysis of personality traits assessed by the means of the NEO-FFI Inventory; the analysis of anxiety measured by the STAI questionnaire; and the analysis of the interactions between the rs3864283 and both personality traits and anxiety. The study group consisted of 522 volunteers. Of these, 371 were cigarette users and 151 were never-smokers. The genomic DNA was isolated from venous blood using standard procedures. The results of both inventories, i.e., NEO-FFI and STAI., were reported as the sten scores. Genotyping was conducted with the real-time PCR method. Statistically significant differences were found in the frequency of rs3864283 genotypes and alleles in the tested sample of Cigarette Users when compared to the control group. The Cigarette Users compared to the control group obtained higher scores in the assessment of NEO-FFI extraversion scale, and significantly lower results were obtained for the NEO-FFI openness scale, the agreeableness scale, and the conscientiousness scale. There was a statistically significant effect of rs3864283 genotype interaction and Cigarette Use or not using (control group) on the extraversion scale. There was also a statistically significant effect of Cigarette Users or the control group on the extraversion scale score. The results obtained in the presented study indicated a significant association between the HINT1 rs3864283 variant and smoking status. Moreover, this is the first study incorporating genetic association of above-mentioned polymorphic site with interaction analysis of personality traits and anxiety. Overall, the results of this study suggest that HINT1 is an important genetic component associated with nicotine usage mechanisms

    Associations Between the Dopamine D4 Receptor and DAT1 Dopamine Transporter Genes Polymorphisms and Personality Traits in Addicted Patients

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    Many factors are involved in addiction. The dopaminergic system is thought to be the key element in this process. The mesolimbic dopamine system is a crucial element in the reward system. Changes in this system are thought to be leading to substance use disorders and dependence. Therefore, for our study we chose an analysis of two polymorphisms in genes (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats in DRD4 and DAT1) responsible for dopaminergic transmission, which might be implicated in the scores of personality traits measured by the NEO-FFI test. The study group consisted of 600 male volunteers&mdash;299 addicted subjects and 301 controls. Both groups were recruited by psychiatrists; in the case group addiction was diagnosed; in the controls a mental illness was excluded. In both groups the same psychometric test and genotyping by the PCR VNTR method were performed. The results were investigated by a multivariate analysis of the main effects ANOVA. In the presented study no DRD4 main effects were found for any of the analyzed traits but the DRD4 main effects approximated to the statistical significance for the extraversion scale. However, no DAT1 main effects were found for any of the analyzed traits but the DAT1 main effects approximated to the statistical significance for the agreeability scale.These associations open new possibilities for addiction research

    Methylation in the Promoter Region of the Dopamine Transporter DAT1 Gene in People Addicted to Nicotine

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    The dopaminergic system is a crucial element of the addiction processes. The dopamine transporter modulates the dynamics and levels of released dopamine in the synaptic cleft. Therefore, regulation of dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene expression is critical for maintaining homeostasis in the dopaminergic system. The aim of our study is evaluation of the methylation status of 33 CpG islands located in the DAT1 gene promoter region related to nicotine dependency. We investigated 142 nicotine-dependent subjects and 238 controls. Our results show that as many as 14 of the 33 CpG islands tested had statistically significantly higher methylation in the nicotine-dependent group compared to the control group. After applying Bonferroni correction, the total number of methylation sites was also significantly higher in the dependent subjects group. The analysis of the methylation status of particular CpG sites revealed a new direction of research regarding the biological aspects of nicotine addiction