94 research outputs found


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    The major subjects of our paper are focus on the following subjects: thesupervision of the structural funds with reference to the money put at Romania’sdisposal for the development of tourism; the analysis of competitiveness in tourismthrough the 8 parameters presented; the analysis of the economic contribution ofTourism and Travels at the national scale, within the Satellite Account for Romania. Theconclusions of the paper will represent a support for analysis both in the case ofgovernors and of practitioners.tourism, accounting, audit, regional policy


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    This paper we seek to measure the fiscal influence over accounting on a de facto level,empirical analysis is being performed on companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)and RASDAQ market, on a sample of 210 companies. Our observation was conducted in the year2008, the variables taken in the analysis being sales as proxy for ââ¬Ëaccounting’ and income tax asmeasure for tax effects. The model we use is defined in a dynamic fashion (marginal values) sincewe believe these variables reflect the best the true variations of accounting and tax numbers.The statistical results obtained show that there is a statistically significant influence of taxationover accounting of 4%; we are not able, however, to say if this amount is large or small , insince we have no benchmark value yet. This is also the first empirical tax research paper inaccounting on Romanian data.accounting, taxation, income tax, listed companies, Romania

    Transnational capitalism in East Central Europe’s heavy industry. From flagship enterprises to subsidiaries

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record.Book Revie


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    Segment reporting in accordance with IFRS 8 will be mandatory for annual financial statements covering periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. The standards replaces IAS 14, Segment Reporting, from that date.The objective of IFRS 8 is to require: operating segments, reporting of financial information, reportable segments,chief operating decision maker (CODM


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    This study intends to be a first step into an attempt of measuring the earningsmanagement using an econometric model valid for the Romanian specificities by trying to establishthe level of significance of three acknowledged econometric models: Jones (1991), Dechow et al.(1995) and Kasznik (1999) on Romanian economic environment.Given the above mentioned premises, the study was conducted using the Romanian listedcompanies (active on the Bucharest Stock Exchange) selected by a main criteria: discrepancybetween reported cash flow and reported net income. Our analyses lead us to the conclusionrelated to the above mentioned issues that Jones model was found to be significant for Romanianeconomic environment in terms of applicability unlike Dechow and Kasznik models, thus it may befurther developed and applied to an extended database.earnings management, manipulation, cash flow


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    This paper analyzes the influence of the level of economic development as well as the level of taxation on insurance activity. To this purpose we reviewed the national and international literature and collected data on international level (for both year 2insurance, premiums, taxation, economic development

    Inside the Romanian communist economy: state planning, factory and manager

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    The aim of this research was to examine the main organisational and social characteristics of the Romanian industrial enterprise under communist rule. The research explored the complex relations between state planning bodies, enterprises, and the managers. The research’s approach was multi-disciplinary drawing on industrial management, economics, organisation studies sociology, and political science. The research had also a consistent trans-disciplinary character because it aimed to create an over-arching perspective on Romanian industrialisation process. The approach employed in this study was the one labelled by Burrell & Morgan interpretivist. This means that author’s set of assumptions over society and social research lies on the subjective side of the philosophy of science dimension, and is characterised by an integrationist view over society. The research methods employed were predominantly qualitative, based on interpretation of data collected using interviews and document analysis. The empirical research focused on the formation and key features of Romanian industrial enterprises, on the process of negotiation of the plan objectives between enterprises and central state structures, and on the analysis of the human resources processes of the enterprise. The empirical findings offer an in-depth perspective over the practices, mechanisms, and actors involved in the activity of the Romanian industrial enterprises for almost four decades. The findings also confirm the consistent potential of the interpretive approach to provide a better understanding of the way organisations work in a challenging environment as the communist regime was

    Simulation-Based Analyses and Improvements of the Smart Line Management System in Canned Beverage Industry:A Case Study in Europe

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    Canned water is one of the thriving markets in the food and beverage industry. Given the tight competition in this market, realistic analysis in such production lines has become even more attractive for all participating parties. In this paper, we apply a KPI-driven simulation-based approach to a smart production plant of a key player in the European beverage market. The project covers realistic discrete-event modeling and analysis of the system together with the suggested scenario-based optimization for performance improvement. Here, the smart line management system is modeled and re-coded while considering machine characteristics, failures, and their overall influence on the production process. Our proposed optimized scenario demonstrates noticeably better results in all performance indicators when compared to the existing state of the system. The total increment of the production speed reaches up to 45 percent, resource utilization is evenly optimal, and the overall work-in-progress inventory is reduced significantly

    Psychological Time: Interval Length Judgments and Subjective Passage of Time Judgments

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    Time perception encompasses different subjective time experiences, like: (1) interval length (duration) estimation, and (2) subjective passage of time judgments, defined as the perceived speed of time passage. This study aims to investigate and clarify the impact of task difficulty, temporal relevance and hedonic interest on both interval length judgments and subjective passage of time judgments. Another aim of the study is to investigate whether interval length judgments and subjective passage of time judgments are related. The results of the present study indicate that task difficulty and temporal relevance have a significant impact on interval length judgments. In terms of their interaction, the results show that when the task is simple, a high temporal relevance leads to interval length overestimates. Another major finding of this study was that subjective time passage judgments seem to be affected by the same factors as interval length estimation. In other words, results indicate that both temporal relevance and level of task difficulty have a significant impact on subjective time passage judgments. Also, we found a significant correlation between interval length judgments and subjective passage of time judgments, indicating that a longer interval estimate is associated with a slower perceived time passage.The results of the present study are discussed in terms of the attentional models of time perception.La perception du temps comprend : (1) la longueur perçue de l'intervalle, et (2) la vitesse perçue du temps (le passage subjectif du temps).Cette étude a pour objectif d’examiner et de clarifier l'impact de trois variables (la difficulté de la tâche, la pression du temps et l'intérêt sur la tache) sur la longueur perçue de l'intervalle et sur la vitesse perçue du temps. Un autre but de l'étude est d'examiner si la longueur de l'intervalle et la vitesse perçue du temps sont liées.Les résultats de la présente étude indiquent que la difficulté de la tâche et la pression du temps ont un impact significatif sur la longueur perçue de l'intervalle. En ce qui concerne leur interaction, les résultats montrent que lorsque la tâche est simple, une grande pression temporelle conduit à une surestimation de la longueur de l'intervalle. Un autre résultat important de cette étude est que la vitesse perçue du temps est affectée par les mêmes variables que la longueur perçue de l'intervalle. Les résultats indiquent que la pression du temps et la difficulté de la tâche ont un impact significatif sur la vitesse perçue du temps. Nous avons trouvé une corrélation significative entre la longueur perçue de l'intervalle et la vitesse perçue du temps.Les résultats de cette étude sont discutés en termes de modèles d'attention de la perception du temps

    Simulation and feasibility assessment of a green hydrogen supply chain:a case study in Oman

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    The transition to sustainable energy is crucial for mitigating climate change impacts. This study addresses this imperative by simulating a green hydrogen supply chain tailored for residential cooking in Oman. The supply chain encompasses solar energy production, underground storage, pipeline transportation, and residential application, aiming to curtail greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). The simulation results suggest leveraging a robust 7 GW solar plant. Oman achieves an impressive annual production of 9.78 TWh of green hydrogen, equivalent to 147,808 tonnes of H2, perfectly aligning with the ambitious goals of Oman Vision 2040. The overall LCOH for the green hydrogen supply chain is estimated at a highly competitive 6.826 USD/kg, demonstrating cost competitiveness when benchmarked against analogous studies. A sensitivity analysis highlights Oman’s potential for cost-effective investments in green hydrogen infrastructure, propelling the nation towards a sustainable energy future. This study not only addresses the pressing issue of reducing carbon emissions in the residential sector but also serves as a model for other regions pursuing sustainable energy transitions. The developed simulation models are publicly accessible at https://hychain.co.uk, providing a valuable resource for further research and development in the field of green hydrogen supply chains