16 research outputs found

    Effect of organic fertilizer and microbial inoculants on soil biological properties and yield of scented rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    A field experiment was conducted at Research farm of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (longitude 87o2’42”East and latitude 25o15?40? North at an altitude of 46 meters above mean sea level) with Katarni rice cv Bhagalpur Katarni during kharif season of 2017. The experiment with ten treatments was laid out in Randomized  block design (RBD)  with three  replications. Results revealed that among all the applied organic treatments the maximum microbial population viz., Bacteria, Actinomycetes, Fungi, Azospirillum, PSB and KSB (71.66, 27.33,  57.66, 43.66, 63.00 and 47.66 cfu × 105 g-1 oven dry soil) were recorded with the application of treatment T5 {(75 % N (FYM) basal + 25 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT + Azospirillum  @ 5 kg ha-1  + PSB @ 5 kg ha-1 + KSB @ 5 kg ha-1)} at panicle initiation stage  and similar trend were obtained at harvesting stage. Application of the same treatment significantly increased dehydrogenase activity by 81.62%, 10.80%, 24.86%, 15.66%, 17.83% and 18.91% when compared with application of T1 (RDF), T3 {(100 % N FYM) as basal)}, T7 {(100 % N (GM)}, T8 {(50 % N (GM) + 50 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT)}, T9 {(75 % N (GM) + 25 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT + Azospirillum @ 5 kg ha-1 + PSB @ 5 kg ha-1 + KSB @ 5 kg ha-1)} and  T10 {(75 % N (GM) + 25 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT + Panchagavya on foliar application )}, respectively. Among all organic treatments the maximum grain yield of paddy (27.39 q ha-1) was recorded in treatment T5 {(75 % N (FYM) basal + 25 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT + Azospirillum  @ 5 kg ha-1  + PSB @ 5 kg ha-1 + KSB @ 5 kg ha-1)}. Among all the organic inputs and microbial inoculants, the combined application of 75 % N (FYM) basal + 25 % N (V/C) at 25 DAT + Azospirillum @ 5 kg ha-1 + PSB @ 5 kg ha-1 + KSB @ 5 kg ha-1 was found to be effective in modifying the soil microbial population and microbial community structure and grain yield of scented rice

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    Not AvailableIn the present paper, time series data on rainfall, fertilizer consumption and food grain production have been analyzed and studied and food grain production have been modelled using structural time series modelling. It was found that both monsoon as well as annual rainfall was not following uniform distribution. Also, a decreasing trend in fertilizer response was observed. The structural time series model was fitted and the food grain production was forecasted using the fitted model. It was forecasted that in 2016, the total food grain production will be 266.66 million tones with 95 % confidence interval (244.99-288.33).Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMastitis disease being a threshold character in dairy cattle breeding, needs an in-depth study especially with regard to its inheritance. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) estimator method and a modified method given by Fleiss were applied to find the heritability of mastitis disease. The concept of intraclass correlation coefficients was used in calculating the heritability. The results obtained showed similarity with the results cited in literatures.Not Availabl

    A Pragmatic Study of Management of Grade 3 and Grade 4 Haemorrhoids

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    Introduction: The word ‘Hemorrhoids’ is derived from Greek word Haima (bleed) + Rhoos (flowering), means bleeding. Hemorrhoids consist of vascular cushions that are intimately involved in the maintenance of continence and discrimination between flatus and faeces. Material and Methods: It is a hospital based prospective observational study conducted at Department of Surgery at a Tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of 2 years from September 2018 to August 2020. Minimum 100 consecutive cases of Grade 3 and Grade 4 hemmorhoids were considered. A detailed history taking and a thorough clinical examination, which included digital rectal examination and proctoscopy was carried out after admission. Apart from routine preoperative investigations sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy were carried out if it was indicated. Results: There was a significant difference between the 3 groups in terms of Duration of Surgery (Minutes) (χ2 = 80.776, p = <0.001), with the median Duration of 76 minutes being highest in the Stapler group, next being with harmonic scalpel and then conventional hemorrhoidectomy in our study. There was a significant difference between the various groups in terms of distribution of intra-operative bleeding (χ2 = 175.460, p = <0.001). Participants in the Stapler group had the largest proportion of mild intra-operative bleeding. Participants in the Harmonic group had the largest proportion of moderate intra-operative bleeding. Participants in the Conventional group had the largest proportion of severe intra-operative bleeding. Conclusion: Amongst the three procedures, Stapled hemorrhoidectomy was superior to others as it has shown lower postoperative pain severity, less secondary bleeding, less urinary retention and led to earlier return to work in patients with hemorrhoids, based on telephone interviews over follow-up period

    Cytomorphology of lymphadenopathy on fine needle aspiration cytology: A retrospective study in a tertiary health center in Tribal District of Odisha

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    Introduction: FNAC is widely accepted the most accurate sensitive, specific, cost-effective minimally invasive OPD technique to establish the basic diagnostic information not only to relieve the anxiety of the patients but also to provide materials for microbial culture, and decrease unnecessary surgery from the visibly accessible superficial masses. It also distinguishes a benign from a malignant entity that can obtain tissue for immuno-phenotyping & molecular studies and obtain cellular & genetic material for storage also useful for staging and follow up including response to treatment in patients with known malignancies. Our study was conducted on 796 Outpatients including all age groups & sexes presenting with palpable enlarged lymph nodes not only for early diagnosis & treatment but also to reveal the burden of various categories of diseases in tribal areas where our institution is situated. Material & methods: FNAC was performed under aseptic precaution using a 22 to 24Gauge needle attached to a 20 CC syringe (disposable). The aspirated material after smearing was treated with 95% ethyl alcohol for fixation & stained with H& E and Papanicolaou stain & air-dried smears are stained with Leishman stain

    An Overview of Otorhinolaryngeal Problems in Geriatrics

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    Summary: Background: The increase of geriatric population, as well as their age-related problems, is of great concern for the society and for the governments all over the world and also in India. The main objectives were to overview and find the prevalence of Oto-rhino-laryngological problems in the geriatric population. Method: A prospective study of geriatric patients was undertaken in ENT & HNS Department, S.C.B Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, India, from November 2014 to August 2016.Inclusion criteria –The patients of age 60 yrs & above who attended ENT outpatient department were studied. Among 3563 patients studied, 363 patients were admitted. The patients were segregated according to sex (male/female), ages (60–64 yr group, 65–69 yr group, 70 yr & above), disease ratio, and prevalence of diseases, associated co-morbidities, and socio-economic aspects. Results: Total patients studied were 3563. The otological problems were being prevalent in geriatrics among study population (51.77%) in which presbycusis was the highest with 17.71% of total and 34.21% of otological problems. The problems related to nose were 13.03%, among which epistaxis was 4.98% of total and 37.60% of nasal problems. The neck and throat problems were 35.20%. The problems were more in males (63.65%) than in females (36.35%). Conclusion: The hearing loss is the most prevalent diagnosis amongst all otologic problems and epistaxis amongst nasal symptoms. The emergence of head & neck cancers among the geriatric population is a great concern in a developing country like India. Keywords: Oto-rhino-laryngological problems, geriatric population

    Role of USG for evaluation of axillary lymph node status in carcinoma breast

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer detected globally and leading cause of cancer related death in women. One of the other methods which can assess the status of the axillary lymph node is USG. Methods and Materials: This is a Hospital based Observational Study, Patients who are admitted in the Department of General surgery, PBMH, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar for Breast carcinoma during the period September 2018 to August 2020. A total of 70 patients will be selected after applying the following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results It was observed that, the clinical presentation of patients with carcinoma breast in this series were breast lump, nipple discharge and nipple retraction. Most common presentation was breast lump. All cases presented with lump in the breast, 5(7.14%) cases presented with lump with nipple discharge and 6(8.57%) cases presented with lump with nipple retraction. Tumor size was less than or equal to 2 cm (T1) in 24 (34.29%) cases, tumor size greater than 2 cm but less than or equal to 5 cm were in 46 (65.71%) cases and tumor size more than 5cm were 0 (100%) cases.&nbsp

    Role of USG for evaluation of axillary lymph node status in carcinoma breast

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer detected globally and leading cause of cancer related death in women. One of the other methods which can assess the status of the axillary lymph node is USG. Methods and Materials: This is a Hospital based Observational Study, Patients who are admitted in the Department of General surgery, PBMH, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar for Breast carcinoma during the period September 2018 to August 2020. A total of 70 patients will be selected after applying the following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results It was observed that, the clinical presentation of patients with carcinoma breast in this series were breast lump, nipple discharge and nipple retraction. Most common presentation was breast lump. All cases presented with lump in the breast, 5(7.14%) cases presented with lump with nipple discharge and 6(8.57%) cases presented with lump with nipple retraction. Tumor size was less than or equal to 2 cm (T1) in 24 (34.29%) cases, tumor size greater than 2 cm but less than or equal to 5 cm were in 46 (65.71%) cases and tumor size more than 5cm were 0 (100%) cases.&nbsp

    Effect of Foliar Feeding with Nutrients and Bioregulators on Yield and Quality Attributes of Litchi cv. Bombai

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    Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is considered one of the most important sub-tropical fruits of the world. In the western part of Odisha, India, litchi growers are facing problems of unstable and lower marketable yield and inferior quality due to a higher incidence of fruit cracking, fruit drop, low sugar content, and higher fruit acidity. Keeping in mind the positive effects of nutrients and bioregulators, the current study was conducted to elucidate their impact on fruit yield and quality in the farmers’ field of Jamankira block in Sambalpur district of Odisha, which is under the care of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, India. For this study, eight-year-old litchi trees were selected. With 12 treatments, the experiment was set up in a Randomized Block Design replicated thrice, as follows: T1: spray treatment with Borax—0.5%; T2: spray treatment with Borax—0.3%; T3: spray treatment with ZnSO4—0.75%; T4: spray treatment with ZnSO4—0.5%; T5: spray treatment with CaCl2—0.5%; T6: spray treatment with CaCl2—0.1%; T7: spray treatment with humic acid—1.5%; T8: spray treatment with humic acid—1%; T9: spray treatment with seaweed extract—0.5%; T10: spray treatment with seaweed extract—0.1%; T11: foliar spray with NAA—20 ppm; and T12: control (Water Spray). The current study compared foliar feeding treatments comprising different nutrient and bioregulators, which were applied during the first week of December, just after the completed formation of new leaves and the untreated control. The highest total number of fruits per plant was recorded in plants sprayed with 0.5% ZnSO4 (T4) followed by those treated with 1% humic acid (T8). The highest total fruit yield was recorded in plants subjected to foliar feeding with 0.3% Borax (T2) which was found to be statistically similar to plants treated with 0.1% seaweed extract (T10) and 0.5% seaweed extract (T9). Among the treatments, a better response, i.e., a higher number of marketable fruits and marketable yield, was recorded in litchi plants treated with 0.3% Borax (T2) followed by 0.5% zinc sulphate (T4), 1% humic acid (T8), and 0.1% CaCl2 (T6). The application of 1% humic acid (T8) followed by 1.5% humic acid (T9) enhanced fruit setting (%) and fruit retention rates (%) and reduced the fruit drop rate (%). The enhanced fruit size (fruit length and fruit width) and higher fruit weight was obtained in litchi plants treated with 0.3% Borax. The foliar application of 0.3% Borax (T2) also resulted in a higher TSS, total sugars, reducing sugar content, lower acidity, the highest aril weight, and lower seed weight in litchi cv. Bombai. In this research, among the five principal components, only PC1 demonstrated approximately 45.14% variability within the influential axes. PC1 contributed the highest proportion (48.9%) to the overall variability, followed by PC2 with 29.1%, PC3 with 11.9%, PC4 with 0.59%, and PC5 with 0.20%. Consequently, the outcomes of the principal component analysis indicate the presence of extensive variability among treatments