191 research outputs found

    Hot Water Treatment for Post-Harvest Disinfestation of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Its Effect on cv. Tommy Atkins Mango

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    Mango production and trade in sub-Saharan Africa is hampered by direct damage and the high quarantine status of B. dorsalis and the paucity of effective post-harvest phytosanitary treatments. The current study reports the development of a quarantine treatment protocol using hot water to disinfest B. dorsalis and assess its effect on cv. Tommy Atkins mango quality. We first determined the development of the eggs and all larval stages of B. dorsalis in cv. Tommy Atkins mango and used the information to establish a time–mortality relationship of the immature stages after subjecting infested fruits to a regimen of eight, time instances of hot water at 46.1◦ C. Using probit analysis, we estimated the minimum time required to achieve 99.9968% mortality of each stage. Our results indicate that the egg was the least heat tolerant, followed by the first, second, and third instar. The time required to achieve 99.9968% control of the third instar in cv. Tommy Atkins mango (400–600 g) was determined to be 72.63 min (95% Cl: 70.32–74.95). In the confirmatory trials, the hot water treatment schedule of 46.1◦ C/72.63 min was validated, and none of the 59,120 most heat-tolerant individuals treated survived. Further, there were no significant differences between hot water-treated and untreated mangoes recorded in weight loss, fruit firmness, pH, total soluble solids, moisture content, and titratable acidity eleven days post-treatment. These findings demonstrate an effectively optimum post-harvest disinfestation treatment against B. dorsalis in cv. Tommy Atkins mango that should be adopted commercially to facilitate access to profitable but strict export markets globally

    Efficacy of hot water treatment for postharvest control of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in French beans

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    Background: The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, is a quarantine pest of French beans that requires phytosanitary treatment to meet quarantine requirements for strict lucrative markets. In this study, the efficacy of hot water treatment against F. occidentalis eggs and its effects on the postharvest physicochemical quality parameters of French beans was evaluated. Results: The immersion time of 8.01 min (95% critical limits CL 7.77–8.24) was predicted by the probit model as the minimum time required to achieve a 99.9968% control level. Confirmatory tests with a large number of F. occidentalis eggs were performed to validate the estimated time to achieve probit-9 control level, and there were no survivors from the 50 103 eggs treated. Likewise, none of the 55 364 eggs exposed to 45 ± 0.2 °C for 7 min (observational time) survived. The effect of the treatment schedule on French beans quality parameters was assessed and there were no differences in weight loss, moisture content, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and reducing sugars between treated and untreated samples. Conclusion: Our results indicate that hot water treatment (at 45 ± 0.2 °C for a duration of 8.01 min is an effective phytosanitary treatment for the control of Frankliniella occidentalis on French beans, with no significant impact on pods quality. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry

    Optimizing Western Flower Thrips Management on French Beans by Combined Use of Beneficials and Imidacloprid

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    Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is an important pest of vegetable crops worldwide and has developed resistance to many insecticides. The predatory mites Neoseiulus (=Amblyseius) cucumeris (Oudemans), the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.), and an insecticide (imidacloprid) were tested for their efficacy to reduce WFT population density and damage to French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pods under field conditions in two planting periods. Metarhizium anisopliae was applied as a foliar spray weekly at a rate of one litre spray volume per plot while imidacloprid was applied as a soil drench every two weeks at a rate of two litres of a mixture of water and imidacloprid per m(2). Neoseiulus cucumeris was released every two weeks on plant foliage at a rate of three mites per plant. Single and combined treatment applications reduced WFT population density by at least three times and WFT damage to French bean pods by at least 1.7 times compared with untreated plots. The benefit-cost ratios in management of WFT were profitable with highest returns realized on imidacloprid treated plots. The results indicate that M. anisopliae, N. cucumeris, and imidacloprid have the potential for use in developing an integrated pest management program against WFT on French beans.BMZ/GIZ/07.7860.5-001.0

    Screening for attractants compatible with entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae for use in thrips management

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    Several thrips attractants were screened for compatibility with Metarhizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) and a subset of these for attraction to Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom  (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Conidial germination and germ tube length of M. anisopliae were used as  indicators of its compatibility with thrips attractant. Conidial germination and germ tube length differed significantly according to volatiles of different attractants. The highest conidial germination (76.5±3.5%) and longest germ tube length (130.3±13.4 μm) were recorded in the control, followed by methyl anthranilate (63.8±3.8%; 103.8±8.4 μm), cis-jasmone (61.8±5.9%; 93.8±14.4 μm) and  transcaryophyllene (57.7±6.5%; 96.3±15.5 μm) which were found compatible with M. anisopliae. A  Pearson correlation test indicated a significant positive correlation between conidial germination and germ tube length (r =0.6; P<0.0001). The attraction of M. sjostedti to selected thrips attractant also varied significantly among the attractants. Under field conditions, methyl anthranilate was equally attractive to M. sjostedi as Lurem-TR and could be recommended as a thrips attractant that can be combined with M. anisopliae in autoinoculation devices for potential control of M. sjostedti.Key words: Semiochemicals, conidial germination, germ tube length, Megalurothrips sjostedti, attraction,persistence, field

    Temperature-dependent phenology of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae): Simulation and visualization of current and future distributions along the Eastern Afromontane

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    There is a scarcity of laboratory and field-based results showing the movement of the diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella (L.) across a spatial scale. We studied the population growth of the diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella (L.) under six constant temperatures, to understand and predict population changes along altitudinal gradients and under climate change scenarios. Non-linear functions were fitted to continuously model DBM development, mortality, longevity and oviposition. We compiled the best-fitted functions for each life stage to yield a phenology model, which we stochastically simulated to estimate the life table parameters. Three temperature-dependent indices (establishment, generation and activity) were derived from a logistic population growth model and then coupled to collected current (2013) and downscaled temperature data from AFRICLIM (2055) for geospatial mapping. To measure and predict the impacts of temperature change on the pest's biology, we mapped the indices along the altitudinal gradients of Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) and Taita Hills (Kenya) and assessed the differences between 2013 and 2055 climate scenarios. The optimal temperatures for development of DBM were 32.5, 33.5 and 33ÊC for eggs, larvae and pupae, respectively. Mortality rates increased due to extreme temperatures to 53.3, 70.0 and 52.4% for egg, larvae and pupae, respectively. The net reproduction rate reached a peak of 87.4 female offspring/female/generation at 20ÊC. Spatial simulations indicated that survival and establishment of DBM increased with a decrease in temperature, from low to high altitude. However, we observed a higher number of DBM generations at low altitude. The model predicted DBM population growth reduction in the low and medium altitudes by 2055. At higher altitude, it predicted an increase in the level of suitability for establishment with a decrease in the number of generations per year. If climate change occurs as per the selected scenario, DBM infestation may reduce in the selected region. The study highlights the need to validate these predictions with other interacting factors such as cropping practices, host plants and natural enemies.Peer reviewe

    In situ nitrogen mineralization and nutrient release by soil amended with black soldier fly frass fertilizer

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    Black soldier fly frass fertilizer (BSFFF) is effective on crop performance, but information on nitrogen mineralization and nutrient release capacity of soils amended with BSFFF is lacking. This study utilized field incubation experiments to investigate the ammonification, nitrification, microbial populations, and quantities of nutrients released by soils amended with BSFFF and commercial organic fertilizer (SAFI) for a period equivalent to two maize cropping seasons. The paper provides a detailed breakdown and analysis of results. BSFFF has a high potential to supply adequate nutrients for optimal crop production. Higher population of soil bacteria and fungi underline its potential for improving biological soil fertility.Norwegian Agency for Development CooperationNetherlands Organization for Scientific ResearchWOTRO Science for Global Development (NWO-WOTRO)Rockefeller Foundatio

    Soil legacies in maize-edible legume intercropping alter maize growth and reduce Spodoptera frugiperda larval feeding

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.Plant-soil feedback can influence aboveground interactions between plants and herbivores by affecting plant chemistry. Such interactions can be utilized in pest management. However, cropping systems such as maize-legume intercropping (MLI) can influence these interactions which is not well understood. In this study, we explored effects of MLI systems on soil physico-chemical properties, maize growth, larval feeding and development of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). We used sterile soil and soil conditioned by different MLI and maize-monoculture cropping systems to explore these interactions. Soil samples that included soil conditioned by different MLI and maizemonoculture cropping systems were collected from smallholder farmer fields in eastern Kenya, where different MLI and maize-monoculture cropping systems were being practiced. These soil samples were compared with sterile soils for physico-chemical properties using black oxidation and Walkley methods. Threeweeks- old maize plants grown in the different soil treatments in the greenhouse were used for larval feeding and development assays. Neonate S. frugiperda larvae were allowed to feed on maize leaf discs for 24 hours and another set of plants were inoculated with the neonates for 15 days and the larval survival and development monitored. Soil obtained from different maize-edible legume intercropping systems had a higher pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, organic carbon, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, exchangeable acidity, copper, clay and silt compared to maize-monoculture and sterile soil. Maize plants grown in MLI soil had better growth parameters compared to those in maize-monoculture and sterile soils. A high correlation was found between pH and plant biomass, while no significant correlation with other physico-chemical properties was noted. There were significant differences in larval feeding by S. frugiperda neonates when exposed to constitutive and induced maize leaf discs with more leaf tissue fed on maize grown in maize-monoculture and sterile soil. When allowed to feed for 15 days, S. frugiperda larval weight and length were significantly lower on maize plants grown in soils conditioned by MLI than those grown in soil conditioned by maize-monoculture and sterile soils. Findings from this study show how conditioning soil by MLI systems improve soil health, maize growth and reduces S. spodoptera larval feeding and development.Integrated pest management strategy to counter the threat of invasive FAW to food security in eastern Africa financed by European Union, IKEA Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)-In-Region Postgraduate Scholarship through the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science (ARPPIS).https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/agronomyam2024Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Zoology and EntomologySDG-02:Zero HungerSDG-15:Life on lan

    Insights in the global genetics and gut microbiome of black soldier fly, hermetia illucens : implications for animal feed safety control

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    This study delineates genetic variability and unravels gut microbiome complex of wild-collected and domesticated BSF populations from six continents using mitochondrial COI gene and 16S metagenomics. Alpha-diversity showed that the Kenyan and Thailand populations had the highest and lowest microbe diversity, respectively; while microbial diversity assessed through Bray Curtis distance showed United States (Maysville) and Netherlands populations to be the most dissimilar. The 16S data depicted larval gut bacterial families with economically important genera that might pose health risks to both animals and humans. To minimize risk of pathogen contamination along the insect-based feed value chain, this study recommends pre-treatment of feedstocks.Netherlands Organization for Scientific ResearchWOTRO Science for Global Development (NWO-WOTRO)Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)Rockefeller Foundatio
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