167 research outputs found

    Elements of Public Security

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    Javna bezbednost u sistemskom smislu obuhvata njeno okruženje (uzročnoposledične relacije sa drugim sistemima itd), funkciju (ciljeve poslove, zadatke itd) i strukture (ljude, sredstva, njihovu međusobnu povezanost itd). To znači da se javna bezbednost može shvatati kao stanje (sa aspekta okruženja), skup najrazličitijih poslova koji se obavljaju s istim ciljem. (sa aspekta funkcije), odnosno kao organizacija u užem smislu (sa aspekta strukture). Na još nižem nivou opštosti, u elemente javne bezbednosti koji se nalaze u odnosu međusobne uslovljenosti i zavisnosti ubrajamo: ciljeve, kadrove, materijalno-tehnička sredstva, unutrašnju strukturu, kao i pravni status. Ovaj rad je posvećen identifikaciji osnovnih obeležja (imanentnih svojstava) svakog od navedenih elemenata javne bezbednosti, donekle i njihove međusobne povezanosti.Public Security regarded as a system comprises its surroundings (cause and effect relations with other systems, etc), function (aims, јobs, tasks, etc.) and structures (people, means, their interconnectedness, etc.). This means that public security can be understood as a state (from the aspect of surroundings), a set of very different jobs performed to the same effect (from the point of view of function), or as an organization in its narrow meaning (from the struclural point of view). Оn an even lower level of the general aspect, among the elements of public security that are mutually conditioning and dependable we can include the following: aims, personnel, material and technical means, inlernal structure, and legal status. This paper is dedicated to identifying main distinguishing features (immanent qualities) of each of the mentioned public security elements and their interconnectedness, to a certain degree

    Career development of police officers in the Republic of Serbia

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    The paper specifies the career development of police officers in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (MoI RS). In this regard, this document covers the following issues: 1) defining employment conditions for admission in MoI RS, 2) the classification of jobs in the MoI RS (includes the determination of equivalent organizational units and equivalent jobs in the MoI RS movement in the career of police officers) 3) requirements for promotion to the higher rank within the same immediate and senior management levels (including the requirements of the internal competition for attending appropriate managerial level training, as well as the conditions of internal competition to fill the vacant managerial positions and ranking of the candidates, and 4) the key selection and training as a condition for promotion and transfer of police officers. In addition, the focus of this document is on explaining the idea that career advancement is based on rank / profession as a condition for attending training for the managers of the appropriate level and applying for appropriate job positions. In addition, considerable attention is dedicated to the tabular modeling of police officer career. All of the above mentioned regarding career development of police officers, MoI RS, is subject to the current Law of the police and secondary legislation which defines its individual provisions. Some attention of this document is devoted to transitional arrangements for the implementation of the career development of police officers, MoI RS

    Elements of Public Security

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    Javna bezbednost u sistemskom smislu obuhvata njeno okruženje (uzročnoposledične relacije sa drugim sistemima itd), funkciju (ciljeve poslove, zadatke itd) i strukture (ljude, sredstva, njihovu međusobnu povezanost itd). To znači da se javna bezbednost može shvatati kao stanje (sa aspekta okruženja), skup najrazličitijih poslova koji se obavljaju s istim ciljem. (sa aspekta funkcije), odnosno kao organizacija u užem smislu (sa aspekta strukture). Na još nižem nivou opštosti, u elemente javne bezbednosti koji se nalaze u odnosu međusobne uslovljenosti i zavisnosti ubrajamo: ciljeve, kadrove, materijalno-tehnička sredstva, unutrašnju strukturu, kao i pravni status. Ovaj rad je posvećen identifikaciji osnovnih obeležja (imanentnih svojstava) svakog od navedenih elemenata javne bezbednosti, donekle i njihove međusobne povezanosti.Public Security regarded as a system comprises its surroundings (cause and effect relations with other systems, etc), function (aims, јobs, tasks, etc.) and structures (people, means, their interconnectedness, etc.). This means that public security can be understood as a state (from the aspect of surroundings), a set of very different jobs performed to the same effect (from the point of view of function), or as an organization in its narrow meaning (from the struclural point of view). Оn an even lower level of the general aspect, among the elements of public security that are mutually conditioning and dependable we can include the following: aims, personnel, material and technical means, inlernal structure, and legal status. This paper is dedicated to identifying main distinguishing features (immanent qualities) of each of the mentioned public security elements and their interconnectedness, to a certain degree

    Istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja u oblasti bezbednosti

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    A shortfall of much theoretical knowledge is its being unsystematic. The said deficiency can be removed by classifying such knowledge, and a prerequisite for that is to project, organize, and implement the classifying matter. However, for the research of the classifying matter in the area of security to be projected, organized, and implemented, it is necessary to successfully resolve many problems, primarily of methodological nature. In this connection, the paper suggests ways of resolving these and similar problems.Nedostatak mnogih teorijskih znanja predstavlja njihova nesistematičnost. Navedeni nedostatak se otklanja svrstavanjem takvih znanja, za šta je preduslov projektovanje, organizovanje i realizovanje istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja. Međutim, da bi se istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja u oblasti bezbednosti projektovala, organizovala i realizovala, potrebno je uspešno rešavanje brojnih problema, pre svega, metodološke prirode. U vezi s tim, preporučuju se načini rešavanja tih problema i sličnih

    Complexity concepts as factor in decision-making about special security tasks

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    Jedno od osnovnih svojstava posebnih bezbednosnih problema, ali i zadataka kojima se oni rešavaju predstavlja složenost. U zavisnosti od osnovih obeležja složenosti posebnih bezbednosnih problema i zadataka, kao odgovora na njih, primenjuju se odgovarajuće koncepcije složenosti. Radi se o logičkoj, teoretsko-informacionoj, algoritamskoj, teoretsko-množinskoj i statističkoj koncepciji. U zavisnosti od primenjene koncepcije složenosti varira struktura procesa odlučivanja o načinu angažovanja snaga određenih za rešavanje konkretnog posebnog bezbednosnog problema, kao i ishodi tog procesa. S tim u vezi, postavlja se pitanje posledica izbora odredjenje koncepcije složenosti na proces i ishod odlučivanja u uslovima rešavanja posebnih bezbednosnih problema. Značaj odgovora na ovo pitanje je u pravilnom shvatanju koncepcija složenosti i njihovog uticaja na odlučivanje povodom rešavanja posebnih bezbednosnih problema. Odgovorom na ta pitanja olakšaće se edukacija u oblasti bezbednosnog menadžmenta s jedne strane i primena stečenih znanja u toj oblasti, s druge strane.One of the basic characteristics of special security problems, as well as the tasks with which they are solved is their complexity. Depending on the basic characteristics of the complexity of special security problems and tasks, as responses to them, adequate complexity concepts are implemented. This refers to logical,theoretical-information, algorithm, theoretically multiple and statistical concept. Depending on the implemented complexity concept, the structure of the decision-making process varies regarding the method of engaging the forces determined for the solving of concrete special security problem, as well as the outcomes of this process. Thus, there is the question about the consequences of the selection of certain complexity concepts for the process and outcome of decision-making in the conditions of solving special security problems. The significance of the answer to this question is in proper understanding of the concepts of complexity and their influence on the decision-making regarding solving of special security problems. The answer to this question will facilitate the education in the field of security management on the one hand and implementation of the acquired knowledge in this field, on the other hand.Book of papers / 4th International Conference "Crisis management days", 25 - 26 May 2011, Velika Gorica, Croati

    Optimizacija formiranja varijanti izvoženja savremenih operacija u zavisnosti od primene nesmrtonosnih oruđa

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    One of the main features of peacekeeping, humanitarian, counter-terrorist and other kinds of contemporary operations is a high level of uncertainty understood as possibility of surprise. The increase in uncertainty in the course of the listed operations is particularly prompted by the circumstances in which these are prepared and carried out. Among these, the following call for special attention: (1) predominance of lethal weapons in the arsenals of defence and security forces and the consequences of their use, (2) undefined situation, especially in urban settings (the fact that adversaries terrorists, criminals are interspersed with innocent citizens, etc., (3) lack of experience on the part of counter-terrorist troops (due to the fact that they must be young in order to comply with health requirements for these units), which increases the possibility of errors in estimating situation decision-making, and response to provocation, attack and other challenges (4) the consequences of these errors may cause permanent damage of life and health of innocent citizens, persons against whom force has been used engaged troops, facilities and environment, (5) adverse effect of these damages on the mandate of engaged troops, since the public tends to sympathize with the victims of the use force on the part of peacekeeping humanitarian and counter-terrorist forces, which could eventually lead to (6) a higher probability of crisis escalation. The uncertain effects of the use of lethal weapons in the course of contemporary operations that endanger the listed, as well as other values, can be diminished or avoided by the use of non-lethal weapons.Jedno od osnovnih obeležja mirovnih, humanitarnih, protivterorističkih i ostalih vrsta savremenih operacija predstavlja visok stepen neizvesnosti shvaćen kao verovatnoća nastanka iznenađenja. Rastu neizvesnosti tokom navedenih operacija, posebno doprinose uslovi u kojima se one pripremaju i izvode. Među njima posebnu pažnju zaslužuju: (1) dominiranje smrtonosnih oružja u naoružanju odbrambenih i bezbednosnih snaga i posledice koje se njima izazivaju, (2) nejasnost situacije, posebno u urbanim sredinama (što se ispoljava mešanjem protivnika (terorista, kriminalaca) sa nedužnim građanima itd), (3) neiskustvo pripadnika protivterorističkih jedinica (usled njihove mladosti, koja je preduslov ispunjenja zdravstvenih kriterijuma za rad u tim jedinicama), zbog čega je prisutna velika verovatnoća nastanka grešaka u njihovom procenjivanju situacije, odlučivanju i reagovanju na provokacije, napade na njih i druge izazove, (4) posledice tih grešaka mogu izazvati trajne štete po život i zdravlje nedužnih građana, lica protiv kojih se koriste sredstva prinude (protivnika), pripadnika angažovanih snaga, funkcionisanje materijalnih dobara i stanje njihovog okruženja (u ekološkom smislu), (5) nespojivost navedenih šteta sa mandatom angažovanih snaga i to u svesti populacije koja se identifikuje sa žrtvama angažovanja mirovnih, humanitarnih protivterorističkih i drugih snaga, što u krajnjem može prouzrokovati (6) veliku verovatnoću eskalacije kriza. Neizvesnosti upotrebe smrtonosnog oružja tokom savremenih operacija, kojima su u datim uslovima izložene navedene, ali i ostale vrednosti, mogu se umanjiti, odnosno izbeći predviđanjem primene i korišćenjem nesmrtonosnih oružja

    Istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja u oblasti bezbednosti

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    A shortfall of much theoretical knowledge is its being unsystematic. The said deficiency can be removed by classifying such knowledge, and a prerequisite for that is to project, organize, and implement the classifying matter. However, for the research of the classifying matter in the area of security to be projected, organized, and implemented, it is necessary to successfully resolve many problems, primarily of methodological nature. In this connection, the paper suggests ways of resolving these and similar problems.Nedostatak mnogih teorijskih znanja predstavlja njihova nesistematičnost. Navedeni nedostatak se otklanja svrstavanjem takvih znanja, za šta je preduslov projektovanje, organizovanje i realizovanje istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja. Međutim, da bi se istraživanja svrstavajućeg sadržaja u oblasti bezbednosti projektovala, organizovala i realizovala, potrebno je uspešno rešavanje brojnih problema, pre svega, metodološke prirode. U vezi s tim, preporučuju se načini rešavanja tih problema i sličnih