7 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Konseptual Model Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia Menuju Kemandirian UMKM di Kota Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah model strategi peningkatan sumber daya manusia menuju kemandirian UMKM di Kota Palangka Raya dalam mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa hasil wawancara dengan beberapa pihak seperti akademisi, perkumpulan UMKM, pelaku UMKM dan dinas terkait. Hasil penelitian akan dilakukan dengan metode SSM (soft system methodology). Dalam laporan kemajuan ini tahap penelitian sudah melakukan 4 tahap. Tahap 1 - Situation Considered Problematic (Unstructured Situation). Tahap 2 - Problem Situation Expressed. Tahap 3- Root Definitions of Relevant Systems. Dan Tahap 4. Building Conceptual Model. Kesimpulan Dari hasil analisa sementara psampai pada tahap keempat metode SSM dalam pengembangan SDM UMKM di Kota Palangka Raya adalah terdapat 4 variabel utama yang dapat dipetakan dalam menyusun konsep pengembangan SDM bagi UMKM di Kota Palangka Raya yaitu kemampuan teknikal, kemampuan manajerial, kemampuan tata Kelola dan layanan, serta kemampuan wirausaha. Pengembangan SDM perlu melibatkan berbagai macam pihak mulai dari pemerintah sebagai regulator kebijakan, pihak perbankan, industry hingga pelaku UMKM itu sendir

    Sustainable Development Goals: Strategy for Increasing Human Resources Towards the Independence of MSMEs

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    Objective - This research was conducted to design a strategy model for increasing human resources towards the independence of MSMEs in Palangka Raya City in realizing Sustainable Development Goals. Design/Methodology/Approach - The method that will be used in this research is the soft system methodology (SSM). This method is almost the same as other systems approaches, where the essence of SSM is to provide a comparison between the real situation in the implementation of MSMEs and a model designed to represent the world itself. Research findings - based analysis, it is known that relevant human resource development in improving the development of MSMEs in Palangka Raya City includes business protection, business policies, business operational systems, business administration, ability to innovate, ability to identify opportunities, which can be done with openness and participatory and able to look for opportunities to anticipate change. Implications –The government needs to support the provision of infrastructure and learning instruments in the form of instructions and regulations, and the involvement of industry and the private sector needs to be encouraged to contribute through the provision of capital and business assistance

    The potential for developing a sustainable fishing sector in Sukamara

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    This research explores the potential of a sustainable fisheries sector in Sukamara Regency, Central Kalimantan, which is rich in fisheries resources, both freshwater and marine. This study identified the potential for freshwater fish production of 10,000 tons annually and marine fish of 8,000 tons yearly, with superior species such as snakehead fish, baung, catfish, snapper, grouper, and tuna. Although the fishing sector has an essential role in the local economy, unsustainable fishing practices have led to overfishing, environmental degradation, infrastructure problems, and limited technological knowledge. This research emphasizes the importance of sustainable fisheries practices through ecosystem-based management, the use of environmentally friendly technology, and education and training programs to increase the capacity of fishermen. The economic impact shows an increase in the average income of fishermen by 25%, while the social impact includes an increase in the welfare of coastal communities by 20%. Environmental impacts include the restoration of mangrove and coral reef ecosystems with increased area and cover of live coral. The main challenges include overfishing, environmental degradation, lack of infrastructure, and limited technological knowledge. Proposed strategies to overcome these challenges include strengthening policies and regulations, improving infrastructure, education and training, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and research and development. By implementing this strategy, the potential of the sustainable fisheries sector in Sukamara can be optimized, providing significant economic, social, and environmental benefits and becoming a model for other regions in sustainable natural resource management

    Analysis of Economic Growth and Poverty Rate in Central Kalimantan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose - This study aims to analyze the direct and indirect influence of GRDP PerCapita, High School Participation Rate, Labor Force Participation Rate, andPercentage of Population with Access to Clean Water on Poverty Rate throughEconomic Growth in Central Kalimantan during the 2017-2020 period.Design/methodology/approach - Data analysis using the Path Analysis model.Findings - The results of the study show that: 1) Per Capita GRDP, labor forceparticipation rate, and percentage of the population with access to clean water havea direct positive and significant influence on economic growth in CentralKalimantan. 2). Per Capita GRDP, high school participation rate, labor force participation rate, and percentage of the population with access to clean water havea direct positive and significant influence on the poverty rate in CentralKalimantan. 3). Economic growth has a direct positive and significant influence onthe poverty rate in Central Kalimantan. 4) Per Capita GRDP, High SchoolParticipation Rate, Labor Force Participation Rate, and Percentage of Populationwith Access to Clean Water have an indirect and significant influence on the PovertyRate through Economic Growth in Central Kalimantan

    Pelatihan Pertanian Organik dan Pembuatan Eco-Ezyim Serta Biopestisida : Solusi Mengatasi Dampak Karhutla

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tumbang Tahai, Kecamatan Bukit Batu.  Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kelompok tani yang menginginkan tentang pertanian organik, karena sebagian masyarakatnya berkeinginan terbentuknya kelompok pertanian organik.  Tahapan pelaksanaan diawali dengan ceramah dan diskusi tentang pertanian organik, pelatihan pembuatan eco-enzim, pelatihan pembuatan biopestisida PGPR, dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan cara aplikasi pupuk organik kompos dan PGPR pada tanaman mentimun mitra.  Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakatnya dapat terselenggara dengan lancar, mendapat respon positif dan mitra sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini.Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tumbang Tahai, Kecamatan Bukit Batu.  Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kelompok tani yang menginginkan tentang pertanian organik, karena sebagian masyarakatnya berkeinginan terbentuknya kelompok pertanian organik.  Tahapan pelaksanaan diawali dengan ceramah dan diskusi tentang pertanian organik, pelatihan pembuatan eco-enzim, pelatihan pembuatan biopestisida PGPR, dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan cara aplikasi pupuk organik kompos dan PGPR pada tanaman mentimun mitra.  Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakatnya dapat terselenggara dengan lancar, mendapat respon positif dan mitra sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini

    Ramadhan dan pertumbuhan Ekonomi Umat

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    Pola ekonomi dibulan ramadan ini juga berdampak signifikan pada aspek ekonomi umat, khususnya ekonomi muslim. Karena banyak produk halal yang dipasarkan oleh berbagai produsen guna menunjang keperluan masyarakat dibulan puasa. Seperti kurma, madu, susu dan yang laianya. Yang secara tidak langsung memberi suntikan modal yang terus berputar dalam upaya kegiatan ekonomi kerakyatan, khususnya ekonomi umat dan kerakyatan

    Analisis Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Kota Palangka Raya

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    This study uses statistical analysis and trends to see the development of the Degree of Fiscal Decentralization, Ratio of Regional Original Income to Total Regional Revenue, Degree of Fiscal Autonomy and Regional Fiscal Capacity of Palangka Raya City during the period 2008-2017 showing positive developments. Meanwhile, for the degree of Fiscal Decentralization, the Ratio between Tax and Non-Tax Revenue Sharing, the Contribution of Regional Assistance to Total Regional Revenue and Fiscal Needs for the City of Palangka Raya for the period 2008-2017 showed negative results. This situation shows that the regional financial capacity of Palangka Raya City in supporting development independently tends to be lacking