555 research outputs found

    Making seismology accessible to the public in Nepal: an earthquake location tutorial for education purposes

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    Earthquakes become a hot topic for discussion in Nepali communities when a big local event happens. Beyond the seismic monitoring and research, efforts to improve the population’s preparedness or to reduce earthquake related risks are limited, and there is a gap between scientific community and society. To establish the missing link between seismology and citizens we have initiated an educational approach called Seismology at School in Nepal and a total of 30 low-cost seismometers have been installed in schools. The program is engaging the public on earthquake related activities and found to be effective in raising the awareness levels of children, promoting broader earthquake learning in the community, thus improving the adaptive capacities and preparedness for future earthquakes. The aim of this work is to present a simple tutorial of earthquake location mainly for Nepali citizens and school teachers. We describe procedures for computing an earthquake epicenter using an open and user-friendly software, Seisgram2K. This tutorial helps the public to have first-order information on earthquakes, by allowing to locate epicenters, which will increase the frequency of earthquake discussion in the community. Open seismic data and the earthquake location tutorial helps to inspire the next generation to study Earth sciences, which is very important and required for earthquake prone countries, like Nepal


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     Objective: Generation of reactive oxygen species and other oxidants as an outcome of aerobic respiration has been well documented. During boosted muscular activities/exercise, there is an increase in the rate of respiration and subsequent generation of oxidants; for which, organisms possess various defense systems. There is, however, paucity of reports on the effect of forced exercise in Drosophila melanogaster.Methods: The present investigation reports a method for inducing forced exercise, the tap stress,†in D. melanogaster. This method takes advantage of the natural tendency of Drosophila flies to climb/fly upward in a cylindrical tube. Simplicity of assembly, ease of experimentation and cost effectiveness are some of the key advantages of this method. Tap stress has been assumed to manifest through the generation of oxidative stress, thus, parameters indicative of oxidative stress have been evaluated.Results: The results indicate that tap stress induces oxidative stress mainly by influencing the non-catalytic components; total reduced glutathione (GSH), GSH: oxidized glutathione ratio, and free radical scavenging capacity. The catalytic components (superoxide dismutase, and catalase), on the contrary, remain largely unaffected. Abhrak bhasma (AB) influences total GSH content with an increase by about 38±21%, while flies on control diet register a decrease in total GSH content by 34±7% during tap stress. Feeding flies on AB, specifically, show a prominent increase in the transcription levels of cap n†collar C, heat shock protein 70 and catalase genes (>1.5 fold).Conclusion: Overall, dietary supplement of AB and ascorbic acid benefits Drosophila flies in the management of oxidative stress induced through tap stress.Â

    Realization of random-field dipolar Ising ferromagnetism in a molecular magnet

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    The longitudinal magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of the molecular magnet Mn12_{12}-acetate obeys a Curie-Weiss law, indicating a transition to a ferromagnetic phase due to dipolar interactions. With increasing magnetic field applied transverse to the easy axis, the transition temperature decreases considerably more rapidly than predicted by mean field theory to a T=0 quantum critical point. Our results are consistent with an effective Hamiltonian for a random-field Ising ferromagnet in a transverse field, where the randomness is induced by an external field applied to Mn12_{12}-acetate crystals that are known to have an intrinsic distribution of locally tilted magnetic easy axes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluation of Onion Genotypes for Growth and Bulb Yield in Mid Hill of Nepal

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    Experiments were conducted at Horticulture Research Division (HRD), Khumaltar, Lalitpur; and Horticulture Research Station (HRS), Kimugaun, Dailekh in 2017/18 to evaluate the high yielding open pollinated genotypes of onion in mid hills of both locations.  Five onion genotypes namely AVON-1016, AVON-1027, AVON-1028, AVON-1052, AVON-1074 and AVON-1103 received from Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre were evaluated with local check variety and recommended variety Red Creole in both locations in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The main objective of the experiment is to findout the high yielding open pollinated onion genotypes for mid hill condition.The pooled analysis of data over locations showed significant differences on plant height, neck diameter, bulb diameter, weight of bulbs and adjusted bulb yield per hectare.   Introduced genotypes AVON 1027 (38.83 t/ha), AVON 1052 (31.97 t/ha) and AVON 1028 (31.48 t/ha) produced significantly higher yield than recommended and commercially cultivated check variety Red Creole (27.04 t/ha). Therefore the genotype AVON 1027 can be selected as the best genotype for growing in mid hills of Nepa

    Experimental determination of the Weiss temperature of Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH

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    We report measurements of the susceptibility in the temperature range from 3.53.5 K to 6.06.0 K of a series of Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH samples in the shape of rectangular prisms of length lcl_c and square cross-section of side lal_a. The susceptibility obeys a Curie-Weiss Law, χ=C/(Tθ)\chi=C/(T-\theta), where θ\theta varies systematically with sample aspect ratio. Using published demagnetization factors, we obtain θ\theta for an infinitely long sample corresponding to intrinsic ordering temperatures Tc0.85T_c \approx 0.85 K and 0.74\approx 0.74 K for Mn12_{12}-ac and Mn12_{12}-ac-MeOH, respectively. The difference in TcT_c for two materials that have nearly identical unit cell volumes and lattice constant ratios suggests that, in addition to dipolar interactions, there is a non-dipolar (exchange) contribution to the Weiss temperature that differs in the two materials because of the difference in ligand molecules.Comment: 4.5 page

    Onset of a Propagating Self-Sustained Spin Reversal Front in a Magnetic System

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    The energy released in a magnetic material by reversing spins as they relax toward equilibrium can lead to a dynamical instability that ignites self-sustained rapid relaxation along a deflagration front that propagates at a constant subsonic speed. Using a trigger heat pulse and transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields, we investigate and control the crossover between thermally driven magnetic relaxation and magnetic deflagration in single crystals of Mn 12 -acetate