22 research outputs found

    Innovation in Cultural Sector - Definition and Typology

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    The article addresses the issue of innovative activities in the cultural sector as a key driver of change. This article examines how innovation can be defined and categorized in the cultural sector. It focuses on innovation typologies giving special attention to the existing statistical framework of cultural activities and to guidelines for innovation data collection in their interconnection, as well as to the phenomena of ‘soft’ and ‘hidden’ innovation. An attempt is also made to extend the term ‘innovation’ beyond the traditional understanding in a way that it reflects the specificity of the cultural sector

    Allogeneic Transplantation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) for Acute Leukemia in Children. Review of literature and experience of single center in Russia

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    The indications for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in pediatric leukemias continually change with the risk-stratification-based treatment improvement. Achieving the minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity before transplantation, using RSI when it’s appropriate, accurate management of post-transplant complications and GVHD are the factors of improving transplantation outcomes. Graft engineering methods are being worldwide investigated also to make HSCT more effective and less toxic, but still there is no gold standard of graft. Use of haploidentical grafts from relatives is a quick and cost-effective option of anti-leukemic efficacy achievement. Upon our experience in Russian Cancer Center, we believe that differentiated diagnosis-based approach to conditioning regimens in haplo-HSCT setting along with maintaining the manageable level of chronic GVHD could provide positive results in pediatric patients with prognostically the most unfavorable leukemias

    Control of structurization processes in wood-cement systems at fixed pH

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    The paper presents a study of structurization processes in the wood-cement systemmixed with the buffer solutions and the improvement of service properties of products produced therefrom. Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and pH measurements show that structurization processes in wood-cement systems depend on the acidity of aqueous solution, the behavior of hydration, neutralization, and polycondensation reactions with the formation of polymer products including those with cement grout components and functional groups of wood. It is shown that phosphate buffer solutions used for mixing wood-cement compositions improve their strength properties and reduce water absorption. The optimum acidity of the buffered medium for service properties of the wood-cement systemis pH = 4.8

    Assessment of the Possibilities of Transition to Sustainable Environmental Management Models in the Arctic Regions

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    The sustainable development agenda for regional development can be developed in depth and comprehensively if considered in a cluster manner. It is advisable to distinguish the traditional clusters of sustainable development: economic, environmental and social. This paper considers the Environmental cluster, which has taken in the development of several Targets from the SDGs and conducted a study close to the assessment of the state of the environment. The purpose of the study is the possibility of updating the Arctic Council studies for the regions of the Russian Arctic in connection with their authentic regional ecological pressures. Objectives: to determine the actual environmental loads on each of the nine Arctic regions and to develop approaches to the formation of a model of sustainable environmental management within the framework of the existing scientific developments of the Arctic Council working groups and the formation of a scientific agenda for the future. Research methods: analysis of cartographic material, environmental reports of local and federal authorities, non-financial reports of enterprises operating in the Arctic regions, messengers and activity of civil society institutions, the real state of natural environments (atmospheric air, soil, water resources and forests), perspective development plans of the selected regions. As a result, several of the most urgent areas were highlighted in which it is advisable to focus further efforts to improve the state of the environment in each of the regions. The work was carried out during 2021-2022

    Treatment of children with medulloblastoma without metastatic involvement in the age group older than 3 years: international experience and results of intercenter trial

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    Background. During the past 20 years, some large international studies have been conducted that evaluated the effectiveness of treatment programs for children with medulloblastoma. At the same time, in the standard risk group, fairly high rates of 5-year overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were achieved, which amounted to 85% and 80%, respectively. At the present time some risk-adaptive therapeutic programs are developed according to molecular-biological features of tumor cells and possibility of chemotherapy and craniospinal radiation (CSI) therapy dose reduction. Materials and methods. From 2008 to 2018 fifty one pediatric patients with primary diagnosed medulloblastoma in the age group 318 years were included in trial, 38 in standard risk group, 13 in high risk group (without metastatic disease). Treatment program consisted of surgical removal of the primary tumor site with subsequent chemotherapy (with high-dose cyclophosphamide or thiophosphamide) and radiation therapy (with CSI of 23.4 Gy or 36 Gy, depending on the risk group). In order to detect morphological and molecular biological distinctive features of tumor cells, the following criteria were evaluated: histological variant, molecular subgroup, methyltransferase status by DNMT and MGMT proteins expression, presence of C-MYC/N-MYC gene amplification, Iso17q and TP53 gene mutation. Results. As a result of this study, sufficiently high rates of overall survival and progression/relapse-free survival (PRFS) were achieved in standard and high-risk groups patients, which amounted to 76.08.8% and 83.310.8% with median follow-up 62.96.2 months and 52.27.8 months, respectively. There was revealed patients group in the age 37 years with 100% PRFS and median follow-up 66.98.9 months. At the same time, morphological and molecular biological factors of an unfavorable outcome of the disease were absent in the tumor samples (large cell anaplastic histology, C-MYC/N-MYC gene amplification, Iso17q and TP53 gene mutation). We have also achieved 100% PRFS in patients with desmoplastic tumor histology and in patients, who were treated with thiphosphamide-based chemotherapy regimen. Molecular-biological characteristics analysis of tumor cells showed a negative effect on PRFS of DNMT-positive status (Score 4, by 3 markers) and presence of N-MYC gene amplification (SHH molecular subgroup). Conclusion. There was identified a group of patients aged 3 to 7 years, for whom the possibility for reducing of CSR dose down to 18 Gy opens. Understanding of tumor cells methyltransferase status creates the prerequisites for using of epigenetic demethylating therapy. It is necessary more observations to assess the effect of the chemotherapy regimen with high-dose thiophosphamide on the PRFS

    Погляд цілей сталого розвитку та соціального вчення Католицької Церкви на біорізноманіття в контексті захисту лісових екосистем українських Карпат

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    Стаття присвячена взаємозв’язку між цілями сталого розвитку, найперше Ціллю 15 «Захист екосистем суші», і підходом соціального вчення Католицької Церкви щодо захисту біорізноманіття. Будучи закоріненим у сприйнятті природи як «Божого творіння», католицький погляд приділяє увагу взаємозв’язку людей і природного світу, використовуючи такі поняття, як «інтегральна екологія» чи «екологічний гріх». Глобальні пропозиції, виражені у «Порядку денному у сфері сталого розвитку до 2030 року» та пов’язаних політиках, не оперують богословськими концепціями, але містять предметні пропозиції щодо захисту біорізноманіття. Беручи до уваги як соціальне вчення Католицької Церкви, так і цілі сталого розвитку, окреслено можливі напрями місцевої політики для конкретної території в межах України, багатої на біорізноманіття, – Карпатських гір. Пропозиції включають зміну чинних практик і прибуткових видів економічної діяльності, як-от перехід від лісозаготівлі до рекреації.This article explores the interrelations between Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in the first instance SDG 15 “Protection of life on land”, and the perspective of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) on biodiversity protection. Being rooted in the perception of nature as “God’s handiwork”, the Catholic perspective pays attention to the relationship of humans with the natural world, using the terms like “integral ecology” or “ecological sin”. Global lines of action expressed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related international policies do not operate with theological concepts but present substantive suggestions for protecting biodiversity. Considering both CST and SDGs, the possible local policy directions for a precise territory with rich biodiversity within the territory of Ukraine, namely the Carpathian Mountains, are outlined. These include alteration of current practices and income-generating economic activities, such as switching from logging to recreation

    Innovation in Cultural Sector - Definition and Typology

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    The article addresses the issue of innovative activities in the cultural sector as a key driver of change. This article examines how innovation can be defined and categorized in the cultural sector. It focuses on innovation typologies giving special attention to the existing statistical framework of cultural activities and to guidelines for innovation data collection in their interconnection, as well as to the phenomena of ‘soft’ and ‘hidden’ innovation. An attempt is also made to extend the term ‘innovation’ beyond the traditional understanding in a way that it reflects the specificity of the cultural sector

    Foreign language literacy as a condition for the successful development of modern society

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    This paper deals with the concept of foreign language literacy which is considered as a condition for the existence and successful development of modern society. It is emphasized that globalization, interdependence of countries and cultures and many other changes caused significant changes totally in the education system and increased the role of a foreign language in the life of the individual, the society and the state. It is known that foreign language literacy contributes to improving the country's competitiveness, the restructuring of the economy in the country, the state ingress and integration into the world economic and cultural community, the access to the latest information technologies. The role of a foreign language as an academic subject increases due to the introduction of new federal state educational standard where the development of student’s personality on the basis of universal educational actions, knowledge and development in the world form the purpose and the main result of education. It is argued that knowledge of a foreign language and culture eliminates the barriers of mistrust and makes it possible to carry and spread one’s own culture, to create a positive image of the country abroad. Teaching intercultural communication contributes to the formation of active life position of students. Foreign language literacy certainly contributes to educational and self-educational opportunities