20 research outputs found
Splinters in the fingernails, heart and brain: thromboembolic complications of non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis despite treatment with a direct-acting oral anticoagulant
Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) is a rare condition characterized by non-infectious vegetations affecting the cardiac valves. Although systemic thromboembolism is a commonly associated condition, antiphospholipid syndrome is less common. Nevertheless, treatment generally involves long-term anticoagulation. We report a case of a patient with previously undiagnosed NBTE who suffered systemic thromboembolic events despite pre-existing treatment with a direct-acting oral anticoagulant
Fluorescence-Tracking of Activation Gating in Human ERG Channels Reveals Rapid S4 Movement and Slow Pore Opening
Background: hERG channels are physiologically important ion channels which mediate cardiac repolarization as a result of their unusual gating properties. These are very slow activation compared with other mammalian voltage-gated potassium channels, and extremely rapid inactivation. The mechanism of slow activation is not well understood and is investigated here using fluorescence as a direct measure of S4 movement and pore opening. Methods and Findings: Tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide (TMRM) fluorescence at E519 has been used to track S4 voltage sensor movement, and channel opening and closing in hERG channels. Endogenous cysteines (C445 and C449) in the S1–S2 linker bound TMRM, which caused a 10 mV hyperpolarization of the VK of activation to 227.562.0 mV, and showed voltage-dependent fluorescence signals. Substitution of S1–S2 linker cysteines with valines allowed unobstructed recording of S3–S4 linker E519C and L520C emission signals. Depolarization of E519C channels caused rapid initial fluorescence quenching, fit with a double Boltzmann relationship, F-VON, with VK,1 = 237.861.7 mV, and VK,2 = 43.567.9 mV. The first phase, VK,1, was,20 mV negative to the conductance-voltage relationship measured from ionic tail currents (G-VK = 218.361.2 mV), and relatively unchanged in a non-inactivating E519C:S620T mutant (V K = 234.461.5 mV), suggesting the fast initial fluorescence quenching tracked S4 voltage sensor movement. The second phase of rapid quenching was absent in the S620T mutant. The E519C fluorescence upon repolarizatio
The S4–S5 Linker Acts as a Signal Integrator for hERG K+ Channel Activation and Deactivation Gating
Human ether-à -go-go-related gene (hERG) K+ channels have unusual gating kinetics. Characterised by slow activation/deactivation but rapid inactivation/recovery from inactivation, the unique gating kinetics underlie the central role hERG channels play in cardiac repolarisation. The slow activation and deactivation kinetics are regulated in part by the S4–S5 linker, which couples movement of the voltage sensor domain to opening of the activation gate at the distal end of the inner helix of the pore domain. It has also been suggested that cytosolic domains may interact with the S4–S5 linker to regulate activation and deactivation kinetics. Here, we show that the solution structure of a peptide corresponding to the S4–S5 linker of hERG contains an amphipathic helix. The effects of mutations at the majority of residues in the S4–S5 linker of hERG were consistent with the previously identified role in coupling voltage sensor movement to the activation gate. However, mutations to Ser543, Tyr545, Gly546 and Ala548 had more complex phenotypes indicating that these residues are involved in additional interactions. We propose a model in which the S4–S5 linker, in addition to coupling VSD movement to the activation gate, also contributes to interactions that stabilise the closed state and a separate set of interactions that stabilise the open state. The S4–S5 linker therefore acts as a signal integrator and plays a crucial role in the slow deactivation kinetics of the channel
Complete Genome Sequence of Mycoplasma suis and Insights into Its Biology and Adaption to an Erythrocyte Niche
Mycoplasma suis, the causative agent of porcine infectious anemia, has never been cultured in vitro and mechanisms by which it causes disease are poorly understood. Thus, the objective herein was to use whole genome sequencing and analysis of M. suis to define pathogenicity mechanisms and biochemical pathways. M. suis was harvested from the blood of an experimentally infected pig. Following DNA extraction and construction of a paired end library, whole-genome sequencing was performed using GS-FLX (454) and Titanium chemistry. Reads on paired-end constructs were assembled using GS De Novo Assembler and gaps closed by primer walking; assembly was validated by PFGE. Glimmer and Manatee Annotation Engine were used to predict and annotate protein-coding sequences (CDS). The M. suis genome consists of a single, 742,431 bp chromosome with low G+C content of 31.1%. A total of 844 CDS, 3 single copies, unlinked rRNA genes and 32 tRNAs were identified. Gene homologies and GC skew graph show that M. suis has a typical Mollicutes oriC. The predicted metabolic pathway is concise, showing evidence of adaptation to blood environment. M. suis is a glycolytic species, obtaining energy through sugars fermentation and ATP-synthase. The pentose-phosphate pathway, metabolism of cofactors and vitamins, pyruvate dehydrogenase and NAD+ kinase are missing. Thus, ribose, NADH, NADPH and coenzyme A are possibly essential for its growth. M. suis can generate purines from hypoxanthine, which is secreted by RBCs, and cytidine nucleotides from uracil. Toxins orthologs were not identified. We suggest that M. suis may cause disease by scavenging and competing for host' nutrients, leading to decreased life-span of RBCs. In summary, genome analysis shows that M. suis is dependent on host cell metabolism and this characteristic is likely to be linked to its pathogenicity. The prediction of essential nutrients will aid the development of in vitro cultivation systems