62 research outputs found

    Remote sensing in marine fisheries - Indian experience

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    Remote sensing is a new and rapidly developing science that is finding applications in diverse areas like agriculture, meteorology, forestry, hydrology, fisheries etc. in the country. The associated technology covers a wide range of techniques that enable features and properties of an object or an area to be measured without the instruments coming into direct contact with particular object or area

    Small-scale fisheries at Lawson's Bay Waltair

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    One of the most important fish landing centres in Andhra Pradesh is perhaps the centre at Lawson's Bay Waltair. Here fishermen from three adjacent fishing villages viz., Jalaripeta, Vasavanipallem and Moolapalem with indigenous and traditional craft and gear land their catches which are chiefly disposed off in local markets. Data on fish catches at Lawsons' Bay collected over a period of 9 years from 1970 to 1978 show that on an average 560 tonnes of fish per annum are landed at this centre. Considering the fact that large scale fishing by mechanised boats has been established and conducted off Visakhapatnam and substantial expansion and exploitation of demersal fisheries are contemplated, the present result is of significance because of the very nature of the small-scale fisheries at Lawson's Bay and there is no reason to believe that conflicts of interest exist

    The mud bank prawn fishery of Kerala - Declining trend

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    The mud bank fishery, locally known as chaakara fishery is a unique phenomenon along the Kerala coast during the south-west monsoon period. The duration and the location of the fishery show slight variations from year to year. During the rainy season concentrations of mud occur in different areas very close to the shore, providing much calmer seas for operations of fishing boats in comparison to the stormy surf of the monsoon seas of the surrounding localities.In the years in which the fishery fails the condition of the entire population of fishermen who depend on and look forward to this fishery is deplorable.In view of the habits of these prawns of utilising the adjoining estuaries and backwaters of the area as their nursery grounds to a large extent, the increasing amount of exploitation of their young ones in the fishery in the inside waters may probably be one of the reason for the failure of the prawn fishery in the inshore and mud bank areas

    Proceedings of the workshop on acquisition and dissemination of data on marine living resources of Indian seas

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    In the workshop on acquisition and dissemination of data on marine living resources of Indian seas different sessions were carried out and these were, Present status of marine living resources statistics in India, Identification of data requirements of user sectors and standardisation of suitable proformae for collection of data, Operation of large vessels in the Exclusive Economic Zone, Processing and dissemination of data on marine living resources of indian sea

    List of titles Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series No.1-50

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    Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series No.1-5

    Sea truth data collection: estimation of diffuse attenuation coefficient in ocean colour mapping

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    Phytoplankton pigments in the ocean waters are the prime synthesisers in marine food chain which in turn terminate as pelagic or benthic nekton. They perform about half of the total global photosynthesis and compr is ethe upper consumption and production. These are the substances that have definite spectral characteristics and thereby govern the ocean colour

    On the occurrence of Acanthaster planci (the crown-of-thorns) at Minicoy Atoll.

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    The predation of coral-polyps by the multi-armed star fish Acanthaster planci is identified during the last two decades as a major biological factor that causes large scale death to reef corals at several parts of the Indo-Pacific. During a recent visit by a team of scientists from Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,the presence of this star fish in the lagoon of Minicoy Atoll was noticed in November, 1979.Many control measures of star fishes have been practised elsewhere in the Pacific. However, hand-picking of the adults with the aid of pointed spears and killing them with formalin or ammonia solution is the most eifective.Careful search among the corals is required, since the crown-of-thorns hide under the crevices during day time

    R.V. Skipjack Commissioned

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    R. V. Skipjack, a multipurpose steel vessel equipped for trawling, purse-seining, acoustic surveys, hydrography and marine biological work, has been commissioned and handed over to CM FRI.The features of this first fishery research vessel is depicted

    Application of LANDSAT MSS data in ocean colour sensing

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    Landsat MSS data off Cochin Coast was analysed ond on attempt made to look in to the relationship between MSS gray values and concentration of pigment/particulate matter. MSS band 4 and 5 showed the maximum gray value range as compared to band 6 and 7. A density sliced image of band 4 was generated in the form of Q color coded image showing the gray levels corresponding to various pigment levels

    Biological productivity of the Indian Ocean

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    India has a long coast line of nearly 6,000 km with the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Laccadive Archipelago lying beyond her shores. The geographical position of India with the peninsular portion extending deep into the central part of the Indian Ocean gives her a locational advantage in marine fishing activities. At present though India contributes about 4096 of the fish landings of the Indian Ocean, when viewed against the world production of 76 million tannes oJ marine fish, her share is only 1.6 million tonnes represent ing less than 2%
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