
On the occurrence of Acanthaster planci (the crown-of-thorns) at Minicoy Atoll.


The predation of coral-polyps by the multi-armed star fish Acanthaster planci is identified during the last two decades as a major biological factor that causes large scale death to reef corals at several parts of the Indo-Pacific. During a recent visit by a team of scientists from Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,the presence of this star fish in the lagoon of Minicoy Atoll was noticed in November, 1979.Many control measures of star fishes have been practised elsewhere in the Pacific. However, hand-picking of the adults with the aid of pointed spears and killing them with formalin or ammonia solution is the most eifective.Careful search among the corals is required, since the crown-of-thorns hide under the crevices during day time

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