3 research outputs found

    Electronic-documents Sebagai Langkah Praktis Efisiensi Organisasi Di Universitas Sebelas Maret

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    Penggunaan dokumen sebagai sarana belajar sudah menjadi trend saat ini. Menyimpan data dalam sebuah server online saat ini sangat mudah dan setiap saat dibutuhkan dapat diakses. Kelebihan penyimpanan data di server online adalah pengguna tidak perlu membawa perangkat hardware penyimpan data. Cukup mengakses server saja sudah bisa menggunakan file atau data yang telah disimpan.Salah satu server yang menyediakan fasilitas menyimpan saat ini adalah google drive. Semua data yang bersifat software dapat disimpan dimedia ini. Para akademisi dapat menggunakan fasilitas google untuk digunakan sebagai gudang penyimpanan data pembelajaran. Pemberian nama e-document harus mengandung arti sehingga mudah ditemuka kembali. Pemberian nama dokumen yang baik meliputi nama pengarang, tanggal pembuatan, instansi asal, dan deskripsi isi.Keuntungan peggunaan dokumen elektronik adalah menghemat waktu dan menghemat biaya opeasional. Penghematan biaya operasional meliputi biaya tenaga operator, salah simpan, kantor dan tempat penyimpanan, kertas

    Hubungan Tingkat Sosial Ekonomi dengan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Ppi Pantai Sadeng Kabupaten Gunungkidul YOGYAKARTA

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    The Correlation of the Community's Socio-Economic Level to the EnvironmentBasedDevelopment at the Fish Port of Sadeng Beach, Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta.The aims of the research were to find out: (1) whether or not there was a correlationbetween the community's socio economic level and the environment based development, (2) to know the percentage of a correlation between the community's socio economic level and the environment based development. This is a descriptive research. The location of the research was at Sadeng beach, Gunungkidul district, Yogyakarta. The populations of the research were 6149 people and the samples of the research were 362 people. The data analyzing by using a regression analysis with prerequisite tests of normality test and linearity test. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between the community's economic level and the environment-based development at the fish port of Sadeng beach (r x1y o = 0.867 P<0.5) and t o = 32.971 P < 0.05), (2) the percentage of a correlation between the community's socioeconomic level and the environment based development at the fish port of Sadeng beach is75.1

    Analisis Kepuasan Sivitas Akademika Terhadap Pelayanan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan

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    In the globalization era such today, the competition to get customer is gettingtougher, making companies more aggressive in giving the best service to their customersthrough many alternatives and more innovative ways. Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation of Sebelas Maret University, a faculty that provides professional educator, isreaching out for the best and more inovative ways to serve its customers. In this descriptiveresearch,the population were students and lecturers in amount of 3,470, in which100 respondents (5%) of the population as the samples.The faculty staff has already had agood performance, hence it made the high satisfactions to students and lecturers. Thesesatisfactions were reflected by the items no 1,4,5,6,7,14 that in the quadrant II. By theseresults, those were the items that should be maintained and improved