5 research outputs found

    Realisasi Alat Ukur Suhu Dan Kelembapan Berbasis Raspberry Pi

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    AbstractTemperature and humidity are one of the most frequently measured parameters. Measurements of temperature and humidity parameters are very useful for studying a physical, chemical, or biological process. In the last few decades, global warming or global warming has become a global issue related to the environment where pollution and damage to the environment are factors that cause high temperatures in the earth. Therefore the main focus of this research is about measuring the temperature and humidity of a room with a dimension of 15 x 10 m whether it is necessary to have additional cooling in the room or not to know the level and level of linearity of the DHT 11 sensor that will be used to measure two parameters at once, with a microcontroller in the form of a Raspberry Pi. Measurements were made by taking 30 samples for 30 minutes, the results displayed from the monitor connected from Raspberry Pi showed that the DHT 11 sensor was not linear, namely the temperature R2 = 0.8221, while the humidity R2 = 0.8893 was due to the influence of temperature from outside and indoors and the influence of the quantity of humans in the room. Keywords : DHT11, Raspberry Pi, Room, Temperature and Humidit

    Pengaruh Iklan Terhadap Prilaku Pembelian Konsumen Teh Dalam Keluarga

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    EnglishThe research is aimed to study the effects of television advertising on the consumer behavior. The research uses survey method. The object of research is household. The survey activites conducted in consumer\u27s and producer\u27s area, which are selected purposively. The research sample for each area is distinguished stratified random sampling based on rural-urban areas. To analyse data, the research uses Chi-Square statistical method. The result of research are, television is an effective media as a tool of promotion to convey tea product information, the urban consumers are significantly reacted to response tea advertising from television. The advertising presentation of tea product on television with the low frequency (<34 times/month) can significantly affect the response of urban consumers to consume that product. The consumers group proportion which has an interest or not is not significantly different with the consumer group proportion which is response or not; The consumers group proportion which is response the tea advertised is significantly be in urban area, and which is not response is be in rural area; It is expected, the consumer reaction to response advertising is effected by family income and tea subtitution capacity; The families are reference for getting tea product information of 20% consumer, and 9% family consumers obtain the information of augmented product. To support the effectiveness of advertising on the television need to be formulated the benefit of family reference, personal selling, health benefit and tea comfort of well tea boiling, and to emphasise for creating of consumers perception with frequency.IndonesianPenelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh iklan televisi terhadap perilaku konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Objek penelitian digunakan ibu rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah produsen dan daerah konsumen yang dipilih secara purposive. Contoh penelitian dipilih dengan metode stratified random sampling menurut strata desa-urban. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan; Televisi merupakan media yang efektif untuk mengiklankan produk teh. Konsumen di daerah urban bereaksi sangat nyata dalam merespon iklan teh dari televisi. Penayangan iklan teh dalam televisi dengan frekuensi rendah (<34 kali/bulan) secara nyata dapat mempengaruhi konsumen di daerah urban. Proporsi kelompok konsumen tidak berbeda nyata antara yang menyatakan minat-tidak minat dengan yang merespon-tidak merespon teh sesuai iklan; proporsi konsumen yang merespon teh sesuai iklan secara nyata berada di daerah urban, sedangkan yang tidak merespon berada di daerah rural. Reaksi konsumen dalam merespon teh sesuai iklan televisi diduga dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan keluarga dan daya subtstitusi teh. Keluarga dan kerabat merupakan sumber referensi bagi 20% konsumen, dan 9% berasal dari penyajian di tempat penjualan. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas iklan teh dalam televisi perlu dipertimbangkan antara lain; memanfaatkan referensi keluarga, personal selling, manfaat kesehatan dan kenikmatan seduhan teh (frekuensi dan gr/cup), pembentukan persepsi diutamakan dibanding frekuensi penayangan

    Pengaruh Iklan Terhadap Prilaku Pembelian Konsumen Teh dalam Keluarga

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    EnglishThe research is aimed to study the effects of television advertising on the consumer behavior. The research uses survey method. The object of research is household. The survey activites conducted in consumer's and producer's area, which are selected purposively. The research sample for each area is distinguished stratified random sampling based on rural-urban areas. To analyse data, the research uses Chi-Square statistical method. The result of research are, television is an effective media as a tool of promotion to convey tea product information, the urban consumers are significantly reacted to response tea advertising from television. The advertising presentation of tea product on television with the low frequency (<34 times/month) can significantly affect the response of urban consumers to consume that product. The consumers group proportion which has an interest or not is not significantly different with the consumer group proportion which is response or not; The consumers group proportion which is response the tea advertised is significantly be in urban area, and which is not response is be in rural area; It is expected, the consumer reaction to response advertising is effected by family income and tea subtitution capacity; The families are reference for getting tea product information of 20% consumer, and 9% family consumers obtain the information of augmented product. To support the effectiveness of advertising on the television need to be formulated the benefit of family reference, personal selling, health benefit and tea comfort of well tea boiling, and to emphasise for creating of consumers perception with frequency.IndonesianPenelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh iklan televisi terhadap perilaku konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Objek penelitian digunakan ibu rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah produsen dan daerah konsumen yang dipilih secara purposive. Contoh penelitian dipilih dengan metode stratified random sampling menurut strata desa-urban. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan; Televisi merupakan media yang efektif untuk mengiklankan produk teh. Konsumen di daerah urban bereaksi sangat nyata dalam merespon iklan teh dari televisi. Penayangan iklan teh dalam televisi dengan frekuensi rendah (<34 kali/bulan) secara nyata dapat mempengaruhi konsumen di daerah urban. Proporsi kelompok konsumen tidak berbeda nyata antara yang menyatakan minat-tidak minat dengan yang merespon-tidak merespon teh sesuai iklan; proporsi konsumen yang merespon teh sesuai iklan secara nyata berada di daerah urban, sedangkan yang tidak merespon berada di daerah rural. Reaksi konsumen dalam merespon teh sesuai iklan televisi diduga dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan keluarga dan daya subtstitusi teh. Keluarga dan kerabat merupakan sumber referensi bagi 20% konsumen, dan 9% berasal dari penyajian di tempat penjualan. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas iklan teh dalam televisi perlu dipertimbangkan antara lain; memanfaatkan referensi keluarga, personal selling, manfaat kesehatan dan kenikmatan seduhan teh (frekuensi dan gr/cup), pembentukan persepsi diutamakan dibanding frekuensi penayangan

    Sistem Kendali On/Off Motor Induksi Pompa Air Dengan Histerisis dapat Diprogram

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    Pengaturan motor induksi pompa air biasanya menggunakan saklar tekanandengan histerisis. Kekurangan dari transduser ini adalah lebar histerisis yangterbatas dan penggunaan saklar mekanik untuk pengaturannya sehingga cepat ausdan berisik. Untuk mengatasinya dengan mengganti saklar mekanik dengan saklarelektrik triac dan penggunaan sistem mikrokontroler untuk mengatur waktu on/offtriac dan memanipulasi karakteristik saklar mekanik. Sistem terdiri dari saklarelektrik triac yang dikontrol sistem mikrokontroler dengan penyalaan sudut phasa.Besarnya sudut penyalaan ditentukan berdasarkan waktu on/off saklar tekananyang ditentukan oleh debit air yang keluar. Dengan mengatur sudut penyalaan,waktu histerisis on/off dapat diatur untuk debit air yang berbeda. Sistem KendaliOn/Off dapat digunakan untuk memanipulasi dan mengubah karakteristik saklartekanan dari 0.75s – 12s menjadi 6.2s – 10.1s untuk debit air 2 – 11 LPM danwaktu rata-rata on, ton_off = 7.4s dibanding ton_kon = 2.94s, sehingga sistempompa air kurang berisik suarany

    Actuators, IoT and IP Address as Training in Actuators, IoT and IP Address for Senior High School Teachers and StudentsBasic Industrial Instrumentation

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    The third mission of a university is a community service. Based on this mission, this paper presents the activity of community service. The activity was training for senior high school students and teachers. The subjects of the training are actuators, IoT, and IP address. These components or subsystems are very important basic industrial instrumentation for further automation. These subsystems are very correlated with each other. Some actuators are electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic types. There are many applications of IoT and IP addresses, such as smart grids and communications