33 research outputs found

    Indonesian Efforts to Conserve Gembrong Goats

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    Gembrong goat are mainly found in eastern part of Bali Island, especially in the village of Tumbu, Karangasem. Throughout Indonesia these goats are found no more than 50 heads. This condition puts Gembrong goat in a critical status that indicates the need of emergency and quick action. The present study was carried out to assess the characteristic of this breed and to preserve it through some proposed action plan. Information was obtained by personal observation and discussion with the leader of farmer group. Body weight (BW) and various body measurement were taken from 15 head of Gembrong goat. In general, the color of Gembrong goat body is white, or partly brown or solid brown. The average body weight is of 23.2 kg for females and 30.7 kg for males. The averages Body length of males is 60 cm, height 58.2 cm, and 14.4 cm ear length in males, and in females body length is 56.2 cm, height 55.1 cm and ear length 14.2 cm. To preserve Gembrong goat population from extinction collaborative activities is needed, namely: (1) multiplication of existing Gembrong goat population, (2) Rescuing animal genetic material and (3) up-grading female Kacang goat with Gembrong male goat as to achieve 99% Gembrong goat genetic composition

    Productivity Comparison Between Boer and Kacang Goat Dam

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    A study to evaluate the productivity of Boer and Kacang goats dam was carried out for 2 years atResearch Institute for Goat Production, Sungei Putih-North Sumatera. The materials used were goatsowned by the institute. The parameters observed were total birth and weaning weights of kid, litter size,parity of dam, pre-weaning mortality and kidding interval. The rate of reproduction and productivity ofthe dam were estimated using Amir and Knipscheer methods and were statistically analyzed usingGeneral Linear Model. The results showed that the total birth and weaning weight of Boer goats werehigher (P<0.05) than that of Kacang goats, while litter size of Boer goats were higher (P<0.05) than thatof Kacang goats. The pre-weaning mortality of Boer goat 15.1 ± 6.02% was lower than that ofKacang. The kidding interval of Boer goats was higher (P<0.05) than that of Kacang. Parity of dam hadsignificant effect on all production traits (P<0.05) except for pre-weaning mortality. Dam reproductionrate of Boer (1.81) was higher than that of Kacang (1.78), while productivity of Boer goat (37.12kg/head/year) was higher than that of Kacang (18.12). It can be concluded that the reproductivity ofBoer and Kacang goats were similar, however the productivity of Boer goat had better than Kacang

    The Differentiation Of Sheep Breed Based On The Body Measurements

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    This research was carried out to make a difference and to predict genetic distance some sheep thatare genetically related to each other based on the body size measurements. Nineteen bodies size of 323sheeps of five sheep breeds; namely Barbados Black Belly Cross (BC), Garut Local (GL), GarutComposite (GC), Sumatra Composite (SC) and St. Croix Cross (SCC) were measured. Analysis ofvariance and canonical discriminant analysis, Mahalanobis distance, plotting canonical and dendogramwere performed using PROC GLM, PROC CANDISC, PROC CLUSTER and PROC TREE of SASsoftware ver. 9.0. Index Length, Width Slope, Depth Slope, Balance and Cumulative Index of GC sheepwere significantly higher than the four other breeds. Canonical discriminant analysis successfully coulddifferentiate among the five sheep breeds. All five breed were divided into two groups: the first groupconsisted of SCC, SC and BC; and the second group consisted of the GL and GC. The results of geneticdistance estimation showed that the SCC had a value of sheep genetic distance closest to SC (10.83) andBC (27.98), while GL had the closest distance to GC (66.60). The tail width, horn base circumference,horn length (canonical 1) and variable length of the tail and body length (canonical 2) were the breeddifferentiation variable in this study

    The Use of Microsatellite Markers to Study Genetic Diversity in Indonesian Sheep

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    The purpose of this research was to study genetic diversity in Indonesian sheep population usingmicrosatellite markers. A total of 18 microsatellite loci have been used for genotyping Indonesian sheep.Total sheep blood 200 samples were extracted from garut sheep of fighting and meat types, purbalinggasheep, batur sheep and jember sheep populations by using a salting out method. Microsatellite loci datawere analyzed using POPGENE 3.2 software. Based on this study obtained 180 alleles from 17microsatellite loci, while average number of alleles was 6.10 alleles (6 to 18 alleles) from fiveIndonesian sheep populations (garut sheep of fighting type, garut sheep of meat type, purbalingga sheep,batur sheep and jember sheep population). The average of observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expectedheterozygosity (He) values were 0.5749 and 0.6896, respectively, while the genetic differentiation forinbreeding among population (FIS), within population (FIT) and average genetic differentiation (FST)were 0.1006, 0.1647 and 0.0712, respectively. Genetic distance and genetic tree showed that Indonesiansheep population was distinct from garut sheep of fighting and meat types, purbalingga sheep, batursheep and jember sheep population. Based on this results were needed a strategy for conservation andbreeding programs in each Indonesian sheep population

    Borneo Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan LPMP Kalimantan Timur Vol. I, No. 1, Juni 2007

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    Borneo Volume I Nomor I, Juni 2007 ini merupakan edisi perdana yang diharapkan dapat kembali terbit pada edisi-edisi berikutnya. Direncanakan, Borneo terbit dua kali setiap tahun, yakni pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Borneo memuat beherapa artikel yang ditulis oleh sejumah Widyaiswara LPMP Kalimantan Timur maupun yang ditulis oleh penulis dari luar. Borneo edisi pertama ini lebih hanyak memuat tulisan dari luar khususnya yang datang dari kalangan dosen dan praktisi pendidikan atau siapa saja yang peduli dengan perkembangan pendidikan, dengan tujuan untuk memicu semangat guru mengembangkan gagasan-gagasan ilmiahnya

    The effect of the liver fluke Fasciola gigantica infestation on the leucocyte eosinophil cell profile on sheep

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    Eosinophil is one of the major leucocyte cell in the blood which specifically reacted on parasite infection, thus it is important to determine its profile against the F. gigantica infection. The aims of this study is to determine the differences of the eosinophil count profiles on the different breed of sheep infected with F. gigantica and its relation with the resistance of sheep bred against parasitic disease. Four groups of sheep consist of Indonesian Thin Tail (ITT) sheep, Merino sheep, backcross sheep (10 families) and F2 sheep were infected with 300 metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica. The total sheep used in this trial is 621. Those sheep were observed for 12 weeks and the blood samples were collected every 2 weeks after infection. The results showed that total eosinophil counts in all infected sheep increased after two weeks post infection and ITT sheep showed the highest counts. On the other hand, the mean fluke counts on ITT sheep is the lowest compared with the other groups of sheep. Merino and F2 sheep had the highest mean fluke counts. Three families of backcross sheep had the mean flukes count similar to ITT sheep and the other 7 families were similar to the Merino sheep. In conclusion, the highest total eosinophil count at the early stage of infection on ITT sheep might be related with the genetic resistance, which was showed by the lowest flukes count, and the resistance was inherited to some of the backcross sheep, which had similar flukes count with ITT sheep.   Key words: Fasciola gigantica, eosinophil, shee

    The responses of eosinophil and packed cell volume (PCV) on sheep infected with Fasciola gigantica

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    The responses of eosinophil and packed cell volume (PCV) values were verified in infected sheep, in order to identify whether these parameters could be used to predict the flukes burden and their correlation with breed resistance. Fifteen Indonesian thin tail sheep (ET), 9 Merino sheep and 148 backcross sheep generated from mating of Merino sheep and F1 sheep (Merino X ET cross) were infected with 300 metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica. The blood samples were collected every 2 weeks by using EDTA venoject tubes in order to determine the amount of eosinophils and the PCV value. After 14 weeks of infection all of sheep were killed and the liver was collected in order to determine the number of flukes. The results showed that the amount of eosinophils increased 2 weeks after infection and reached the peak at week 4 after infection. The average of eosinophils in ET appeared higher than the other 2 breeds (Merino was the lowest and the backcross was in between). The correlation between the number of flukes recovered from the liver and the eosinophil counts were positive in ET and Merino, but negative in the backcross sheep. The PCV values remained constant along the trial, except at week 14 after infection; the PCV values were slightly decreased in backcross sheep and Merino sheep, but not in ET sheep. The correlation between number of flukes in the liver and the PCV values were negative in all breeds of sheep. These results suggested that the eosinophilic and PCV’s response of ET were higher compared to backcross and Merino sheep, thus that responses were thought to be associated with the resistant phenomenon.   Key words: Fasciolosis, eosinophil, PCV, shee

    Kulit Oil Pull Up Untuk Atasan

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    The research was conducted to get the standard condition data of leather quality of oil pull up for upper shoes. Nine samples oil pull up leather were used in this research, bought from the leather factory at Central Java, East Java, and Jakarta. The test of leather were done at Testing Laboratory for Leathers Comodity and Shoes, cover of physical test. The test resul of the data was done statistical analysis, the standardization result of Standar Nasional Indonesia of oil pull up leather for upper shoes can published after fixed on discussing on consensus meeting. INTISARI Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data persyaratan standar mutu kulit oil pull up sebagai data untuk penyusunan rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia Kulit Oil pull up untuk atasan sepatu. Penelitian ini menggunakan 9 sample kulit oil pull up yang berasa dari Perusahaan kulit di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan DKI Jakarta. Pengujian dilakukan di Laboratorium Uji Komoditi Kulit dan Sepatu (LUKKUS) yang meliputi uji fisis, uji kimiawi dan uji organoleptis dengan mengacu pada SNI kulilt boks. Kulit oil pull up yang memenuhi persyaratan standar dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk bahan baku atasan sepatu yang cukup baik karena mempunyai penampilan yang menarik yaitu bila ditekan/ditarik akan mempunyai efek warna karena kandungan minyaknya lebih tinggi. Hasil penyusunan Standar Nasional Idonesia Kulit Oil Pull Up untuk atasan sepatu akan diterbitkan setelah ditentukan melalui pembahasan pada rapat consensus sebagai Standar Nasional