78 research outputs found


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    One of the fundamental challenges in reinforcement learning is to setup a proper balance between exploration and exploitation to obtain the maximum cummulative reward in the long run. Most protocols for exploration bound the overall values to a convergent level of performance. If new knowledge is inserted or the environment is suddenly changed, the issue becomes more intricate as the exploration must compromise the pre-existing knowledge. This paper presents a type of multi-channel adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network model called fusion ART which serves as a fuzzy approximator for reinforcement learning with inherent features that can regulate the exploration strategy. This intrinsic regulation is driven by the condition of the knowledge learnt so far by the agent. The model offers a stable but incremental reinforcement learning that can involve prior rules as bootstrap knowledge for guiding the agent to select the right action. Experiments in obstacle avoidance and navigation tasks demonstrate that in the configuration of learning wherein the agent learns from scratch, the inherent exploration model in fusion ART model is comparable to the basic E-greedy policy. On the other hand, the model is demonstrated to deal with prior knowledge and strike a balance between exploration and exploitation


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    Keputusan pengelolaan perikanan harus didasarkan pada bukti-buktu ilmiah,diantara kelemahan pengelolaan perairan umum di dunia saat ini ialah terbatasnya informasi-informasi ilmiah dan tidak meratanya upaya-upaya konservasidi semua wilayahtropis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data-data ilmiah tentang kajian dinamika populasi ikan Mystus nemurus (parameter pertumbuhan, rekrutmen, mortalitas, laju eksploitasi) dan status penangkapannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk parameter pertumbuhan ikan menggunakan metode von Bertalanffy, komposisi umur (kohort), rekrutmen di analisis dengan program FISAT II, estimasi nilai t0 berdasarkan model Pauly (1983), pendugaan mortalitas alami (M) berdasarkan model Pauly (1980), pendugaan mortalitas total (Z) berdasarkan model Beverton dan Holt (1996) dan status penangkapan dengan membandingkan ukuran panjang ikan pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) dengan pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) berdasarkan Sparre dan Venema (1999).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Nilai parameter pertumbuhan ikan M. nemurus ialah K sebesar 0,8/tahun dan nilai L∞ sebesar 28,35cmdan nilai t0 -0,08 tahun, persamaan pertumbuhan ikan metode Von Bertalanffy ialah Lt = 28,35{1-exp-0,8(t + 0,08)}, rekrutmen terjadi sepanjang tahun dan puncaknya terjadi pada bulan Juni, laju mortalitas total (Z) ikan sebesar 2,42/tahun, laju mortalitas alami (M) 1,59/tahun,laju mortalitas penangkapan (F) 0,83/tahun, laju eksploitasi (E) 0,34/tahun dan status penangkapan ikan M. nemurus di hulu sungai Barito tergolong growth overfishing.   A fisheries management decision must be based on scientific evidence, among the weaknesses of freshwater management in the world today are limited scientific information and unequal conservation efforts in all tropical regions.The purpose of this study was to obtain scientific data about the study of the dynamics population of the Mystus nemurus (growth parameters, recruitment, mortality, exploitation rate) and fishing status.The research method used for growth parameters used the von Bertalanffy method, age composition (cohort), recruitment was analyzed by the FISAT II program, estimated t0 value based on Pauly's (1983) model, estimation of natural mortality (M) based on Pauly's (1980) model, Estimation of total mortality (Z) based on the Beverton and Holt (1996) model and fishing status by comparing the Length at first capture (Lc) with Length at first mature  (Lm) based on the Sparre and Venema (1999). The results showed that the growth parameter value of M. nemurus was K of 0.8/year, L∞ value of 28.35 cm and a value of t0 -0.08 years, the equation for the growth of fish using the Von Bertalanffy method was Lt = 28.35 {1 -exp-0.8 (t + 0.08)}, recruitment occurs throughout the year and the peak occurs in June, the total mortality rate (Z) of fish is 2.42/year, the natural mortality rate (M) is 1.59/years, the fishing mortality rate (F) 0.83/year, the exploitation rate (E) 0.34/year and the fishing status of M. nemurus in Barito upstream are classified as growth overfishing


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    Snakehead gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea) or Payangka in Indonesian’s local name, has a high population and been used as a consumption fish mainly by people around Lake Tondano, not only the consumption size, but also the juvenile (it called Nike) are preferred. The fish resources are the essential source and need to keep their sustainable in the future. The research was carried out in 2015. The study was aimed to identify and record some aspects of snakehead gudgeon fish biology in Lake Tondano Mi-nahasa Regency of North Sulawesi. Fish samples were obtained from fisher's catch. The morphometric and meristic character was measured, and also was performed surgery to observe reproduction and food. The results showed that the growth pattern of Giuris margaritacea was positive allometric with sex ratio 1: 1.41. The fish was spawning whole year with fecundity between 36,892-90,102 eggs, and diameter of the egg was 0.285 mm on average. The size of the first mature female was 10.75 cm gonads. Snakehead gudgeon was a carnivorous fish with shrimp as the primary food, and the relative length of the digestive tract was 82.88%


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    Fish resources contribute to the socio-economic development for people who live surrounding the waters. The fishermen of Ranau Lake, South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra Province and West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province are the prime stakeholder and direct interest in fish resources, because they depend on it for their livelihoods or they are directly involved in its exploitation in some ways. However, to well manage these resources, it needs data and information about fish utilization and fishing activity. The objectives of this work are to assess fishing activities such as the fishing craft and gears, catch composition, fish yield, catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and to estimate the fihermen income with economical parameter such as cost and price. Field surveys were conducted from February to November 2014. Fishing activities data were collected from field survey and interview. The results showed that fish resources utilization in Ranau Lake was categorized as traditional and small scale fisheries using different selective fishing gears such gillnet, harpoon, net trap and basket trap with the fish catch in average of 696.66 g/day; 205.03 g/day; 1.584.06 g/day and 123.67 g/day, respectively. Fisherman income (IDR 2,163,300) means the fishermen in Ranau Lake reach standard Indonesian welfare


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    Pengamatan kelimpahan dan keragaman plankton telah dilakukan di Danau Arang-Arang, Jambi pada Bulan Juli, Agustus, September, November, dan Desember tahun 2000 dengan menetapkan 4 stasiun pengamatan yaitu inlet, tengah, outlet, dan hutan rawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan keragaman plankton dalam kaitannya dengan kesuburan perairan


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    Pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan perikanan harus memperhatikan aspek konservasi agar sumberdaya hayati yang ada didalamnya seperti ikan dapat tetap lestari. Danau Ranau merupakan salah satu sumberdaya alam yang potensial menghasilkan ikan yang telah lama dimanfaatkan masyarakat nelayan setempat sebagai sumber kehidupan. Ikan hampal (Hampala macrolepidota, Kuhl & Van Hasselt 1823) mempunyai peran atau fungsi ekonomis dan ekologis di perairan Danau Ranau. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2013 di perairan Danau Ranau Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dan Kabupaten Lampung Barat Provinsi Lampung. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan konsep pengelolaan ikan hampal di Danau Ranau. Penelitian mengintegrasikan secara menyeluruh aspek lingkungan perairan, biologi ikan, penangkapan dan dinamika populasi ikan hampal. Pengelolaan ikan hampal di Danau Ranau dapat dilakuan melalui: 1) pengelolaan habitat, 2) pengelolaan populasi dan 3) pengelolaan penangkapan. Pengelolaan ikan hampal di Danau Ranau dapat dilakukan sebelum populasi ikan tersebut menurun sehingga dapat tetap lestari. Merekomendasikan konsep pengelolaan ikan hampal di Danau Ranau kepada Pemerintah Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung untuk dituangkan dalam Peraturan Daerah.Utilization and water management have to consider the aspect of conservation therefore biological resources such as fish can be preserved. Ranau Lake is one of the potential natural resources to produce fish that has long been used by  local fishing communities as a source of lifehood. Hampal barb (Hampala macrolepidota, Kuhl & Van Hasselt in 1823) has economically and ecologically role or function in Ranau Lake. This study was conducted in  2013 in Ranau Lake, South OKU Regency, South Sumatera Province and West Lampung Regency,Lampung Province. The aim of research was to obtain a concept of management of hampal barb in Ranau Lake. The management of hampal in Ranau Lake could be attempted through the integration study of environmental aspects, fish biology, capture fishery and fish population dynamic data. It can be done prior to the fish population decline in order to maintain their  stable population. Recommending the concept of hampal barb management in Ranau Lake to South Sumatra and Lampung Government for consideration of developing a local government regulation.


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    Penelitian tentang status keragaman ikan Belida (Chitala spp.) dari Sungai Tulang Bawang berdasarkan pada karakter morfometrik dan indeks fluktuasi asimetrik dilakukan selama tahun 2005 di daerah aliran Sungai Tulang Bawang Propinsi Lampung. Estimasi keragaman berdasarkan pada karakter morfometrik dengan menggunakan nilai coefficient variation diperoleh dengan cara membagi standar deviasi karakter dengan rata-rata, pada 25 karakter morfometrik dari 26 spesimen ikan belida (Chitala spp.). Indeks fluktuasi asimetrik ikan belida (Chitala spp.) dari Sungai Tulang Bawang diestimasi menggunakan formula Palmer dan Strobeck, untuk kemudian melihat CVDI sebagai estimasi keragaman dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan analisis uji ttest untuk mengetahui signifikasi karakter sebelah kiri dan kanan. Klasifikasi nilai coefficient variation untuk karakter morfometrik CVd”25% = sangat seragam, 25%<CVd”50% = cukup seragam, 25 <CVd”50% = cukup bervariasi, dan CVe”75% = sangat bervariasi. Sedangkan nilai fluktuasi asimetrik digunakan indeks 3 tingkatan variasi yang rendah (CVDI=0,1), variasi sedang (CVDI=0,5), dan sangat bervariasi (CVDI=1). Berdasarkan pada nilai coefficient variation sebagian besar karakter morfometrik tergolong cukup seragam 72% (25%<CVd”50%) dan cukup bervariasi 28% (50 <CVd”75%), dengan rata-rata 47,60% tergolong cukup seragam. Berdasarkan pada indeks CVDI terlihat 60% karakter asimetrik tergolong variasi sedang dan sangat bervariasi (CVDI=0,5) dan CVDI=1), 40% termasuk variasi yang rendah. Hasil analisis karakter morfometrik dan indeks fluktuasi asimetrik mengkonfirmasi bahwa populasi ikan belida (Chitala spp.) di Sungai Tulang Bawang telah berada pada kondisi mendekati seragam atau memiliki variasi genetik yang rendah. Research on the status of knife fish (Chitala lopis) diversity in Tulang Bawang River (Lampung Province) based on morphometric charactes and indeks of fluctuating asimetric had been carried out during 2005 at Tulang Bawang River (Lampung Province). Diversity was estimated based on morphometric characters using coefficient variation values, which is derived from dividing the standard deviation characters by its mean, on 25 morphometric characters from 26 knife fish (Chitala lopis) specimens. Fluctuating asimetric indeks of knife fish (Chitala lopis) Tulang Bawang River were estimated using Palmer and Strobeck formula, and then see CVDI as the estimate of diversity, as previously conduct Ttest analysis to find signification character between the right and left of the body. Coefficient variation values derived on morphometric character classified four categories, CVd”25% = as highly uniform, 25%<CVd”50% = middle uniform, 25%<CVd”50% = middle variation, and CVe”75% = highly variation. Meanwhile fluctuating asimetric value employed three rate clasification, low variation (CVDI=0.1), middle variation (CVDI=0.5), and high variaton (CVDI=1). Based on coefficient variation value, most of the morphometric characters were middle uniform 72% (25%<CVd”50%) and middle variation 28% (50%<CVd”75%), with means value is 47.60% classified as middle uniform. Based on indeks CVDI shown 60% asimetric characters classified as variation middle and high variation (CVDI=0.5 and CVDI=1), 40% identified had low variation. Research confirms that knife fish (Chitala lopis) at Tulang Bawang river were in state of closing uniform or presumby have low genetic variation


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2006 di Sungai Ogan, Sungai Kelekar (anak Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan), perairan di Pulau Bangka serta Kota Bangun dan Tanah Ulu (Sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur). Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis karakterisasi populasi ikan putak (Notopterus notopterus) dari berbagai habitat berdasarkan pada karakter fenotipik dan genetik serta untuk menentukan karakter morfologi sebagai pembeda utama, mendeterminasi jarak kemiripan antar populasi ikan putak dan untuk menganalisis apakah perbedaan morfologi antar populasi tersebut hanya sekedar fenotipik plastisity atau memiliki dasar evolusi yang signifikan. Dari lokasi pengambilan contoh yang ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling) berhasil dikoleksi 49 spesimen untuk pengukuran morfometrik dan meristik yang berasal dari lima lokasi berbeda dan tujuh spesimen dari dua populasi untuk marka molekuler. Pengukuran biometrik dilakukan pada 35 karakter morfologi bentuk badan pada bagian sisi sebelah kiri tubuh ikan. Data biometrik dianalisis dengan Analisis Deskriminan, menggunakan Software Statistica 6.0, sedangkan data genetik menggunakan Metode Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) pada mitokondria (mtDNA), menggunakan primer 16S rRNA, hasilnya dianalis secara manual kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pada analisis karakter morfologi, populasi ikan putak yang terdapat di Sungai Ogan, Sungai Kelekar, perairan di Bangka, dan Sungai Mahakam (Kota Bangun dan Tanah Ulu) merupakan populasi yang terpisah. Karakter pembeda utama antar kelompok populasi tersebut adalah Snouth Length (SL), Isthmus Length (IL), dan Adipose Length (AL). Populasi ikan putak yang berada di Pulau Kalimantan (Tanah Ulu dan Kota Bangun) memiliki jarak kemiripan yang cukup jauh dengan populasi di Pulau Sumatera (Ogan, Kelekar dan Bangka). Terlihat jelas bahwa pola isolasi dikarenakan oleh barrier alam. Perbedaan antar populasi ikan putak tidak hanya merupakan plastisity fenotipik, namun juga telah memiliki dasar evolusi. This reseach was conducted at 2006 in the rivers of Ogan and Kelekar (segment of Musi River, South Sumatera), waters in Bangka Island, and Kota Bangun, and Tanah Ulu (segment of Mahakam River, East Kalimantan). This study was to reveal population characteristic of putak (Notopterus notopterus) from different habitats based on its characters of fenotipic and genetic, and to determine the most discriminate morphological characters, to determine similiarty distance among the putak population and to analyze whether morphological differences among those populations are just phenotipic plastisity or it has evolution significantly. Of sampling locations selected using purposive sampling were got 49 specimens for measurement of morphometric and meristic originated from five different locations and seven specimens for mtDNA analysis originated from two different populations. Biometric measurement was conducted at 35 morphological characters on the leftside of the fish body. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism(RLFP)Method was employed formt DNA analysis using 16S rRNA marker. Biometric datum was subject to Discriminant Analysis using Statistica 6.0 package, since mtDNA was analyzed by manual qualitative. The results on morphological analysis showed that the putak originated from Ogan River, Kelekar, inland waters of Bangka Island, Kota Bangun, and Tanah Ulu were separated population. Snouth Length (SL), Isthmus Length (IL), and Adipose Length (AL) are the most discriminate morphological characters. Population of the putak from Kalimantan Island (Tanah Ulu and Kota Bangun) had wider similarity distance compared to from that Sumatera population (Ogan River, Kelekar River, and Bangka Island). It was clearly shown that  the putak population among different islands was isolated by natural barrier. Morphological difference of the putak was not only caused by fenotipic, but also by evolution significance

    A coordination framework for multi-agent persuasion and adviser systems

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    Assistive agents have been used to give advices to the users regarding activities in daily lives. Although adviser bots are getting smarter and gaining more popularity these days they are usually developed and deployed independent from each other. When several agents operate together in the same context, their advices may no longer be effective since they may instead overwhelm or confuse the user if not properly arranged. Only little attentions have been paid to coordinating different agents to give different advices to a user within the same environment. However, aligning the advices on-the-fly with the appropriate presentation timing at the right context still remains a great challenge. In this paper, a coordination framework for advice giving and persuasive agents is presented. Apart from preventing overwhelming messages, the adaptation enables cooperation among the agents to make their advices more impactful. In contrast to conventional models that rely on natural language contents or direct multi-modal cues to align the dialogs, the proposed framework is built to be more practical allowing the agents to actively share their observation, goals, and plans to each other. This allows them to adapt the schedules, strategies, and contents of their scheduled advices or reminders at runtime with respect to each other's objectives. Challenges and issues in multi-agent adviser systems are identified and defined in this paper supported by a survey study about perceived usefulness and user comprehensibility of advices delivered by multiple agents. The coordination among the advice giving agents are investigated and exemplified with a simulation of activity of daily living in the context of aging in place.NRF (Natl Research Foundation, S’pore)Accepted versio

    Peramalan Deret Berkala dalam Mengurangi Bullwhip Effect pada Sistem Rantai Pasok Komoditas Sawit pada PTPN VII, Lampung, Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi efek cambuk (BE) pada produksi CPO di PTPN VII Unit Bekri, Lampung. Selain itu, kami melakukan peramalan permintaan Produk CPO menggunakan metode Double Moving Average (DMA) dan metode Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) serta membandingkan hasil peramalan dari kedua metode tersebut berdasarkan Mean Absolute Error (MSE) terendah dan nilai Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Data bulanan produksi dan penjualan CPO periode 2019 – 2021 digunakan untuk peramalan permintaan produk CPO. Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa nilai BE awal (1,08) lebih tinggi dari nilai parameter (1,04) dan hal ini mengindikasikan terjadinya BE pada produksi CPO di PTPN VII Unit Bekri, Lampung. Selanjutnya, temuan kami juga menemukan bahwa nilai MSE dan MAPE dari penggunaan metode DMA lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan metode DES. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan referensi terkait dengan aplikasi metode peramalan dalam rangka meminimalisir BE. Metode DES dapat digunakan untuk meminimalisir BE yang terjadi di PTPN VII unit bekri, berdasarkan hasil analisis metode DES dapat menurunkan nilai BE sebesar 0,09
