58 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Effects Upon Wave Propagation In Experiments of Wave Blocking

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    Spectral Response Surfaces and the Ringing Response of Offshore Structures

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    A method, called spectral response surface method, is proposed for the study of the ringing phenomenon of offshorestructures. Newman’s results for diffraction force on a column were reformulated in terms of the frequency componentsof the ocean surface and their Hilbert transforms. Using a first-order reliability method together with a dynamic modelfor the structural response, it is straightforward to calculate the ocean surface history most likely to generate an extremeringing response and the ringing response history

    Prediksi Umur Kelelahan Struktur Keel Buoy Tsunami Dengan Metode Spectral Fatigue Analysis

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    Salah satu komponen dari Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) adalah surface buoy. Surface buoy selama beroperasi di laut akan menerima beban akibat gelombang yang relatif besar, bersifat dinamis dan acak, yang dapat menyebabkan beban berulang pada struktur keel buoy. Apabila terjadi secara terus-menerus, beban ini dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kerusakan pada struktur keel dari surface buoy. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui umur kelelahan struktur keel buoy tsunami dengan metode spectral fatigue analysis, dimana struktur keel buoy tsunami merupakan penghubung antara tali tambat (mooring line) dengan surface buoy. Struktur keel buoy ini terbuat dari material poros bekas pakai. Untuk menentukan umur kelelahan struktur keel buoy ini, telah dilakukan pembuatan diagram sebaran gelombang (wave scatter diagram) selama setahun pada koordinat 108.3417 BT dan 10.3998 LS. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji olah gerak buoy dan beban gelombang untuk mendapatkan fungsi transfer tegangan pada keel buoy. Pembuatan spektrum gelombang untuk masing-masing kondisi laut dilakukan untuk memperoleh respon tegangan pada struktur keel buoy. Hasil pengujian material berupa kurva SN digunakan sebagai basis dalam menentukan umur kelelahan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur kelelahan struktur keel buoy tsunami akibat beban gelombang sekitar 11 tahun untuk berbagai kondisi laut (sea state) di perairan yang ditinjau

    Perhitungan Wave Making Resistance Pada Kapal Katamaran Dengan Menggunakan CFD

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    Kapal katamaran merupakan salah satu jenis kapal multihull. Saat ini, permintaan akan jenis kapal ini semakin meningkat karena beberapa keunggulan yang dimiliki katamaran jika dibandingkan dengan kapal monohull. Salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perancangan kapal katamaran adalah nilai hambatannya. Tidak seperti pada kapal-kapal monohull, pada katamaran akan terjadi interaksi gelombang di daerah antara kedua demihull-nya. Interaksi ini dapat mempengaruhi nilai hambatan gelombang kapal, tergantung dari interaksi apa yang terjadi. Dengan melakukan variasi kecepatan (Fn), yaitu untuk Fn = 0.2 - 0.4 dan variasi jarak antar lambung (S/L) dimana S merupakan jarak antar lambung dan L adalah panjang kapal, yaitu untuk S/L = 0.2, S/L = 0.3 dan S/L = 0.4 dapat dilihat pengaruh interaksi gelombang terhadap nilai hambatan gelombang katamaran. Dari hasil simulasi numerik diketahui bahwa untuk satu nilai Fn, hambatan gelombang akan terus menurun seiring bertambahnya nilai S/L, sedangkan untuk nilai S/L yang sama, nilai hambatan gelombang akan terus bertambah seiring kenaikan nilai Fn sampai dengan Fn = 0.5. Pada Fn di atas 0.5, nilai hambatan gelombang akan mengalami penurunan karena berkurangnya pengaruh gelombang terhadap demihulls dan terjadinya wave breaking dan spray

    Interleukin-1?, Interleukin-6, and Antagonist Interleukin-1receptor as Memory Impairment Risk Factor in Complex Partial Epilepsy

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    Memory impairment is one of the most common adverse following epilepsy, particularly complex partial epilepsy. Cytokines physiologically play an important role in memory impairment by preventing long term potentiation process in hypocampus. Several literatures have mentioned that IL-1b, IL-6 and antagonist receptor IL-1Ra are crucial cytokines in complex partial epilepsy. This study aims to find out whether high level of IL-1b and IL-6 as well as low level of IL-1Ra might be risk factors of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy patient. This was a case control study, enrolling 30 complex partial epilepsy patients with memory impairment as case group and 30 complex partial epilepsy patients without memory impairment as control group. In this study, it was obtained that the mean of IL-1? level in case group was significantly higher compared to the control (2.74 ± 4.36 vs. 0.42 ± 0.18 pg/ml, p = 0.007). The mean of IL-6 in case group was significantly higher compare to control (5.89 ± 6.32 vs. 2.34 ± 1.80 pg/ml, p = 0.006). The mean of IL-1Ra level of the case group was not significantly higher compared to the control (519.81 ± 262.64 vs. 413.28 ± 106.85, p = 0.767). By applying bivariate analysis, McNemar's test, we observed that IL-1? with cut off point 0.63 pg/ml and OR = 70 is a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.001. Similar result was also gained for IL-6 with cut off point 2.87 pg/ml and OR = 4.57 as a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.007. Meanwhile, IL- 1Ra with cut off point 471 pg/ml and OR = 0.727 was not as a risk factor of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy indicated by p = 0.573. It can be concluded that the high level of IL-1B and IL-6 were the risk factors of memory impairment in complex partial epilepsy patients. High level 1L-1B patient was 70 times higher risk of becoming memory impaired. High IL-6 patients will have the risk nearly 5 times higher. The low level of IL-1Ra does not as a risk factor in epilepsy patients for having the following memory impairment

    High Plasma Tnf-? Levels And Mononuclear Cells Inos And Tnf-? Expression AS Risk Factors For Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

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    Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN) is one of the most common and annoyingcomplications of diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of PDN is complex and still unclear.Recently it has become clear that nitric oxide (NO) and proinflammatory cytokines playan important role in the pathogenesis and maintenance of pain in PDN. Based on thisphenomenon, this study was conducted to investigate whether the cytokine tumornecrosis factor-alpha (TNF-?) and NO, in this case inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase(iNOS), play a role in PDN pathogenesis.The study was carried in two steps. The first step was a cross sectional and thesecond step was a case-control study. The study was performed in 110 type-2 diabeticpatients. The plasma TNF-? levels were determined by ELISA while the expression ofTNF-? and iNOS in mononuclear cells were analyzed immunohistochemically.Of 110 subjects, 59 patients suffered from Painful DN (case) and the remaining51 patients were Painless DN (control). Cross sectionally, plasma TNF-? levels andimmunoreactivity for iNOS and TNF-? were higher in patients with more severe pain inthe Visual Analog Scale (VAS). There were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between mild and severe pain in regard to TNF-? level (15.24 pg/ml ± 5.42 vs.20.44 pg/ml ± 10.34 ); to iNOS immunoreactivity (9.72 % ± 8.61 vs. 15.6% ± 11.84); andto TNF-? immunoreactivity (13.0 % ± 9. 48 vs. 20.44% ± 11.75).The case control study showed that TNF-? had an odd ratio of 5.053 [CI 95%(2.241-11.392); p < 0.001]. TNF-? immunoreactivity of 4.125 [CI 95% (1.805-9.425); p< 0.001]; and iNOS immunoreactivity of 3.546 [CI 95% (1.613-7.795); p = 0.002]. There were correlations between TNF-? level, TNF-? and iNOS immunoreactivity andVAS with coefficient correlation: 0.330; 0.285 and 0.275 (p < 0.05) respectively.It is concluded that Diabetic Neuropathy patients with high TNF-? levels, iNOSand TNF-? immunoreactivity of mononuclear cells have higher risk for painful DN thanpainless DN. The higher TNF-? level, iNOS and TNF-? immunoreactivity the moresevere was the pain. This supports the hypothesis that TNF-? and iNOS have role inPDN pathogenesis. The results of this research could be applied as a basic for furtherresearch in pursuit of better management of PDN