933 research outputs found

    Ensino de literatura brasileira: investigando concepções de professores da rede estadual de Pernambuco sobre orientações e documentos curriculares oficiais

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    There are about of 40 years, the linguistic studies passed to conceive the language as social interaction. This implied modifications in the teaching of language and literature, leading to questioning of the rigid division historically operated between them (CHIAPPINNI, 2005). Furthermore, the literature has been seen as powerful instrument of human formation, esthetic fruition and understanding of human, which justifies its insertion in the curriculum (CANDIDO, 2012). In Pernambuco, the teachers of public network have of an official curriculum proposal (Common Curriculum Base - BCC), that contains concepts and orientations to the teaching practice, without prejudice of the school autonomy. Beyond her, there are the OTM (Theoretical – methodological Orientations), with suggestions of activities and appropriates procedures to concepts had in the Base. Like these documents serve of main reference to elaboration of the school curricula, we objectify, according with Cosson (2006) and Ferreira (2007), to investigate the positioning of teachers of Statewide Network of PE about to BCC and to OTM, wherein respect to the teaching of literature. Thereunto, we realize semi structured interviews with 2 teachers of a reference school and 1 of a conventional school. The analysis of the data indicated that the respondents have guideline of the curricula proposal, judge them relevant and highlights the necessity of a formation that provides specific methodological suggestions for teaching literature. Against addition, we judge necessary a continuing formation that provides subsidies to teaching practice and we highlight the relevancy to establish a greater dialogue between schools and universities, in order to we measure, (re)create the thought and lived curriculum

    O programa esporte e lazer da cidade : a política de formação para o trabalho e o papel dos agentes sociais

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    O artigo analisa a política de formação do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (Governo Federal-Brasil). Foram realizadas consultas a documentos e pesquisa de campo e utilizados autores das Ciências Sociais e da Educação Física, definindo-se como categorias analíticas: formação e trabalho. Conclui-se que a política de formação se depara na execução com entraves na compreensão do significado do trabalho, ao passo que se baseia em um modelo hegemônico que dicotomiza o fazer esportivo e do lazer, separando concepção e execução.This paper analyses the formative policy of the Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (Federal Government-Brazil). Based on documents research and work field; the theory comes from authors of the Social Science and Physical Education, it analyses: formative policy and work. It was concluded that the formative policy of the Program present issues related to the comprehension of the meaning of work, because it’s based in an hegemonic type that dichotomized the ‘sport practice’ and the leisure, separating meaning and execution.El artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la política de formación del Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (Gobierno Federal-Brasil). Fueron hechas consultas documentales y trabajo de campo y usados autores de las ciencias sociales y de la educación física, apuntándose las categorías: trabajo y formación como centrales. La conclusión apunta que la política de formación del Programa presenta problemas relacionados a la comprensión de lo sentido del trabajo, puesto que se fundamenta en un tipo hegemónico dualista del hacer deportivo e del ocio, dividiéndose concepción y ejecución

    Obtenção de três eventos-elite através da hibridação entre A. hypogaea e anfidiplóides sintéticos e sua inserção no programa de melhoramento da Embrapa.

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    Guia de identificação e controle das principais pragas e doenças do algodoeiro.

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    Resistência de genótipos de amendoim às cercosporioses sob condições naturais de infecção.

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    Stress Effects On The Electron-spin-resonance Spectra Of Er In Gold And Silver Thin Films

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    Electron-spin-resonance measurements were carried out at liquid-helium temperatures on diluted Er in Au and Ag thin films (300-5000) evaporated on NaCl and quartz substrates. The observed anisotropy of the g value, linewidth, and line shape are explained by the mixing of excited crystalline field levels with the 7 ground state: These admixtures are caused by the stresses induced by the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of the substrate and the film. Lower limits for the tetragonal and trigonal second-order orbit-lattice coupling parameters can be estimated from the data. In Au their magnitude and sign agree with those predicted by the point-charge model, while in Ag the trigonal parameter does not. Qualitative information about the strain distribution across the film was obtained by employing the anisotropy of the g value, the linewidth, and the line shape together with x rays and electron-microscopy analysis. © 1981 The American Physical Society.2373149315