16 research outputs found

    Penerapan Iptek Biogas “Menuju Konsep Desa Mandiri Energy-dme” Di Desa Rarang Lombok Timur

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    The implementation of science and communities service project is aimed to minimize destitution by implementing self feeding and energy generating village concept. The specific goal of this project is the utilization of cattle dung to produce a biogas. The method is being used for this project is by illuminating and educating the community to be able to build and operate the cattle dung biogas digester by their own. In addition, the community is completely involved to this project since the early state of this project. By implementing the plastic floating digester, it is hoped that the communities be able to utilize the biogas digester and make their own domestic energy. The result of this program is an unit biogas digester by using cow dung as a feed stock. The plastic floating digester can produce a continue biogas as a fuel for cooking. The enthusiasm of the community in term of using and implementing the digester is quite high. It is expected that the community can build and implement the cattle dung digester to produce biogas as a domestic energy

    Optimization Design Blade Wind Turbine in Enhancing Power Based on Passive Control System

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    Control power on rotor wind turbine can be carried out by changing blade angle of attack through via pitch control and stall regulated method to produce much power and control power as well as protect wind turbine from high wind to operate in rated power. By using search-based design method to optimize design blade and Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) to analyze aerodynamic performance for stall and pitch control power. Recent work demonstrates that some very significant effect can be achieved by using constant speed pitch control. Comparing of among ordinary blade and design blade of constant speed stall regulated and optimized show that enhancing power is nearly similar while design blade using pitch control give significant effect in enhancing aerodynamic performance of design blade. For average power, design blade constant speed pitch control has average power about 47970,77 Watt and constant speed stall regulated is 43855,41 Wat

    Kajian Tekno Ekonomi Unit Alat Pencacah Plastik Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Jual Sampah Plastik: Studi Kasus-ud. Sari Plastik Lombok Timur, NTB

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    Processing plastic waste in East Lombok mostly just collect plastic waste processing and then sent to the city in its original form. If the plastic waste is processed by applying plastic shredded units or chopper machine technology, the sale value of the plastic waste will be increased. This study describes to determine of feasibility technical and economic aspects to apply the plastic shredder units. The method used in this study is quantitative method in which the author will be a number of data collection is needed in relation to the issues to be examined, so that the research results can be trusted and relied upon the truth. The results of the study found that the engine performance in terms of the efficiency of each stage of the production process of shredded plastic. To purchase process stages, sorting, drying, packaging, and selling obtained an efficiency of 0.938, while the efficiency of the shredding process is 0.906. Furthermore, to obtain a production capacity of 1230.01 kg/day processing owners must buy raw materials 1588.34 kg/day by the number of machines required 2 units of 3 units of existing plastic shredder. So based on the feasibility analysis in terms of the value of BEP, obtained at 29092.03 kilogram production capacity, with a total cost of Rp 176,424,168.75, NPV Rp 113,545,038.34 (>0) and Net B/C ratio of 1.79 (>0) otherwise feasible. By optimizing the engine to 3 units obtained BEP value equal to the NPV Rp 385.139.485,25 (>0) and Net B/C ratio of 4.01 (>0). From the analysis of the value of shredded plastic BEP selling price is higher than the selling price of plastic intact from Rp 3,531/kg into Rp 6.064,35/kg


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    Technical requirement checking relating exhaust brake on vehicle inspection is still lacking because there is no additional equipment which can helps to ensure the exhaust brake works. From that case a set of research is conducted to help inspectors to ensure the exhaust brake works normally  by using microcontroller based prototype. This research aims to design and implement the inspect equipment of exhaust brake using sound sensor DFr and air Sensor. The process requires 3 inspectors and by using this tool, inspectors could ensure the exhaust brake works or not for hino vehicle. This research shows that measuring by using this auxiliary tool for checking the exhaust brake could inform the fluctuation of sound produced by vehicle machine and decreasing air on exhaust brake system. The result of its prototype testing, the sound sensor is able to detect the increasing of sound and if the sound level reaches 80 dB, there will be a green as warning LED and l2c LCD displays the noise level and the prototype could works properly, the accuracy percentage is 97% and for the air Sensor’s accuracy is 92

    Pengendalian Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian di Kawasan Perkotaan Mangupura Kabupaten Badung

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    This article aims at analyzing determining aspects that must be incorporated in to the process of developing a strategy to control land development. It converses this objective by taking the increasing rate of agricultural land conversion in Mangupura urban area, of Badung Regency-Bali, as its case study. The study was carried out using a qualitative approach. The findings demonstrate the driving factors behind such a conversion are classified into four categories, including social, economical, environmental and regulatory forces. Learning from the dynamic of land development of Mangupura area, the study subsequently comes out with a conclusion that for efficiency and success, the strategy to control land use changes has to embrace two basic aspects of: (i) identification and clarification of instruments to regulate spatial changes, and (ii) the allocation of agency/s assigned to carry out the controlling roles. It is further emphasized that attempts to rule spatial development should take both of the aforementioned determining forces and basic aspects influencing the success of the control strategy, into account. Keywords: conversion, agricultural land, land use control and strateg


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    Accounting standards provide guidelines for the accounting treatment of an event. These guidelines are reflected in the definition, measurement, evaluation, recognition and disclosure of elements or financial statement items. AHASS Mira Motor is a company engaged in the business of trading and services whose business activities are selling motorcycle parts.  The purpose of this study was to analyze the accounting treatment of income on AHASS Mira Motor Gianyar in accordance with ETAP financial accounting standards. The results of the study found that revenue recognition on AHASS Mira Motor Gianyar did not conform to ETAP financial accounting standards regarding revenue, revenue measurement on AHASS Mira Motor Gianyar were in accordance with ETAP financial accounting standards on revenue, and disclosure of income on AHASS Mira Motor Gianyar did not comply with standards ETAP financial accounting of income


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    The steep coastal topography makes the traditional fisherman facing a difficulty for moving boat from/to the sea towards the mainland. With the slope of 2 - 3 meters, it required at least 4 people do the job. This situation is very disturbing and reducing the productivity of the fishermen itself. Therefore, it needs a special equipment or appropriate technology to overcomes the drawback situation. So that, it will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of fishing operations. The method used in this study is an applied research method which the tool is designed based on real phenomena. Moreover, the outcome is the design of boat transfer device that will be used as an additional supplement to the teaching material of design and product development, industrial management, as well as a scientific publications. The design expected can improve the steep coastal fishermen productivity and welfare

    Effect of Agricultural Land Function Transfer on Urban Development in North Kuta District

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    Land use change in general concerns the transformation in allocating land resources from one designation to another. The aims of this study were (1) to identify problems with the conversion of agricultural land, especially paddy fields (2) to analyze its spatial pattern and the influencing factors, and (3) to analyze policies related to the conversion of agricultural land. This study used a qualitative approach, collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted in North Kuta District, Badung Regency. The conclusions from this study are (1) the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural use is strongly influenced by the dynamics of very rapid urban growth, both from a demographic, economic, and physical perspective. 2) The spatial pattern of the conversion of paddy fields is influenced by socio-economic factors, including urban population growth, growth and shifts in economic structure, growth of land-using agricultural households, and changes in the area of land tenure. 3) The policy related to controlling the conversion of agricultural land is the consistency of the implementation of the District RDTR as the key to preventing the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land


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    Honda Sales Operation Mataram adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi dan retail kendaraan. Sebagai tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap purna jual produk kendaraan maka didirikan bengkel cabang resmi AHASS. Untuk meningkatkan kepuasan dan kepercayaan konsumen, bengkel harus mampu bekerja efisien dan efektif. Efisien dan efektifnya operasional suatu perusahaan sangat ditentukan oleh sumber daya yang dimilki baik sumber daya manusia maupun peralatan yang digunakan. Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pelayanan penggantian oli shock di bengkel AHASS    dibuat suatu alat bantu yang disebut TsA-1 (tool shock absorber). Alat bantu TsA-1 bertujuan untuk mempermudah mekanik dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan waktu kerja penggantian oli shock menggunakan alat bantu TsA-1 dengan peralatan yang biasa digunakan sebelumnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengukuran kerja ini adalah metode jam henti (stopwatch time study) dengan tiga pengulangan untuk setiap sampel proses pengukuran waktu kerja. Proses kerja yang di ukur adalah proses penggantian oli shock dan penggantian seal shock. Hasil pengukuran waktu kerja diketahui bahwa waktu normal penggantian oli shock menggunakan alat biasa adalah 39,38 menit dan menggunakan TsA-1 adalah 33,52 menit. Demikian pula waktu standarnya menggunakan alat biasa adalah 41,45 menit dan menggunakan TsA-1 adalah 35,28 menit. Untuk proses penggantian seal shock hasil pengukuran waktu kerjanya didapatkan waktu normal  53,36 menit dengan alat biasa dan 51,70 menit menggunakan TsA-1. Waktu standar penggantian seal shock dengan alat biasa 56,16 menit dan 54,42 menit menggunakan TsA-1. Sehingga secara keseluruhan berdasarkan analisis data pengukuran kerja dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat bantu TsA-1 dapat meningkatkan produktivitas mekanik dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaanya. Mekanik dengan menggunakan TsA-1 lebih cepat 1,74 menit dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dibandingkan dengan alat biasa. Ada selisih waktu 6,17 menit atau meningkat 13 persen dari waktu standar 41,52 menit mnggunakan alat biasa dan 33,52 menit dengan menggunakan alat TsA-1. Sehingga penggunaan alat TsA-1 lebih efektif dan efisien dari alat biasa dari segi perhitungan waktu dan pengakuan mekanik


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    To assure the quality of education in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, we need to design an integrated performance measurement system. For that purpose, we used the IPMS (Integrated Performance Measurement Systems) method. Using the IPMS method, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering were determined by pursuant to stakeholder requirement through four steps. Those are identifying the stakeholder requirement, external monitor, stipulating objectives, and identification of KPIs. Performance measurement system with the IPMS method in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Mataram University can be identified into 38 KPIs grouped in 9 criterias of performance of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, that are curriculum, student, financial, human resources, administration academic, teaching and learning, alumnus, evaluation and operation, and external party. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Untuk menjamin kualitas pendidikan di Jurusan Teknik Mesin, diperlukan sebuah rancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja (SPK) yang terintegrasi dengan metode IPMS (Integrated Performance Measurement Systems). Dengan metode IPMS, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Jurusan Teknik Mesin ditentukan berdasarkan stakeholder requirement melalui empat tahapan yaitu; identifikasi stakeholder requirement, external monitor, penetapan objectives, dan identifikasi KPIs. Hasil perancangan SPK di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Mataram, dapat mengidentifikasi 38 KPIs yang dikelompokkan dalam 9 kriteria kinerja Jurusan Teknik Mesin, yaitu; kurikulum, mahasiswa, finansial, SDM, administrasi akademik, proses pembelajaran, alumni, evaluasi dan pengendalian, dan external party. Kata Kunci : Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja, IPMS, Teknik Mesin Unram