54 research outputs found

    Determinasi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Supervisi Akademik Dan Sikap Guru Terhadap Profesinya Dengan Kinerja Guru SD Negeri Gugus II Di Kecamatan Melaya, Kabupaten Jembrana.

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    This research aims at investigating the determination of principal leadership, academic supervision and teachers' attitudes towards their profession on cluster II elementary school teacher performance in melaya district, jembrana regency. This study is an ex-post facto research and the data were collected by using questionnaire. The population were determined using census study which involved all population to be the respondents. Total respondents were 56 teachers. The data analyses used in this research were simple regression, partial correlation, and multiple regresions. The results of this research are: First: there is a significant determination of principal leadership (X1) toward teacher performance (Y), Second: there is significant determination of academic supervision (X2) toward teacher performance (Y), Third: there is significant determination of teacher attitudes of their profession (X3) toward teacher performance (Y), and Fourth: there is significant determination of principal leadership (X1), academic supervision (X2), the teacher attitudes towards their profession (X3) on teacher performance (Y)

    Pengaruh Waktu Dekomposisi dan Dosis Kotoran Kambing terhadap Pertumbuhan Kembali dan Hasil Asystasia gangetica (L.) subsp. Micrantha

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    ABSTRAK  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh serta interaksi antara waktu dekomposisi dan dosis kotoran kambing terhadap pertumbuhan kembali dan hasil Asystasia gangetica (L.) subsp. Micrantha. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Kaca, Stasiun Penelitian Sesetan, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Udayana di Jalan Raya Sesetan Gang Markisa. Penelitian berlangsung selama 2 bulan, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah waktu dekomposisi: 4 minggu (W4), 2 minggu (W2), 0 minggu (W0). Faktor kedua terdiri atas dosis pupuk yaitu: 0 ton ha-1 (D0), 10 ton ha-1 (D10), 20 ton ha-1 (D20), 30 ton ha-1 (D30). Terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali, sehingga terdapat 48 unit percobaan. Variabel yang diamati yaitu pertumbuhan, hasil hijauan, dan karakteristik tumbuh tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara waktu dekomposisi dan dosis terhadap semua variabel kecuali tinggi tanaman dan jumlah cabang. Waktu dekomposisi 0 minggu nyata memberikan respon lebih baik dibandingkan dekomposisi 2 dan 4 minggu. Pemberian dosis 20 ton ha-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap variabel tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang, berat kering daun, dan nisbah berat kering daun dengan berat kering batang. Tanaman Asystasia gangetica (L.) subsp. Micrantha memerlukan tingkatan dosis yang tepat untuk memberikan pertumbuhan kembali dan hasil yang lebih baik. Disimpulkan bahwa waktu dekomposisi 0 minggu dan dosis 20 ton ha-1 memberikan respon terbaik pada pertumbuhan kembali dan hasil tanaman Asystasia gangetica (L.) subsp. Micrantha.  Kata kunci: Asystasia gangetica (L.) subsp. Micrantha, dekomposisi, hasil, kotoran kambing, pertumbuhan kembal

    Alpha-tocotrienol is the most abundant tocotrienol isomer circulated in plasma and lipoproteins after postprandial tocotrienol-rich vitamin E supplementation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tocotrienols (T3) and tocopherols (T), both members of the natural vitamin E family have unique biological functions in humans. T3 are detected in circulating human plasma and lipoproteins, although at concentrations significantly lower than α-tocopherol (α-T). T3, especially α-T3 is known to be neuropotective at nanomolar concentrations and this study evaluated the postprandial fate of T3 and α-T in plasma and lipoproteins.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten healthy volunteers (5 males and 5 females) were administered a single dose of vitamin E [526 mg palm tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) or 537 mg α-T] after 7-d pre-conditioning on a T3-free diet. Blood was sampled at baseline (fasted) and 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 24 h after supplementation. Concentrations of T and T3 isomers in plasma, triacylglycerol-rich particles (TRP), LDL, and HDL were measured at each postprandial interval.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After TRF supplementation, plasma α-T3 and γ-T3 peaked at 5 h (α-T3: 4.74 ± 1.69 μM; γ-T3: 2.73 ± 1.27 μM). δ-T3 peaked earlier at 4 h (0.53 ± 0.25 μM). In contrast, α-T peaked at 6 h (30.13 ± 2.91 μM) and 8 h (37.80 ± 3.59 μM) following supplementation with TRF and α-T, respectively. α-T was the major vitamin E isomer detected in plasma, TRP, LDL, and HDL even after supplementation with TRF (composed of 70% T3). No T3 were detected during fasted states. T3 are detected postprandially only after TRF supplementation and concentrations were significantly lower than α-T.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Bio-discrimination between vitamin E isomers in humans reduces the rate of T3 absorption and affects their incorporation into lipoproteins. Although low absorption of T3 into circulation may impact some of their physiological functions in humans, T3 have biological functions well below concentration noted in this study.</p

    Undersowing cassava with stylo grown under coconut

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    Meeting: International Society for Tropical Root Crops Symposium, 4th, 1-7 Aug. 1976, Cali, COIn IDL-133


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    Meningkatkan luasan tutupan vegetasi adalah salah satu upaya untuk berperan serta dalam meningkatkanpenyerapan gas rumah kaca yang menjadi pemicu munculnya perubahan iklim. Terkait hal tersebut tumbuhan pakanmemiliki peran yang sangat strategis karena selain dapat menyediakan hijauan pakan juga dapat meningkatkantutupan vegetasi dengan memanfaatkan lahan kering dan bahkan lahan kritis untuk penanaman tumbuhan pakan.Meningkatnya pemberian pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk bioslury dapat meningkatkan produksi dan kualitashijauan total rumput panikum atau paspalum yang ditanam bersama legume. Berat kering oven total hijauanrumput paspalum yang ditanam bersama rumput panikum dan legume Centrocema yang dipupuk dengan pupukkandang sapi yakni masing-masing sebesar 4,75 dan 4,36 t ha-1. Penggunaan pupuk organik akan menghasilkankualitas hijauan yang semakin baik apabila diterapkan pada kombinasi penanaman rumput panikum, paspalumdan leguminosa

    The Study of Solid Waste and Analysis of Local Participation in Larantuka City of East Flores Regency

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    Larantuka is the capital of East Flores Regency, which &nbsp;located in the most eastern part of Flores island and wellknown for its natural beauty. Despite &nbsp;the tourism potentiontial, the development of infrastructure is not sufficient, especially in solid waste management. Larantuka city itself doesn't have&nbsp; a proper sanitary landfill facility, no recycle center and dizorganized management. This situation can be harmful for environment and the natural beauty of East Flores. The purpose of this study is to understand the waste management situation at the moment in East Flores District, how much waste that is produce everyday by all the activities and also the willingness of the people of &nbsp;Larantuka to participate in waste management. The result of this study shown that 60 % of the resident in Larantuka is dissatisfied of their neighbourhood environment because of the lack of waste mangement. The result of the survey Larantuka produce&nbsp; is 98 m3 per day, that consist of 60 m3 of organic matters, 17 m3 of plastic, and 15,3m3 of paper and others. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are one of solution from this problems, but it needs cooperation between the residence, government and even private companies. Based on the&nbsp; questionaire 57 % of the residence in East Flores still does not understand what 3R or Reduce, Reuse and Recycle as a solution to overcome the problem. Keywords : Community participation; Solid waste; Larantuka;&nbsp; 3

    Pemanfaatan Metode Aerasi dalam Pengolahan Limbah Berminyak

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    Oily waste can pollute environment. One of the method used to process the oily waste is aerationmethod. This researce is carried out by taking oily waste PT. Indonesia Power Business Unit Electric PowerStation Bali at Pasanggaran Denpasar, aimed at increase quality of the waste.The sampel used is waste of PT. Indonesia Power Electric Power Station Business Unit of Bali. Thesampel is intercepted and retained in a retaining box, and 11,12 litters are then taken to be put intotreatment tank. Aeration treatment duration given varies, such as 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hoursfor the sampel with air flow speed of 0,6m/s. The treatment is also done with adding sampel with mud of 1%of the whole sampel volume. The relation between Aerating duration with oil contents, oil layer, BOD value,COD value, TDS value and TSS value will be analyzed with simple correlation and descriptive analysis.Aeration treatment can reduce the contents of oil in waste and separate oil accumulated in the waterso that the oil can be depressed up. Aeration treatment can also lower BOD value, COD value, TDS valueand TSS value because giving oxygen in to waste will meet the needs of oxygen of disentanglingmicroorganism in the waste water and the needs of oxygen for oxidation of chemicals in the waste.Therefore, aeration treatment can increase quality of the waste
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