744 research outputs found

    Equity Return and Short-Term Interest Rate Volatility: Level Effects and Asymmetric Dynamics

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    Evidence suggests that short-term interest rate volatility peaks with the level of short rates, while equity volatility responds asymmetrically to positive and negative shocks. We present an LM based test that distinguishes between level effects and asymmetry in volatility which is robust to the presence of unidentified nuisance parameters under the null. There is strong evidence of a level effect and asymmetric response in the relationship between S&P 500 Index returns and 3-month US Treasury Bills. The conditional covariance depends on the level of the short rate which has implications for hedging equity returns against short term interest rate movements.

    Testing for Rate-Dependence and Asymmetry in Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the G7 Economies

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    The Friedman-Ball hypothesis implies a link between the inflation rate and inflation uncertainty. In this paper we employ a new test for the joint null hypothesis of no dependence effects and no asymmetry in the G7 inflation volatility. The results show that higher inflation rates operate additively via the conditional variance of inflation to induce greater inflation uncertainty in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. In addition, positive inflationary shocks are found to generate greater inflation uncertainty than negative shocks of a similar magnitude in the U.K. and Canada.

    The Effect of Different Drying TIME to Nori Seaweed (Gracialaria SP.) Quality

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    The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of different drying time to nori seaweed (Gracilaria sp.) The method used was experimental with different of drying time of nori seaweed processing. The method used was experimental and composed as non factorial Completely Randomized Design (RAL), which consisted of 3 levels,namely:long drying 18, 20 and 22 hours. The parameters used were sensory evaluation, the value of water content, ash content, and fiber content. Based on parameters of different drying time to nori seaweed the best treatment was long drying 22 hours with appearance (6.17), flavor (8,01), taste(7,61) and texture(8,15) with characterictics appearance is green, fragrant aroma, good with specific seaweed taste, and rough and crisp textures.the chemical values obtained water content (12,97%), ash content (0,70%) and fiber content (8,12%)

    Study on Consumer Acceptance of Jelly Candy Seaweed (Eucheuma Cottonii) with the Addition of Natural Dyes Rosele (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L)

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    This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of jelly seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) with the addition of natural dyes rosele (Hibiscus sabdariffa L). The method used is experiment with a completely randomized design, consisting of 4 levels of treatment of R0 (without the addition of roselle), R1 (extra rosela 15%), R2 (extra rosela 20%), and R3 (extra rosela 25%). The parameters tested were organoleptic, chemical analysis and treatment of the best views of the parameters tested is treated R3 (xtra rosela 25%) with a red color such criteria (7.29), the distinctive aroma of seaweed no (7.46), sweetness and typical rosela acid (7.57), teksturserat-fiber smooth and not sticky (7.58), with a water content of 15.20%, ash content of 0.42%, 4.33% reducing sugar

    Effect on the Processing of Egg Nugget Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) Acceptance of Users

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of different types of eggs in processing of catfish nuggets of customer acceptance. The method used was experimental method by using a completely randomized design. The parameters tested are sensory (appearance, texture, odor and flavor), moisture content and protein content. The results showed that the level of acceptance by the customer, the catfish nuggets with egg is best treated with a level of customer acceptance is very fond of 62.4% and 37.6% like characteristics nuggets with egg which is colored in such a golden yellow, typical fish taste, chewy and slightly dry with little flavor fish specialties, with a water content of 11.29% and 57.40% protein

    The Effects of Snakehead Fish Protein Concentrate (Channa Striatus) Addition on the Quality of Kwetiau

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    The research aims to understand the addition effects of snakehead fish(Channa striatus) protein concentrate toward kwetiau quality, that is known theaddition of fish protein concentrate efficient in make of kwetiau. Design used inthis study was completely randomized design (CRD) non factorial, with fourthlevels of treatment that was without the addition of snakehead fish proteinconcentrate (K0), the addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate 5% (K5),the addition of snakehead fish protein concentrate 10% (K10), and the addition ofsnakehead fish protein concentrate 15% (K15). The experiments were performedthree times repetitions, and produced 12 units. The organoleptic test result basedon tested parameter that K0 was the best treatment with characteristics such white,attractive, chewy texture, sticky and soft, wet kwetiau aroma ( aroma like flour )but with additon of 5% snakehead fish protein concentrate could increase proteincontent, but kwetiau taste did not change, decrease the amount of water contentand microbial. Water content (63.45%), protein content (12.95%), ash content(1.82%), total bacterial colonies (7,4 X 104 sel/g), and elongationconsecutively(27.22%
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