358 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Produksi Padi Study Kasus Operasi Pangan Riau Makmur di Kabupaten Kampar

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    In general, the present research was aimed to investigate how far was the targetachievement and productivity of Riau Prosperous Food Operation in Kampar Regency.The specific objectives were to analyze factors affecting the rice production level andfactors affecting the rice efficiency and allocation level in Kampar Regency. To achievethe objectives, the descriptive analysis, stochastic frontier production functionalanalysis, maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) referred from Cobb=Douglas productionfunction were used. The main results show that the factors affecting the rice productionof Riau Prosperous Food Operations Program were labors, seeds used, the amount ofUrea fertilizer, the amount of SP-36 fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer.Whereas fornon Riau Prosperous Food Operations, the factors were the labors, the seeds used andthe amount of Urea fertilizer. Allocation for the Non Riau Prosperous Food Operationsprogram receivers was more efficient than those of Riau Prosperous Food Operations.Whereas, the economic efficiency was in contrast to the allocative efficiency. The RiauProsperous Food Operations was more efficient than Non Riau Prosperous FoodOperations. The main problem in the Riau Prosperous Food Operations program wasthe community low interest to cultivate crops, especially local community. RiauProsperous Food Operations prioritizing financial and physical aids were less effectiveto encourage the community in Kampar to cultivate the crops, especially rice, in a longrun. In other words, the programs should prioritize psychological aspects (motivation)of the community about the importance of the food to support the community socio-economic condition.Key words: Riau Prosperous Food Operations, productivity increase, efficienc


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    Background: HIV positive patients present a higher risk of cancer compared to the HIV-negative population. Three tumors, namely Kaposi sarcoma (KS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and invasive cervical cancer (ICC) occurs with particularly high incidence in HIV-positive patients, and have been classified as AIDS-defining malignancies (ADMs). However, a risk excess is observed for both ADMs and non-AIDS defining malignancies (NADMs). Beside co-infection with oncogenic virus, the pathogenic pathways underlying the development of infection-related and non infection-related cancer in PLWH are sustained by a complex network of interactions between various components of the immune system, with cytokines and other pro-inflammatory agents mediating those interactions. However, these mechanisms have not been fully characterized. Aim: To shed light on this topic, we conducted 3 studies with the following aims: - Natural Killer cell populations in HIV associated lymphoma: Natural Killer (NK, CD56+) cells exert anti-cancer and anti-viral actions and their number and function is impaired during HIV infection. In HIV-negative patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), NK cell constitute a higher percentage of circulating lymphocytes and are associated with a better outcome. We aimed to evaluate the NK cell population in HIV-associated lymphomas. - Sex-based differences in factors associated with HPV infection and intraepithelial lesions in a cohort of HIV-positive patients: We aimed to assess the factors associated with HPV infection and with squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) in a cohort of HIV-positive patients with focus on gender differences, and possible factors linked with the capability to clear HPV infection, thus influencing the progression of SILs towards cancer. - Association of immune activation markers and CD4/CD8 ratio with the development of virus related and non-virus related cancers in HIV-positive patients: High levels of peripheral T-cells immune activation and low CD4/CD8 ratio in HIV-positive patients have been associated with comorbidities, increased risk of serious events and deaths, despite effective highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Thus, we aimed to assess the association of peripheral immune activation markers (CD8+CD38+ T-lymphocytes) and CD4/CD8 ratio with the onset of infection-related and non-infection related cancers in a cohort of HIV-positive patients virological suppression. We further investigated possible association of CD8+CD38+ T-cells and CD4/CD8 ratio with overall survival of HIV-positive patients with virus-related cancer. Results: Association of immune activation markers and e CD4/CD8 ratio with the development of virus related and non-virus related cancer in HIV-positive patients: We collected clinico-pathologic and treatment data from a prospective series of HIV-positive patients with virus related and non-virus related cancers. We enrolled 140 HIV-positive patients, 115 with virus-related cancer and 25 with non-virus related cancers. We evaluated the association of CD4/CD8 ratio and CD8+CD38+ percentage at the time of first evaluation at our centre with the onset of virus ad non-virus related cancers in uni- and multivariable analyses, in relationship to other HIV-related criteria (CD4+ current and nadir, HIV-RNA, length of HIV infection, cART). Patients with virus-related cancer were more frequently males (p=0.002) and men who have sex with men (MSM) (p=0.003) compared to patients with non-virus related cancers. Further, at the time of cancer diagnosis, patients with virus-related disease were younger (p<0.0001), with a shorter time from HIV-diagnosis (p=0.04)and more frequently na\uefve to HAART (p=0.009); from an immunological perspective, pre-diagnostic levels of CD8+CD38+ T-cells were higher (p=0.05) and CD4/CD8 ratio was lower (p=0.01) in patients with virus related compared with non-virus related cancer. Natural Killer cell populations in HIV associated lymphoma: Clinical characteristics at lymphoma diagnosis have been prospectively collected at the National Centre for HIV Malignancy at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London, since 1986. We reviewed data of 615 HIV-positive patients including 360 lymphomas with full lymphocyte subset analysis at lymphoma diagnosis. The percentage of NK cells was significantly higher in patients with HL (median 9%) than in DLBCL (6%) and other NHL subtypes (p=0.009). The total NK cell count was significantly higher in patients with undetectable HIV-RNA(p<0.0001) but only weakly correlated with CD4 cell count (PearsonsR2 =0.11). For 156 patients with DLBCL, the 5-year OS was 64% (95%CI 56-72%) and in univariate analysis neither total NK-cell population (log rank p=0.14) not NK-cell % (log rank p=0.84) were prognostic variables for OS. In multivariate Cox model the only variable associated with OS was the International Prognostic Index (IPI) (log rank p<0.001). In conclusion, the percentage of NK-cells was reduced in HIV-associated NHL, in contrast with previous reports in HIV-negative patients, and this could contribute to lymphoma development in these patients. The NK-cell population was strongly influenced by effective ARV therapy but only marginally associated with CD4 counts. Nevertheless, NK-cell populations were not predictive of outcome in DLBCL. Sex-based differences in factors associated with HPV infection and intraepithelial lesions in a cohort of HIV-positive patients:We enrolled 472 patients. Anal/cervical brushing samples were collected for HPV-PCR detection/genotyping and cytologic abnormalities at baseline and follow-up visits. Viro-immunological data were recorded at the time of brushing. HPV infection(p<0.001), SIL (p<0.001), HPV persistence (p<0.001) and SIL progression (p=0.018) were all associated with male sex. Among females, HPV was associated with higher HIV-RNA (p=0.002) and SIL was independently associated with lower CD4+ count (AOR: 0.998; 95%CI: 0.997-1). In the males group, HPV was associated with MSM (AOR: 3.801, 95% CI: 1.82-7.95) while AIDS diagnosis (AOR: 0.387 95% CI:0.176-0.851) and older HIV infection (AOR: 0.996 95% CI:0.992-0.999) were negatively associated with HPV infection; males with SIL were younger (AOR 0.973, 95% CI 0.95-0,997), more MSMs (p=0.04) and with higher levels of immune-activation (CD38+CD8+%) (p=0.013) compared to SIL-negative males. In conclusion, the natural history of HPV and SIL is largely influenced by risky behaviors and immune-activation in males, particularly in recently HIV-infected patients, while it appears to be driven by immune-suppression in women. Given the high incidence of HPV infection in both men and women, we suggest that vaccination has to be strongly recommended to all HIV independently form the age and gender

    Analisis Daya Saing Biji Kakao (Cocoa Beans) Indonesia di Pasar Internasional

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perkembangan ekspor komoditi biji kakao Indonesia dan menganalisis daya saing biji kakao Indonesia di pasar Internasional. Data yang digunakan adalah data Time Series dari periode tahun 2001-2012 yang didapat dari berbagai sumber seperti International Trade Statistic, FAO, BPS, Ditjen Perkebunan etc. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP), analisis Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), dan analisis Constant Market Share (CMS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama periode 2001-2011 nilai ekspor kakao cenderung mengalami peningkatan. Nilai ISP selama periode 2001-2011 memiliki nilai positif yang menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara pengekspor biji kakao. Nilai RCA selama periode 2001-2011 memiliki nilai diatas 1 yang menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif untuk komoditi biji kakao. Sedangkan analisis CMS selama periode 2002-2011 menunjukkan dari keempat efek yang mempengaruhi daya saing, daya saing Indonesia lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh efek pertumbuhan standar yang mengindikasikan pertumbuhan ekspor biji kakao Indonesia lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan permintaan biji kakao duni

    Posisi Ekspor Produk Olahan Pertanian Indonesia Di Negara ASEAN

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the position of processed agricultural products exports of Indonesia in ASEAN countries. The data used in this research is secondary data that is in the form of time series data for 10 years that is the2005-2014 in the year can be from various sources such as the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, World Trade Organization, the Ministry of Trade etc. The analysis of the data used in this research is a descriptive analysis, that analysis that describes the position of the export of processed agricultural product Indonesia in ASEAN countries. Results of the study concluded that the export of processed agricultural products position ASEAN countries highest occupied by Indonesia with the export value reaching US$21.28 billion in 2014. While the next position occupied by Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Singapore and the Philippines


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    Abstract This research was aimed to obtained data base reproductive hormonal profile of the hormones estradiol and progesterone levels in various cell cultures. Culture cells used are cells fallopian tubes, ampulla, isthmus and follicle cells, whereas the culture period used were 0, 2 and 4 days. Analysis of the hormones estradiol and progesterone levels in various cell culture used ELISA method. Data results obtained are the estradiol hormone levels in various cell cultures and periods of different cultures in TCM-199 medium ie cell treatment Fallopian tubes in culture period 0, 2 and 4 days (9.07; 13.14; 9.00 pg/ml), cell culture period ampulla at 0, 2 and 4 days (9.00; 9.29; 14.39 pg/ml), cell isthmus (9.00; 12.08; 9.00  pg/ml) whereas follicular cells in culture period 0, 2 and 4 days (415.04; 476.67; 376.93 pg/ml). The highest levels of the hormone estradiol on cell cultures, namely follicle cells on the second day culture period (476.67 pg/ml), whereas the lowest in cell cultures, namely follicle cells on the fourth day culture period (376.93 pg/ml). Progesterone levels obtained in the treatment of Fallopian tube cells in culture period 0. 2 and 4 days (24.107; 24.644; 24.474 ng/ml), cell culture period ampulla at 0, 2 and 4 days (24.187; 23.753; 24.254  ng/ml ), cell isthmus (24.071; 24.083; 24.034 ng/ml) whereas follicular cells in culture period 0, 2 and 4 days (26.671; 27.610; 24.034 ng/ml). For progesterone levels in various cell culture and the culture that the treatment period follicle cell culture high on the second day culture period (27.610  ng/ml) and low progesterone levels in cell culture ampulla on the second day culture period (23.753 ng/ml). Keywords: Hormones, Cell Culture and Medium TCM-199  Â

    Power Reduction of Acetic Acid to the Heavy Metal of Blood Cockle (Anadara Granosa)

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    This study aimed to reduce levels of heavy metals contained in the body ofblood cockle (Anadara granosa) with acetic acid soaking method. The experimentaldesign used in this study is a randomized block design (RAK) with 4 levelstreatments, blood cockle without soaking, the addition of 5% acetic acid, 15% and25%. The highest reducing power contained in Pb with 25 % acetic acid soaking, theCu with 5 % acetic acid soaking, the metal Zn with 25 % acetic acid soaking and Cdmetal with 25 % acetic acid soaking. The highest organoleptic assessment containedin such a test is the 25 % acetic acid soaking (16.58), aroma aroma is in control(15.96) and the texture is in control (17.88)

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Agroindustri Lidah Buaya (Studi Kasus: Usaha Agroindustri Lidah Buaya Duta Purnama di Kelurahan Sidomulyo Barat Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    The purposes of this research are to analyze net income, efficiency and BEP (Break Even Point) of agro-industrial business of Aloe vera of Duta Purnama and to draft the development strategy that can be applied to this agro-industrial business. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used in this research are basic business analysis by counting the income, profit, efficiency (RCR), BEP unit, BEP income, SWOT analysis and AHP (analytic hierarchy process). Seen from the value of profit, Duta Purnama, the agro-industrial business, has a very promising prospect. It can be known from the result of the research that the RCR values of Nata De Aloe and Duta Purnama\u27s cracker business are respectively 1.86 and 1.43. The first main strategy and can be applied to develop the business by using AHP is maintaining the competitive price of products

    Analisis Efisiensi Ekonomi USAhatani Semangka Non Biji di Kotamadya Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau

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    This research was aimed to analyze influence of production factors to without seed watermelon production at Pekanbaru City, analyzed economic efficiency of production factors who did by farmer in industrialist farmer at Pekanbaru City, to know the problems who were appear by farmer in without seed watermelon industrialist farmer at Pekanbaru City. This research was doing at Pekanbaru City which were located in 4 district who were watermelon yield that were Tampan District, Tenayan Raya District, Rumbai District and Rumbai Pesisir District. This research was doing about 4 month, which was used survey method, sample taken by convenience random sampling method. The analysis used to know influence of production factors to without seed watermelon productions were Cobb-Douglas production function analysis, along with economic efficiency analysis. From this research gotten result production function of Cobb-Douglas showed that watermelon production were seed, animal fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, KCL fertilizer, Za fertilizer, pesticide, and labor. In an economic manner showed that efficiency value of seed and Za fertilizer not efficient, until need to using decrease in order to gotten efficiency by economic. Meanwhile KCL fertilizer still didn't get efficiency in an economic manner with (NPM/Px > 1) until the use of KCL fertilizer still need to increase. At this research generally problem often farmer met in watermelon industrialist farmer was production tool procurement (fertilizer), and then unpredictable weather with high fall on rain
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