1,192 research outputs found

    Distally-based free anterolateral thigh flap with a modified vena comitans

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    With the recent development in microsurgery, the use of a perforator flap has been widely implemented. If the length of the ALT flap pedicle is insufficient despite adequate preoperative planning, pedicle length extension is necessary. We planned for a reverse ALT free flap using the distal vessel of the descending branch for pedicle length extension in the case of ALT perforator branch originating from the proximal portion of the descending branch. For the management of venous congestion, the distal venae comitantes were anastomosed to the proximal venous stump in an antegrade manner, successfully resolving the venous congestion. Modified reverse-flow ALT free flap, wherein the venae comitantes are anastomosed to the proximal vein stump, is a good option that allows for relatively simple pedicle extension within the same operative field when securing an adequate pedicle length is difficult because of the origin of the perforator from the proximal descending branch, unlike the initial surgical plan

    Effects of Particle Size and Cement Replacement of LCD Glass Powder in Concrete

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    The high quality liquid crystal display (LCD) processing waste glass (LPWG) generated from the manufacturing process of Korea’s LCD industries, having the world’s highest technological level and production, was finely ground into particles smaller than cement particles (higher fineness than OPC) to verify their applicability and performance as a replacement for cement. For a concrete mix having a W/B ratio of 0.44, cement was replaced with LPWG glass powder (LGP) at ratios of 5, 10, 15, and 20% (LGP12) and 5 and 10% (LGP5) according to the particle size to prepare test cylinder specimens, which were tested with respect to air contents, slump in fresh concrete, and compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of hardened concrete. The microstructure of the concrete specimens was analyzed through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), and a Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). Replacement of cement with LGP for cement could effectively decrease the quantity of cement used due to the excellent performance of LGP. It may positively contribute to the sustainable development of the cement industry as well as waste recycling and environment conservation on a national scale

    Tensile property improvement of TWIP-cored three-layer steel sheets fabricated by hot-roll-bonding with low-carbon steel or interstitial-free steel

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    TWIP-cored three-layer steel sheets were newly fabricated by hot rolling of TWIP steel sheet surrounded by low-carbon (LC) or interstitial-free (IF) steel sheets. TWIP/LC or TWIP/IF interfaces were well bonded without pores or voids, while a few pearlites were thinly formed along the interfaces. The strengths and elongation of the TWIP-cored sheets increased as the volume fraction of TWIP-cored region increased, and were also well matched with the ones calculated by a rule of mixtures based on volume fraction or force fraction. According to digital image correlation and electron back-scatter diffraction analyses, very high strain hardening effect in the initial deformation stage and active twin formation in the interfacial region beneficially affected the overall homogeneous deformation in the TWIP-cored sheets without any yield point phenomenon occurring in the LC sheet and serrations occurring in the TWIP sheet, respectively. These TWIP-cored sheets can cover a wide range of yield strength, tensile strength, and ductility levels, e.g., 320-498 MPa, 545-878 MPa, and 48-54%, respectively, by controlling the volume fraction of TWIP-cored region, and thus present new applications to multi-functional automotive steel sheets requiring excellent properties.1163Ysciescopu

    Structural safety inspection of reinforced concrete structures considering failure probabilities of structural members

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    Regular safety inspections of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures are required according to the regulations and criteria set by each country. In South Korea, the safety inspection regulations provided by the Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology Corporation (KISTEC) are followed. These regulations were developed based on fuzzy theory to avoid subjective decisions, and provide standardized deterioration grades for member types, floors, and the entire structure. However, the safety inspection regulation by the KISTEC often provides unconservative evaluation results. In particular, as the importance factors of beam and slab members are set lower than those of other members, there are cases in which deteriorations occurring in beams and slabs are not properly reflected in the floor level evaluation. In this study, to overcome such limitations, case studies were carried out and modified importance factors for structural member types were proposed considering the failure probabilities of each member type based on the reliability theory. The importance modification factor was calculated based on the strength ratio of structural members so that the more dangerous the members are, the more impact they give on the evaluation. Overall, compared to the KISTEC method, the proposed method provided conservative but practical assessment results, and it was found that the proposed importance factors can be very useful to properly reflect the effects of damaged members on the deterioration status evaluation of the floors and the entire structure

    A better method of predicting face changes after cosmetic surgery: the partial least squares regression.

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    Accurate prediction of post-surgery face changes is an essential step in the treatment planning of cosmetic surgery. During cosmetic treatment in facial deformity patients, the face does not directly follow the surgical skeletal movements in the underlying bony structures. The algorithms of currently available commercial programs are all based upon the 1-to-1 correspondence ratio and/or the ordinary least squares methods, which is far from being accurate. Predicting face changes after surgery requires a number of variables to consider. Human face landmarks in face photos and x-rays have a 2-dimensional entity. A landmark (or variable) has 2 measurements in the x-axis and the y-axis. A certain degree of vertical repositioning surgery induces horizontal relocation also and vice versa. Furthermore, the face response at a specific face landmark is highly dependent on its adjacent response, and its neighboring points are also dependent on each other. Applying the PLS method would be a solution for prediction and interpretation of this highly correlated 2-dimensional situation. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to propose a better statistical method of predicting face changes after cosmetic surgery by applying the partial least squares regression. In addition, we will also discuss a method to report error analyses for 2-dimensional data. Previously published error reports of 2-dimensional data sets have inappropriately applied 1-dimensional approaches, such as differences in distance or angular measurements. Our visualization method can be applied to 2- dimensional data sets. This method shows errors in both the x-axis and the y-axis simultaneously, which can also identify any between-group differences.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/104/0000030821/2SEQ:2PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:104USER_ID:0000030821ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A076080DEPT_CD:861CITE_RATE:0FILENAME:2014년03월03일 abstract_pls2014_word_2pages.pdfDEPT_NM:치의학과CONFIRM: