52,631 research outputs found

    On indecomposable modules over the Virasoro algebra

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    It is proved that an indecomposable Harish-Chandra module over the Virasoro algebra must be (i) a uniformly bounded module, or (ii) a module in Category O\cal O, or (iii) a module in Category O{\cal O}^-, or (iv) a module which contains the trivial module as one of its composition factors.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, to appear in Science in China

    Magnetic properties of a spin-3 Chromium condensate

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    We study the ground state properties of a spin-3 Cr condensate subject to an external magnetic field by numerically solving the Gross-Piteavskii equations. We show that the widely adopted single-mode approximation is invalid under a finite magnetic field. In particular, a phase separation like behavior may be induced by the magnetic field. We also point out the possible origin of the phase separation phenomenon.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    On length spectrum metrics and weak metrics on Teichmüller spaces of surfaces with boundary

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    We define and study metrics and weak metrics on the Teichmüller space of a surface of topologically finite type with boundary. These metrics and weak metrics are associated to the hyperbolic length spectrum of simple closed curves and of properly embedded arcs in the surface. We give a comparison between the defined metrics on regions of Teichmüller space which we call ε0\varepsilon_0-relative ϵ\epsilon-thick parts} for ϵ>0\epsilon >0 and ε0ϵ>0\varepsilon_0\geq \epsilon>0

    Transverse Quark Distribution in Mesons - QCD Sum Rule Approach -

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    QCD sum rules are used to compute the first few moments of the mesonic quark momentum. Transverse, longitudinal and mixed transverse-longitudinal components are examined. The transverse size of the pion is shown to be dictated by the gluon condensate, even though the mass and the longitudinal distribution are dominated by the quark condensate. The implications of our results for color transparency physics and finite temperature QCD are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, Univ. of Washington preprint DOE/ER/40427-24-N9

    B-Physics Observables and Electroweak Precision Data in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB

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    We explore electroweak precision observables (EWPO) and BB-physics observables (BPO) in the CMSSM, the mGMSB and the mAMSB. We perform a chi^2 analysis based on the combination of current EWPO and BPO data. For the first time this allows the comparison of the mGMSB and mAMSB in terms of EWPO and BPO with the CMSSM. We find that relatively low mass scales in all three scenarios are favored. However, the current data from EWPO and BPO can hardly exclude any parameters at the level of Delta chi^2 = 9. Remarkably the mAMSB scenario, despite having one free GUT scale parameter less than the other two scenarios, has a somewhat lower total minimum chi^2. We present predictions for the lightest Higgs boson mass, based on the chi^2 analysis of current data, where relatively good compatibility with the bounds from Higgs searches at LEP is found. We also present the predictions for other Higgs sector parameters and SUSY mass scales, allowing to compare the reach of the LHC and the ILC in the three scenarios. We furthermore explore the future sensitivities of the EWPO and BPO for the current best-fit results and for a hypothetical point with somewhat higher mass scales that results in a similar Higgs and SUSY spectrum in the three scenarios. We find that the future improvement of the accuracy of the EWPO and BPO will lead to a significant gain in the indirect parameter determination. The improvement is similar in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB and will yield constraints to the parameter space even for heavy Higgs and SUSY mass scales.Comment: 53 pages, 27 figures, discussion extended. Version to appear in JHE

    Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling Effect of Z2 Topological Order

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    In this paper, macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) effect of Z2 topological order in the Wen-Plaquette model is studied. This kind of MQT is characterized by quantum tunneling processes of different virtual quasi-particles moving around a torus. By a high-order degenerate perturbation approach, the effective pseudo-spin models of the degenerate ground states are obtained. From these models, we get the energy splitting of the ground states, of which the results are consistent with those from exact diagonalization methodComment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Distributed (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-Coloring in Sublogarithmic Rounds

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    We give a new randomized distributed algorithm for (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring in the LOCAL model, running in O(logΔ)+2O(loglogn)O(\sqrt{\log \Delta})+ 2^{O(\sqrt{\log \log n})} rounds in a graph of maximum degree~Δ\Delta. This implies that the (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring problem is easier than the maximal independent set problem and the maximal matching problem, due to their lower bounds of Ω(min(lognloglogn,logΔloglogΔ))\Omega \left( \min \left( \sqrt{\frac{\log n}{\log \log n}}, \frac{\log \Delta}{\log \log \Delta} \right) \right) by Kuhn, Moscibroda, and Wattenhofer [PODC'04]. Our algorithm also extends to list-coloring where the palette of each node contains Δ+1\Delta+1 colors. We extend the set of distributed symmetry-breaking techniques by performing a decomposition of graphs into dense and sparse parts