31,065 research outputs found

    Detection of a new methanol maser line with ALMA

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    Aims. We aimed at investigating the structure and kinematics of the gaseous disk and outflows around the massive YSO S255 NIRS3 in the S255IR-SMA1 dense clump. Methods. Observations of the S255IR region were carried out with ALMA at two epochs in the compact and extended configurations. Results. We serendipitously detected a new, never predicted, bright maser line at about 349.1 GHz, which most probably represents the CH3_3OH 14114014_{1} - 14_{0} A+^{- +} transition. The emission covers most of the 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission area of almost 1^{\prime\prime} in size and shows a velocity gradient in the same sense as the disk rotation. No variability was found on the time interval of several months. It is classified as Class II maser and probably originates in a ring at a distance of several hundreds AU from the central star.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pre-flare coronal dimmings

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    In this paper, we focus on the pre-flare coronal dimmings. We report our multiwavelength observations of the GOES X1.6 solar flare and the accompanying halo CME produced by the eruption of a sigmoidal magnetic flux rope (MFR) in NOAA active region (AR) 12158 on 2014 September 10. The eruption was observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). The photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms were observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) aboard SDO. The soft X-ray (SXR) fluxes were recorded by the GOES spacecraft. The halo CME was observed by the white light coronagraphs of the Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard SOHO.} {About 96 minutes before the onset of flare/CME, narrow pre-flare coronal dimmings appeared at the two ends of the twisted MFR. They extended very slowly with their intensities decreasing with time, while their apparent widths (8-9 Mm) nearly kept constant. During the impulsive and decay phases of flare, typical fanlike twin dimmings appeared and expanded with much larger extent and lower intensities than the pre-flare dimmings. The percentage of 171 {\AA} intensity decrease reaches 40\%. The pre-flare dimmings are most striking in 171, 193, and 211 {\AA} with formation temperatures of 0.6-2.5 MK. The northern part of the pre-flare dimmings could also be recognized in 131 and 335 {\AA}.} To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study of pre-flare coronal dimmings, which can be explained by the density depletion as a result of the gradual expansion of the coronal loop system surrounding the MFR during the slow rise of the MFR.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, to be accepted for publication by A&

    Non-damping oscillations at flaring loops

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    Context. QPPs are usually detected as spatial displacements of coronal loops in imaging observations or as periodic shifts of line properties in spectroscopic observations. They are often applied for remote diagnostics of magnetic fields and plasma properties on the Sun. Aims. We combine imaging and spectroscopic measurements of available space missions, and investigate the properties of non-damping oscillations at flaring loops. Methods. We used the IRIS to measure the spectrum over a narrow slit. The double-component Gaussian fitting method was used to extract the line profile of Fe XXI 1354.08 A at "O I" window. The quasi-periodicity of loop oscillations were identified in the Fourier and wavelet spectra. Results. A periodicity at about 40 s is detected in the line properties of Fe XXI, HXR emissions in GOES 1-8 A derivative, and Fermi 26-50 keV. The Doppler velocity and line width oscillate in phase, while a phase shift of about Pi/2 is detected between the Doppler velocity and peak intensity. The amplitudes of Doppler velocity and line width oscillation are about 2.2 km/s and 1.9 km/s, respectively, while peak intensity oscillate with amplitude at about 3.6% of the background emission. Meanwhile, a quasi-period of about 155 s is identified in the Doppler velocity and peak intensity of Fe XXI, and AIA 131 A intensity. Conclusions. The oscillations at about 40 s are not damped significantly during the observation, it might be linked to the global kink modes of flaring loops. The periodicity at about 155 s is most likely a signature of recurring downflows after chromospheric evaporation along flaring loops. The magnetic field strengths of the flaring loops are estimated to be about 120-170 G using the MHD seismology diagnostics, which are consistent with the magnetic field modeling results using the flux rope insertion method.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&

    High-Efficient Parallel CAVLC Encoders on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures

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    This article presents two high-efficient parallel realizations of the context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) based on heterogeneous multicore processors. By optimizing the architecture of the CAVLC encoder, three kinds of dependences are eliminated or weaken, including the context-based data dependence, the memory accessing dependence and the control dependence. The CAVLC pipeline is divided into three stages: two scans, coding, and lag packing, and be implemented on two typical heterogeneous multicore architectures. One is a block-based SIMD parallel CAVLC encoder on multicore stream processor STORM. The other is a component-oriented SIMT parallel encoder on massively parallel architecture GPU. Both of them exploited rich data-level parallelism. Experiments results show that compared with the CPU version, more than 70 times of speedup can be obtained for STORM and over 50 times for GPU. The implementation of encoder on STORM can make a real-time processing for 1080p @30fps and GPU-based version can satisfy the requirements for 720p real-time encoding. The throughput of the presented CAVLC encoders is more than 10 times higher than that of published software encoders on DSP and multicore platforms