2,861 research outputs found

    Statistical study of free magnetic energy and flare productivity of solar active regions

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    Photospheric vector magnetograms from Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory are utilized as the boundary conditions to extrapolate both non-linear force-free and potential magnetic fields in solar corona. Based on the extrapolations, we are able to determine the free magnetic energy (FME) stored in active regions (ARs). Over 3000 vector magnetograms in 61 ARs were analyzed. We compare FME with ARs' flare index (FI) and find that there is a weak correlation (<60%<60\%) between FME and FI. FME shows slightly improved flare predictability relative to total unsigned magnetic flux of ARs in the following two aspects: (1) the flare productivity predicted by FME is higher than that predicted by magnetic flux and (2) the correlation between FI and FME is higher than that between FI and magnetic flux. However, this improvement is not significant enough to make a substantial difference in time-accumulated FI, rather than individual flare, predictions.Comment: The paper was submitted to ApJ and it is accepted no

    Practical insights on enzyme stabilization

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    Enzymes are efficient catalysts designed by nature to work in physiological environments of living systems. The best operational conditions to access and convert substrates at the industrial level are different from nature and normally extreme. Strategies to isolate enzymes from extremophiles can redefine new operational conditions, however not always solving all industrial requirements. The stability of enzymes is therefore a key issue on the implementation of the catalysts in industrial processes which require the use of extreme environments that can undergo enzyme instability. Strategies for enzyme stabilization have been exhaustively reviewed, however they lack a practical approach. This review intends to compile and describe the most used approaches for enzyme stabilization highlighting case studies in a practical point of view.The authors would like to thank Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. They would like also to thank the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (IRT1135). This study was also supported by Chinese Government Scholarship under China Scholarship Council (No. 201606790036) and Chinese Foundation Key projects of governmental cooperation in International Scientific and Technological Innovation (No. 2016 YFE0115700).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfaction with the Overseas Education in China: A Survey on 44 Institutions of Higher Learning in Jiangsu Province

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    In order to fully grasp the service level, management quality and effectiveness of the overseas education in China, a satisfaction survey was carried out on 44 institutions of higher learning in Jiangsu province from 5 dimensions of school learning, school life, school administration, surrounding environment, and urban civility and environment. Findings include 1. Students’ nationality: students from Asia and Africa are the most while students from Oceania are the least; 2. Student category: more than 1/3 of overseas students are Chinese language students, but overseas students in Jiangsu province have a higher level of matriculate quality and educational pursuit, for those pursuing a higher education degree at the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctoral level have reached an accumulative 60% of all; 3. The overall student satisfaction is above average, with a significant difference between different colleges and universities within Jiangsu province. Satisfaction with surrounding environment gets the highest score, but dissatisfaction of a certain degree occurs with library, website construction, hostel accommodation, other school facilities and services, and urban civility and environment. As is revealed by the investigation, 70.45% of students respond that their college or university does not have a canteen exclusive for overseas students; 4. There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction and satisfaction with each of the 5 assessment dimensions between different categories of students; 5. A multiple linear regression model shows that the overall accountability is 98.8% on the 11 assessment parameters in the dimensions of school learning and school life (curriculum, teacher, school system, teaching facilities, library, website construction, hostel accommodation, canteen catering, entertainment &amp; sports activities, student affairs and services, and other school facilities and services). Suggestions are as follows: 1. “Foreign language prompts and guidance” are the topmost demand of overseas students in China; 2. The basic living conditions for overseas students should be improved; 3. The international service level of educational administrative employees should be raised; 4. The construction of school library and a portal website should be made to better meet the practical needs of overseas students; 5. The disparity in the overseas education between different colleges and universities in Jiangsu province should be narrowed and a standardized management highlighted. Keywords: Overseas education in China; overall satisfaction; multiple linear regression model; international service level

    Large-Scale Discovery of Promoter Motifs in Drosophila melanogaster

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    A key step in understanding gene regulation is to identify the repertoire of transcription factor binding motifs (TFBMs) that form the building blocks of promoters and other regulatory elements. Identifying these experimentally is very laborious, and the number of TFBMs discovered remains relatively small, especially when compared with the hundreds of transcription factor genes predicted in metazoan genomes. We have used a recently developed statistical motif discovery approach, NestedMICA, to detect candidate TFBMs from a large set of Drosophila melanogaster promoter regions. Of the 120 motifs inferred in our initial analysis, 25 were statistically significant matches to previously reported motifs, while 87 appeared to be novel. Analysis of sequence conservation and motif positioning suggested that the great majority of these discovered motifs are predictive of functional elements in the genome. Many motifs showed associations with specific patterns of gene expression in the D. melanogaster embryo, and we were able to obtain confident annotation of expression patterns for 25 of our motifs, including eight of the novel motifs. The motifs are available through Tiffin, a new database of DNA sequence motifs. We have discovered many new motifs that are overrepresented in D. melanogaster promoter regions, and offer several independent lines of evidence that these are novel TFBMs. Our motif dictionary provides a solid foundation for further investigation of regulatory elements in Drosophila, and demonstrates techniques that should be applicable in other species. We suggest that further improvements in computational motif discovery should narrow the gap between the set of known motifs and the total number of transcription factors in metazoan genomes

    Quantum contextuality for a relativistic spin-1/2 particle

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    The quantum predictions for a single nonrelativistic spin-1/2 particle can be reproduced by noncontextual hidden variables. Here we show that quantum contextuality for a relativistic electron moving in a Coulomb potential naturally emerges if relativistic effects are taken into account. The contextuality can be identified through the violation of noncontextuality inequalities. We also discuss quantum contextuality for the free Dirac electron as well as the relativistic Dirac oscillator.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page

    Resonant band engineering of ferroelectric tunnel junctions

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    We propose energy band engineering to enhance tunneling electroresistance (TER) in ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs). We predict that an ultrathin dielectric layer with a smaller band gap, embedded into a ferroelectric barrier layer, acts as a switch controlling high- and low-conductance states of an FTJ depending on polarization orientation. Using first-principles modeling based on density functional theory, we investigate this phenomenon for a prototypical SrRuO3/BaTiO3/SrRuO3 FTJ with a BaSnO3 monolayer embedded in the BaTiO3 barrier. We show that in such a composite-barrier FTJ, ferroelectric polarization of BaTiO3 shifts the conduction-band minimum of the BaSnO3 monolayer above or below the Fermi energy depending on polarization orientation. The resulting switching between direct and resonant tunneling leads to a TER effect with a giant ON/OFF conductance ratio. The proposed resonant band engineering of FTJs can serve as a viable tool to enhance their performance, useful for device applications

    Attacking practical quantum key distribution system with wavelength dependent beam splitter and multi-wavelength sources

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    Unconditional security of quantum key distribution protocol can be guaranteed by the basic property of quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, the practical quantum key distribution system always have some imperfections, and the practical system may be attacked if the imperfection can be controlled by the eavesdropper Eve. Applying the fatal security loophole introduced by the imperfect beam splitter's wavelength dependent optical property, we propose wavelength-dependent attacking model, which can be applied to almost all practical quantum key distribution systems with the passive state modulation and photon state detection after the practical beam splitter. Utilizing our attacking model, we experimentally demonstrate the attacking system based on practical polarization encoding quantum key distribution system with almost 100% success probability. Our result demonstrate that all practical devices require tightened security inspection for avoiding side channel attacks in practical quantum key distribution experimental realizations