29 research outputs found

    Genetics of flower size and nectar volume in Petunia pollination syndromes

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    The two related Petunia species, P. axillaris and P. integrifolia, are sympatric at various locations in South America but do not hybridise. Divergent pollinator preferences are believed to be in part responsible for their reproductive isolation. The volume of nectar produced and several components of flower morphology might contribute to pollinator-dependant reproductive isolation. In this study, we aimed to identify the genetic changes underlying the quantitative differences observed between these two Petunia species in flower size and nectar volume. We mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for the different phenotypes of P. axillaris and P. integrifolia in an inter-specific backcross population. QTL of small to moderate effect control the differences in flower size and volume of nectar. In addition, we observed strong suppression of meiotic recombination in Petunia, even between closely related species, which precluded a fine resolution of QTL mapping. Thus, our data suggest that flower size and nectar volume are highly polygenic. They are likely to have evolved gradually through pollinator-mediated adaptation or reinforcement, and are not likely to have been primary factors in early steps of pollinator isolation of P. axillaris and P. integrifoli

    The composition and timing of flower odour emission by wild Petunia axillaris coincide with the antennal perception and nocturnal activity of the pollinator Manduca sexta

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    In the genus Petunia, distinct pollination syndromes may have evolved in association with bee-visitation (P. integrifolia spp.) or hawk moth-visitation (P. axillaris spp). We investigated the extent of congruence between floral fragrance and olfactory perception of the hawk moth Manduca sexta. Hawk moth pollinated P. axillaris releases high levels of several compounds compared to the bee-pollinated P. integrifolia that releases benzaldehyde almost exclusively. The three dominating compounds in P. axillaris were benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and methyl benzoate. In P. axillaris, benzenoids showed a circadian rhythm with an emission peak at night, which was absent from P. integrifolia. These characters were highly conserved among different P. axillaris subspecies and P. axillaris accessions, with some differences in fragrance composition. Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings using flower-blends of different wild Petunia species on female M. sexta antennae showed that P. axillaris odours elicited stronger responses than P. integrifolia odours. EAG responses were highest to the three dominating compounds in the P. axillaris flower odours. Further, EAG responses to odour-samples collected from P. axillaris flowers confirmed that odours collected at night evoked stronger responses from M. sexta than odours collected during the day. These results show that timing of odour emissions by P. axillaris is in tune with nocturnal hawk moth activity and that flower-volatile composition is adapted to the antennal perception of these pollinator

    Stable two-element control of dTph1 transposition in mutator strains of Petunia by an inactive ACT1 introgression from a wild species

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    The high copy dTph1 transposon system of Petunia (Solanaceae) is one of the most powerful insertion mutagens in plants, but its activity cannot be controlled in the commonly used mutator strains. We analysed the regulation of dTph1 activity by QTL analysis in recombinant inbred lines of the mutator strain W138 and a wild species (P. integrifolia spp. inflata). Two genetic factors were identified that control dTph1 transposition. One corresponded to the ACT1 locus on chromosome I. A second, previously undescribed locus ACT2 mapped on chromosome V. As a 6-cM introgression in W138, the P. i. inflata act1(S6) allele behaved as a single recessive locus that fully eliminated transposition of all dTph1 elements in all stages of plant development and in a heritable fashion. Weak dTph1 activity was restored in act1(S6)/ACT2(S6) double introgression lines, indicating that the P. i. inflata allele at ACT2 conferred a low level of transposition. Thus, the act1(S6) allele is useful for simple and predictable control of transposition of the entire dTph1 family when introgressed into an ultra-high copy W138 mutator strain. We demonstrate the use of the ACT1(W138)/act1(S6) allele pair in a two-element dTph1 transposition system by producing 10 000 unique and fixed dTph1 insertions in a population of 1250 co-isogenic lines. This Petunia system produces the highest per plant insertion number of any known two-element system, providing a powerful and logistically simple tool for transposon mutagenesis of qualitative as well as quantitative traits

    Shoot meristem maintenance is controlled by a GRAS-gene mediated signal from differentiating cells

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    Plant shoot development depends on the perpetuation of a group of undifferentiated cells in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). In the Petunia mutant hairy meristem (ham), shoot meristems differentiate postembryonically as continuations of the subtending stem. HAM encodes a putative transcription factor of the GRAS family, which acts non-cell-autonomously from L3-derived tissue of lateral organ primordia and stem provasculature. HAM acts in parallel with TERMINATOR (PhWUSCHEL) and is required for continued cellular response to TERMINATOR and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (PhSTM). This reveals a novel mechanism by which signals from differentiating tissues extrinsically control stem cell fate in the shoot apex

    Genetics of flower size and nectar volume in Petunia pollination syndromes

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    The two related Petunia species, P. axillaris and P. integrifolia, are sympatric at various locations in South America but do not hybridise. Divergent pollinator preferences are believed to be in part responsible for their reproductive isolation. The volume of nectar produced and several components of flower morphology might contribute to pollinator-dependant reproductive isolation. In this study, we aimed to identify the genetic changes underlying the quantitative differences observed between these two Petunia species in flower size and nectar volume. We mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for the different phenotypes of P. axillaris and P. integrifolia in an inter-specific backcross population. QTL of small to moderate effect control the differences in flower size and volume of nectar. In addition, we observed strong suppression of meiotic recombination in Petunia, even between closely related species, which precluded a fine resolution of QTL mapping. Thus, our data suggest that flower size and nectar volume are highly polygenic. They are likely to have evolved gradually through pollinator-mediated adaptation or reinforcement, and are not likely to have been primary factors in early steps of pollinator isolation of P. axillaris and P. integrifolia

    A transgenic dTph1 insertional mutagenesis system for forward genetics in mycorrhizal phosphate transport of Petunia

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    The active endogenous dTph1 system of the Petunia hybrida mutator line W138 has been used in several forward-genetic mutant screens that were based on visible phenotypes such as flower morphology and color. In contrast, defective symbiotic phosphate (Pi) transport in mycorrhizal roots of Petunia is a hidden molecular phenotype as the symbiosis between plant roots and fungi takes place below ground, and, while fungal colonization can be visualized histochemically, Pi transport and the activity of Pi transporter proteins cannot be assessed visually. Here, we report on a molecular approach in which expression of a mycorrhiza-inducible bi-functional reporter transgene and insertional mutagenesis in Petunia are combined. Bi-directionalization of a mycorrhizal Pi transporter promoter controlling the expression of two reporter genes encoding firefly luciferase and GUS allows visualization of mycorrhiza-specific Pi transporter expression. A population of selectable transposon insertion mutants was established by crossing the transgenic reporter line with the mutator W138, from which the Pitransporter downregulated (ptd1) mutant was identified, which exhibits strongly reduced expression of mycorrhiza-inducible Pi transporters in mycorrhizal roots