202 research outputs found

    ATP hydrolysis stimulates large length fluctuations in single actin filaments

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    Polymerization dynamics of single actin filaments is investigated theoretically using a stochastic model that takes into account the hydrolysis of ATP-actin subunits, the geometry of actin filament tips, the lateral interactions between the monomers as well as the processes at both ends of the polymer. Exact analytical expressions are obtained for a mean growth velocity and for dispersion in length fluctuations. It is found that the ATP hydrolysis has a strong effect on dynamic properties of single actin filaments. At high concentrations of free actin monomers the mean size of unhydrolyzed ATP-cap is very large, and the dynamics is governed by association/dissociation of ATP-actin subunits. However, at low concentrations the size of the cap becomes finite, and the dissociation of ADP-actin subunits makes a significant contribution to overall dynamics. Actin filament length fluctuations reach the maximum at the boundary between two dynamic regimes, and this boundary is always larger than the critical concentration. Random and vectorial mechanisms of hydrolysis are compared, and it is found that they predict qualitatively similar dynamic properties. The possibility of attachment and detachment of oligomers is also discussed. Our theoretical approach is successfully applied to analyze the latest experiments on the growth and length fluctuations of individual actin filaments.Comment: Submitted to Biophysical Journa

    Simple Growth Models of Rigid Multifilament Biopolymers

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    The growth dynamics of rigid biopolymers, consisting of NN parallel protofilaments, is investigated theoretically using simple approximate models. In our approach, the structure of a polymer's growing end and lateral interactions between protofilaments are explicitly taken into account, and it is argued that only few conformations are important for biopolymer's growth. As a result, exact analytic expressions for growth velocity and dispersion are obtained for {\it any} number of protofilaments and arbitrary geometry of the growing end of the biopolymer. Our theoretical predictions are compared with a full description of biopolymer growth dynamics for the simplest N=2 model. It is found that the results from the approximate theory are approaching the exact ones for large lateral interactions between the protofilaments. Our theory is also applied to analyze the experimental data on the growth of microtubules.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Transport of Single Molecules Along the Periodic Parallel Lattices with Coupling

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    General discrete one-dimensional stochastic models to describe the transport of single molecules along coupled parallel lattices with period NN are developed. Theoretical analysis that allows to calculate explicitly the steady-state dynamic properties of single molecules, such as mean velocity VV and dispersion DD, is presented for N=1 and N=2 models. For the systems with N>2N>2 exact analytic expressions for the large-time dynamic properties are obtained in the limit of strong coupling between the lattices that leads to dynamic equilibrium between two parallel kinetic pathways.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Coupling of Two Motor Proteins: a New Motor Can Move Faster

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    We study the effect of a coupling between two motor domains in highly-processive motor protein complexes. A simple stochastic discrete model, in which the two parts of the protein molecule interact through some energy potential, is presented. The exact analytical solutions for the dynamic properties of the combined motor species, such as the velocity and dispersion, are derived in terms of the properties of free individual motor domains and the interaction potential. It is shown that the coupling between the motor domains can create a more efficient motor protein that can move faster than individual particles. The results are applied to analyze the motion of helicase RecBCD molecules

    Self-Healing of Unentangled Polymer Networks with Reversible Bonds

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    Self-healing polymeric materials are systems that after damage can revert to their original state with full or partial recovery of mechanical strength. Using scaling theory we study a simple model of autonomic self-healing of unentangled polymer networks. In this model one of the two end monomers of each polymer chain is fixed in space mimicking dangling chains attachment to a polymer network, while the sticky monomer at the other end of each chain can form pairwise reversible bond with the sticky end of another chain. We study the reaction kinetics of reversible bonds in this simple model and analyze the different stages in the self-repair process. The formation of bridges and the recovery of the material strength across the fractured interface during the healing period occur appreciably faster after shorter waiting time, during which the fractured surfaces are kept apart. We observe the slowest formation of bridges for self-adhesion after bringing into contact two bare surfaces with equilibrium (very low) density of open stickers in comparison with self-healing. The primary role of anomalous diffusion in material self-repair for short waiting times is established, while at long waiting times the recovery of bonds across fractured interface is due to hopping diffusion of stickers between different bonded partners. Acceleration in bridge formation for self-healing compared to self-adhesion is due to excess non-equilibrium concentration of open stickers. Full recovery of reversible bonds across fractured interface (formation of bridges) occurs after appreciably longer time than the equilibration time of the concentration of reversible bonds in the bulk

    Velocity and processivity of helicase unwinding of double-stranded nucleic acids

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    Helicases are molecular motors which unwind double-stranded nucleic acids (dsNA) in cells. Many helicases move with directional bias on single-stranded (ss) nucleic acids, and couple their directional translocation to strand separation. A model of the coupling between translocation and unwinding uses an interaction potential to represent passive and active helicase mechanisms. A passive helicase must wait for thermal fluctuations to open dsNA base pairs before it can advance and inhibit NA closing. An active helicase directly destabilizes dsNA base pairs, accelerating the opening rate. Here we extend this model to include helicase unbinding from the nucleic-acid strand. The helicase processivity depends on the form of the interaction potential. A passive helicase has a mean attachment time which does not change between ss translocation and ds unwinding, while an active helicase in general shows a decrease in attachment time during unwinding relative to ss translocation. In addition, we describe how helicase unwinding velocity and processivity vary if the base-pair binding free energy is changed.Comment: To appear in special issue on molecular motors, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matte

    Plasticization and antiplasticization of polymer melts diluted by low molar mass species

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    An analysis of glass formation for polymer melts that are diluted by structured molecular additives is derived by using the generalized entropy theory, which involves a combination of the Adam-Gibbs model and the direct computation of the configurational entropy based on a lattice model of polymer melts that includes monomer structural effects. Antiplasticization is accompanied by a "toughening" of the glass mixture relative to the pure polymer, and this effect is found to occur when the diluents are small species with strongly attractive interactions with the polymer matrix. Plasticization leads to a decreased glass transition temperature T_g and a "softening" of the fragile host polymer in the glass state. Plasticization is prompted by small additives with weakly attractive interactions with the polymer matrix. The shifts in T_g of polystyrene diluted by fully flexible short oligomers are evaluated from the computations, along with the relative changes in the isothermal compressibility at T_g to characterize the extent to which the additives act as antiplasticizers or plasticizers. The theory predicts that a decreased fragility can accompany both antiplasticization and plasticization of the glass by molecular additives. The general reduction in the T_g and fragility of polymers by these molecular additives is rationalized by analyzing the influence of the diluent's properties (cohesive energy, chain length, and stiffness) on glass formation in diluted polymer melts. The description of glass formation at fixed temperature that is induced upon change the fluid composition directly implies the Angell equation for the structural relaxation time as function of the polymer concentration, and the computed "zero mobility concentration" scales linearly with the inverse polymerization index N.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Understanding Mechanochemical Coupling in Kinesins Using First-Passage Time Processes

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    Kinesins are processive motor proteins that move along microtubules in a stepwise manner, and their motion is powered by the hydrolysis of ATP. Recent experiments have investigated the coupling between the individual steps of single kinesin molecules and ATP hydrolysis, taking explicitly into account forward steps, backward steps and detachments. A theoretical study of mechanochemical coupling in kinesins, which extends the approach used successfully to describe the dynamics of conventional motor proteins, is presented. The possibility of irreversible detachments of kinesins from the microtubules is also explicitly taken into account. Using the method of first- passage times, experimental data on the mechanochemical coupling in kinesins are fully described using the simplest two-state model. It is shown that the dwell times for the kinesin to move one step forward or backward, or to dissociate irreversibly are the same, although the probabilities of these events are different. It is concluded that the current theoretical view, that only the forward motion of the motor protein molecule is coupled to ATP hydrolysis, is consistent with all available experimental observations for kinesins.Comment: Submitted to Biophysical Journa
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