16 research outputs found

    La Defense

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    Material of interest: Color radiant film. Material used: 3m Radiant Light Film. Available with or without adhesive and in different color shifts. Material is shipped out of Indiana or Ohio Properties of material: Film changes color depending on the time of day and angle of incidencehttps://openscholarship.wustl.edu/bcs/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Il protettorato cattolico della Francia nell'oriente e nell'estremo oriente

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    Il protettorato cattolico della Francia nell'oriente e nell'estremo oriente : studio storico giuridico di un prelato romano Roma : Civilta cattolica, 1904 - 2. edizione

    La lezione di Prometeo e il filologo nell’era digitale. Rassegna di risorse informatiche per lo studio dell’antichità classica

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    This paper provides a brief overview of the IT resources available for classical studies, focusing on three different types of tools in particular: a) free cross-platform applications that handle Unicode effectively, making it is easy to type and edit polytonic Greek using a computer keyboard; b) free websites of general interest to classicists, which provide access to dictionaries, full text databases and compilations/analyses on specific subjects; c) digital collections of classical texts (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae) that allow one to consult a vast corpus of Greek and Latin works and perform searches specifying combined search components

    Aureliano Santini: una lunga marcia attraverso la guerra civile europea

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    In October 1936 Aureliano Santini from Empoli, under the pseudonym of Silvio Morelli, arrived in Spain on board ship to enlist in the newly born International Brigades. Santini, a communist official, had spent the latest years in the Soviet Union and in Spain he would have also cooperated to the radio broadcast of the Italian antifascists. We think that Santini’s experience can be considered representative of a phenomenon that involved almost five thousand Italians. Under this consideration, we will try to investigate, in the long run, the reasons that led the young Italian antifascist to leave voluntarily for a far conflict like the Spanish one

    Memorie difficili. Antifascismo italiano, volontariato internazionale e guerra civile spagnola

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    Since the end of the civil war the Italian antifascist intervention in Spain has generated several memories often conflicting with each other. Between 1936 and 1939 the Italian contribution to the republican cause was a joint one, involving all the antifascist political groups as it was for none of the other national groups. In order to understand the origin of what could be defined a real ‘atomization of memory’, the manifold legacies of the Spanish experience are to be analyzed both in the difficult two-year period 1943-1945 and during the first years of the postwar period

    L’Altro internato. Caratteri dell’internamento civile nell’Abruzzo fascista

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    Nel Novecento l’esclusione si applica in maniera metodica e regolamentata all’interno dei confini statuali come procedura legata alla guerra. Essa diventa strumento di esercizio del momento bellico. L’”Altro” sarà, allora, il cittadino straniero di un paese nemico; il dissidente interno; l’ebreo perseguitato per motivi razziali; oppure tutte queste figure insieme, rappresentate nella categoria di nemico oggettivo. Questo studio analizza i momenti e le forme dell’internamento civile organizzato dal ministero dell’Interno in Abruzzo all’indomani del 10 giugno 1940, nei suoi caratteri di affinità e di specificità rispetto alla più generale esperienza nazionale