187 research outputs found
Valuing Transgenic Cotton Technologies Using a Risk/Return Framework
Stochastic Efficiency with Respect to a Function (SERF) is used to rank transgenic cotton technology groups and place an upper and lower bound on their value. Yield and production data from replicated plot experiments are used to build cumulative distribution functions of returns for nontransgenic, Roundup Ready, Bollgard, and stacked gene cotton cultivars. Analysis of Arkansas data indicated that the stacked gene and Roundup Ready technologies would be preferred by a large number of risk neutral and risk averse producers as long as the costs of the technology and seed are below the lower bounds calculated in this manuscript.cotton, financial risk, market value, SERF, transgenic, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty, Q12, Q16,
Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi complex: current status, challenges and integrated strategies for managing the invasive sap-feeding insect pest of sorghum
Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner;Hemiptera: Aphididae), sugarcane aphid (SCA), is an invasive phloem-feeder found worldwide with a wide host range of economically important plants including sorghum and sugarcane. Given its high reproductive capacity and ability to rapidly spread over long distances, SCA presents challenges for effective control, leading to substantial economic losses. Recent studies have identified two multiloci SCA genotypes specialized in feeding on sugarcane (MLL-D) and sorghum (MLL-F) in the USA, which raises concerns as the USA is the second largest sorghum-producing country. This has encouraged research towards identifying these two biotypes where some research has stated them as two species; MLL-D clade to be M. sacchari and MLL-F clade to be M. sorghi Theobald (Hemiptera: Aphididae), sorghum aphid (SA). This review aims at compiling research progress that has been made on understanding the SCA/SA species complex. Furthermore, this review also highlights a wide range of management strategies against SCA/SA that includes both biological and chemical methods. In addition, the review emphasizes studies examining host plant resistance to understand and evaluate the role of R-genes and phytohormones such as jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene against SCA. Beside this, plant volatiles and other secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, terpenes and phytanes are also explored as potential control agents. Being an invasive pest, a single management tactic is inadequate to control SCA population and hence, integrated pest management practices incorporating physical, cultural and biological control methods should be implemented with exclusive chemical control as a last resort, which this review examines in detail. © 2024 The Author(s). Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry
A novel asymmetric 3D in-vitro assay for the study of tumor cell invasion
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The induction of tumor cell invasion is an important step in tumor progression. Due to the cost and slowness of <it>in-vivo </it>invasion assays, there is need for quantitative <it>in-vitro </it>invasion assays that mimic as closely as possible the tumor environment and in which conditions can be rigorously controlled.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have established a novel asymmetric 3D in-vitro invasion assay by embedding a monolayer of tumor cells between two layers of collagen. The cells were then allowed to invade the upper and lower layers of collagen. To visualize invading cells the gels were sectioned perpendicular to the monolayer so that after seeding the monolayer appears as a thin line precisely defining the origin of invasion. The number of invading tumor cells, their proliferation rate, the distance they traverse and the direction of invasion could then be determined quantitatively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The assay was used to compare the invasive properties of several tumor cell types and the results compare well with those obtained by previously described assays. Lysyl-oxidase like protein-2 (Loxl2) is a potent inducer of invasiveness. Using our assay we show for the first time that inhibition of endogenous Loxl2 expression in several types of tumor cells strongly inhibits their invasiveness. We also took advantage of the asymmetric nature of the assay in order to show that fibronectin enhances the invasiveness of breast cancer cells more potently than laminin. The asymmetric properties of the assay were also used to demonstrate that soluble factors derived from fibroblasts can preferentially attract invading breast cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our assay displays several advantages over previous invasion assays as it is allows the quantitative analysis of directional invasive behavior of tumor cells in a 3D environment mimicking the tumor microenvironment. It should be particularly useful for the study of the effects of components of the tumor microenvironment on tumor cell invasiveness.</p
Sensitivity of the human auditory cortex to acoustic degradation of speech and non-speech sounds
The perception of speech is usually an effortless and reliable process even in highly adverse listening conditions. In addition to external sound sources, the intelligibility of speech can be reduced by degradation of the structure of speech signal itself, for example by digital compression of sound. This kind of distortion may be even more detrimental to speech intelligibility than external distortion, given that the auditory system will not be able to utilize sound source-specific acoustic features, such as spatial location, to separate the distortion from the speech signal. The perceptual consequences of acoustic distortions on speech intelligibility have been extensively studied. However, the cortical mechanisms of speech perception in adverse listening conditions are not well known at present, particularly in situations where the speech signal itself is distorted. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the cortical mechanisms underlying speech perception in conditions where speech is less intelligible due to external distortion or as a result of digital compression.
In the studies of this thesis, the intelligibility of speech was varied either by digital compression or addition of stochastic noise. Cortical activity related to the speech stimuli was measured using magnetoencephalography (MEG). The results indicated that degradation of speech sounds by digital compression enhanced the evoked responses originating from the auditory cortex, whereas addition of stochastic noise did not modulate the cortical responses. Furthermore, it was shown that if the distortion was presented continuously in the background, the transient activity of auditory cortex was delayed. On the perceptual level, digital compression reduced the comprehensibility of speech more than additive stochastic noise. In addition, it was also demonstrated that prior knowledge of speech content enhanced the intelligibility of distorted speech substantially, and this perceptual change was associated with an increase in cortical activity within several regions adjacent to auditory cortex.
In conclusion, the results of this thesis show that the auditory cortex is very sensitive to the acoustic features of the distortion, while at later processing stages, several cortical areas reflect the intelligibility of speech. These findings suggest that the auditory system rapidly adapts to the variability of the auditory environment, and can efficiently utilize previous knowledge of speech content in deciphering acoustically degraded speech signals.Puheen havaitseminen on useimmiten vaivatonta ja luotettavaa myös erittäin huonoissa kuunteluolosuhteissa. Puheen ymmärrettävyys voi kuitenkin heikentyä ympäristön häiriölähteiden lisäksi myös silloin, kun puhesignaalin rakennetta muutetaan esimerkiksi pakkaamalla digitaalista ääntä. Tällainen häiriö voi heikentää ymmärrettävyyttä jopa ulkoisia häiriöitä voimakkaammin, koska kuulojärjestelmä ei pysty hyödyntämään äänilähteen ominaisuuksia, kuten äänen tulosuuntaa, häiriön erottelemisessa puheesta. Akustisten häiriöiden vaikutuksia puheen havaitsemiseen on tutkttu laajalti, mutta havaitsemiseen liittyvät aivomekanismit tunnetaan edelleen melko puutteelisesti etenkin tilanteissa, joissa itse puhesignaali on laadultaan heikentynyt. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli tutkia puheen havaitsemisen aivomekanismeja tilanteissa, joissa puhesignaali on vaikeammin ymmärrettävissä joko ulkoisen äänilähteen tai digitaalisen pakkauksen vuoksi.
Väitöskirjan neljässä osatutkimuksessa lyhyiden puheäänien ja jatkuvan puheen ymmärrettävyyttä muokattiin joko digitaalisen pakkauksen kautta tai lisäämällä puhesignaaliin satunnaiskohinaa. Puheärsykkeisiin liittyvää aivotoimintaa tutkittiin magnetoenkefalografia-mittauksilla. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että kuuloaivokuorella syntyneet herätevasteet voimistuivat, kun puheääntä pakattiin digitaalisesti. Sen sijaan puheääniin lisätty satunnaiskohina ei vaikuttanut herätevasteisiin. Edelleen, mikäli puheäänien taustalla esitettiin jatkuvaa häiriötä, kuuloaivokuoren aktivoituminen viivästyi häiriön intensiteetin kasvaessa. Kuuntelukokeissa havaittiin, että digitaalinen pakkaus heikentää puheäänien ymmärrettävyyttä voimakkaammin kuin satunnaiskohina. Lisäksi osoitettiin, että aiempi tieto puheen sisällöstä paransi merkittävästi häiriöisen puheen ymmärrettävyyttä, mikä heijastui aivotoimintaan kuuloaivokuoren viereisillä aivoalueilla siten, että ymmärrettävä puhe aiheutti suuremman aktivaation kuin heikosti ymmärrettävä puhe.
Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että kuuloaivokuori on erittäin herkkä puheäänien akustisille häiriöille, ja myöhemmissä prosessoinnin vaiheissa useat kuuloaivokuoren viereiset aivoalueet heijastavat puheen ymmärrettävyyttä. Tulosten mukaan voi olettaa, että kuulojärjestelmä mukautuu nopeasti ääniympäristön vaihteluihin muun muassa hyödyntämällä aiempaa tietoa puheen sisällöstä tulkitessaan häiriöistä puhesignaalia
Uracil DNA N-Glycosylase Promotes Assembly of Human Centromere Protein A
Uracil is removed from DNA by the conserved enzyme Uracil DNA N-glycosylase (UNG). Previously, we observed that inhibiting UNG in Xenopus egg extracts blocked assembly of CENP-A, a histone H3 variant. CENP-A is an essential protein in all species, since it is required for chromosome segregation during mitosis. Thus, the implication of UNG in CENP-A assembly implies that UNG would also be essential, but UNG mutants lacking catalytic activity are viable in all species. In this paper, we present evidence that UNG2 colocalizes with CENP-A and H2AX phosphorylation at centromeres in normally cycling cells. Reduction of UNG2 in human cells blocks CENP-A assembly, and results in reduced cell proliferation, associated with increased frequencies of mitotic abnormalities and rapid cell death. Overexpression of UNG2 induces high levels of CENP-A assembly in human cells. Using a multiphoton laser approach, we demonstrate that UNG2 is rapidly recruited to sites of DNA damage. Taken together, our data are consistent with a model in which the N-terminus of UNG2 interacts with the active site of the enzyme and with chromatin
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Evaluation of Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, 2010
This is the seventh and final annual report of a project (2004–2010) addressing evaluation of the cumulative effects of habitat restoration actions in the 235-km-long lower Columbia River and estuary. The project, called the Cumulative Effects (CE) study, was conducted for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District by a collaboration of research agencies led by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. We achieved the primary goal of the CE study to develop a methodology to evaluate the cumulative effects of habitat actions in the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program. We delivered 1) standard monitoring protocols and methods to prioritize monitoring activities; 2) the theoretical and empirical basis for a CE methodology using levels-of-evidence; 3) evaluations of cumulative effects using ecological relationships, geo-referenced data, hydrodynamic modeling, and meta-analyses; and 4) an adaptive management process to coordinate and coalesce restoration efforts in the LCRE. A solid foundation has been laid for future comprehensive evaluations of progress made by the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program to understand, conserve, and restore ecosystems in the lower Columbia River and estuary
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