1,117 research outputs found

    Polyurethane adhesive with improved high temperature properties

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    A polyurethane resin with paste activator, capable of providing useful bond strengths over the temperature range of -184 C to 149 C, is described. The adhesive system has a pot life of over one hour. Tensile shear strength ratings are given for various adhesive formulations

    Modified Regge calculus as an explanation of dark energy

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    Using Regge calculus, we construct a Regge differential equation for the time evolution of the scale factor a(t)a(t) in the Einstein-de Sitter cosmology model (EdS). We propose two modifications to the Regge calculus approach: 1) we allow the graphical links on spatial hypersurfaces to be large, as in direct particle interaction when the interacting particles reside in different galaxies, and 2) we assume luminosity distance DLD_L is related to graphical proper distance DpD_p by the equation DL=(1+z)DpDpD_L = (1+z)\sqrt{\overrightarrow{D_p}\cdot \overrightarrow{D_p}}, where the inner product can differ from its usual trivial form. The modified Regge calculus model (MORC), EdS and Λ\LambdaCDM are compared using the data from the Union2 Compilation, i.e., distance moduli and redshifts for type Ia supernovae. We find that a best fit line through log(DLGpc)\displaystyle \log{(\frac{D_L}{Gpc})} versus logz\log{z} gives a correlation of 0.9955 and a sum of squares error (SSE) of 1.95. By comparison, the best fit Λ\LambdaCDM gives SSE = 1.79 using HoH_o = 69.2 km/s/Mpc, ΩM\Omega_{M} = 0.29 and ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.71. The best fit EdS gives SSE = 2.68 using HoH_o = 60.9 km/s/Mpc. The best fit MORC gives SSE = 1.77 and HoH_o = 73.9 km/s/Mpc using R=A1R = A^{-1} = 8.38 Gcy and m=1.71×1052m = 1.71\times 10^{52} kg, where RR is the current graphical proper distance between nodes, A1A^{-1} is the scaling factor from our non-trival inner product, and mm is the nodal mass. Thus, MORC improves EdS as well as Λ\LambdaCDM in accounting for distance moduli and redshifts for type Ia supernovae without having to invoke accelerated expansion, i.e., there is no dark energy and the universe is always decelerating.Comment: 15 pages text, 6 figures. Revised as accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Development of an improved protective cover/light block for multilayer insulation

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    The feasibility of using a scrim-reinforced, single metallized, 4-mil Tedlar film as a replacement for the Teflon coated Beta-cloth/single metallized 3-mil Kapton film presently used as the protective cover/light block for multilayer insulation (MLI) on the Orbiter, Spacelab, and other space applications was demonstrated. The proposed Tedlar concept is lighter and potentially lower in cost. Thermal analysis with the proper concept was much simpler than with the present system. Tests have already demonstrated that white Tedlar has low alpha (adsorption) degradation in space from U.V. The proposed concept was 4400 percent cheaper with nominal weight savings of 50 percent

    Insulation for cryogenic tanks has reduced thickness and weight

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    Dual seal insulation, consisting of an inner layer of sealed-cell Mylar honeycomb core and an outer helium purge channel of fiber glass reinforced phenolic honeycomb core, is used as a thin, lightweight insulation for external surfaces of cryogenic-propellant tanks

    Thermal design of the space shuttle external tank

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    The shuttle external tank thermal design presents many challenges in meeting the stringent requirements established by the structures, main propulsion systems, and Orbiter elements. The selected thermal protection design had to meet these requirements, and ease of application, suitability for mass production considering low weight, cost, and high reliability. This development led to a spray-on-foam (SOFI) which covers the entire tank. The need and design for a SOFI material with a dual role of cryogenic insulation and ablator, and the development of the SOFI over SLA concept for high heating areas are discussed. Further issuses of minimum surface ice/frost, no debris, and the development of the TPS spray process considering the required quality and process control are examined

    Teaching Critical Media Literacy in Adult and Higher Education: An Action Research Study

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    This paper discusses three findings of critical media literacy study: pleasure as a motivator and deterrent to becoming critical; the importance of facilitated discussion; and learning from application to practice