25 research outputs found

    Female developmental environment and adult reproduction.

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    <p>(a–c) Female mating frequency: (a) Female Experiment; (b) Male Experiment and (c) Female-Male experiments. (d–f) Female offspring production: (d) Female Experiment; (e) Male Experiment and (f) Female-Male experiments. (g-i) <i>per mating</i> female offspring production: (g) Female Experiment; (h) Male Experiment and (i) Female-Male experiments. Solid dark grey–Homogeneous Large, Solid white–Homogeneous Small, Dark grey striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Large, White striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Small, Light grey striped from bottom right to upper left–Heterogeneous (combined Large and Small).</p

    Development effects on reproduction.

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    <p>Analysis of focal male and female mating frequency, number of mates, absolute offspring production, proportion of focal male’s offspring production and female <i>per-mating</i> offspring production.</p

    Female and focal male Bateman gradients.

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    <p>Estimate ± SE (p-value) are shown. Female estimates of the Bateman gradient are extracted from the univariate model. Male Bateman gradients, paternity share gradients and mate productivity gradients are extracted from the multivariate models. L–Large body size; S–Small body size. Bold–p-value ≤ 0.05. HomL–Homogeneous Large; HomS–Homogeneous Small; HetL–Heterogeneous Large, HetS–Heterogeneous Small, Het–Heterogeneous (combined large and small). The Female Experiment–varying female body size; The Male Experiment–varying male body size and the Female -Male Experiment–varying both female and male body size.</p

    Focal male Bateman gradients, paternity share gradients and mate productivity gradients.

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    <p>Estimate (±SE) extracted from the multivariate models. (a-c) the focal male Bateman gradients in (a) the Female Experiment; (b) the Male Experiment and (c) the Female-Male Experiment. (d-f) paternity share gradients in (d) the Female Experiment; (e) the Male Experiment and (f) the Female-Male Experiment. (g-i) mate productivity gradients in (g) the Female Experiment; (h) the Male Experiment and (i) the Female-Male Experiment. Solid dark grey–Homogeneous Large, Solid white–Homogeneous Small, Dark grey striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Large, White striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Small, Light grey striped from bottom right to upper left–Heterogeneous (combined Large and Small). L–Large; S–Small.</p

    Female Bateman gradients.

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    <p>Estimate (± SE) extracted from the univariate models. Female Bateman gradients in (a) the Female Experiment; (b) the Male Experiment and (c) the Female -Male Experiment. Solid dark grey–Homogeneous Large, Solid white–Homogeneous Small, Dark grey striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Large, White striped from bottom left to upper right–Heterogeneous Small, Light grey striped from bottom right to upper left–Heterogeneous (combined Large and Small).L–Large; S–Small.</p

    Diagram of the experimental design.

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    <p>We investigated the effects of the developmental environment on the strength of sexual selection. Because larval density strongly influences adult body size we refer to low-larval density flies as “large” and high larval density flies as “small”. <i>The Female Experiment</i>–experiment varying female larval density, keeping males constant (low larval density). Homogeneous social environments consisted of 4 large or 4 small females in addition to 4 large males. Heterogeneous social environments consisted of 2 large <i>and</i> 2 small females in addition to 4 large males. <i>The Male Experiment</i>–experiment varying male larval density, keeping females constant. Homogeneous social environments consisted of 4 large or 4 small males in addition to 4 large females. Heterogeneous social environments consisted of 2 large <i>and</i> 2 small males. <i>The Female -Male Experiment</i>–experiment varying both male and female larval density. Homogeneous social environments consisted of 4 large males and females or 4 small males and females. Heterogeneous social environments consisted of 2 large males and females <i>and</i> 2 small males and females. In all experiments one male, out of each group of four, was the focal individual for which we obtained paternity data (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0154468#sec005" target="_blank">methods</a>).</p

    Variance decomposition: observed contributions of the variances and covariances in <i>M</i>, <i>N</i> and <i>P</i> in explaining the variance in the number of offspring sired by males (<i>T</i>).

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    <p>The decomposition is based on the approach proposed by Webster, PruettJones [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0154468#pone.0154468.ref015" target="_blank">15</a>]. <i>Var(x)</i> represents the variance component of the factor <i>x</i> (i.e. <i>M</i>, <i>N or P</i>), and <i>cov(x</i>, <i>y)</i> represents the covariance components between the factors <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> (e.g. covariance between <i>M</i> and <i>P</i>–cov(<i>M</i>, <i>P</i>)). <i>D</i> represents the variance in the error term ε. HomL–Homogeneous Large; HomS–Homogeneous Small; HetL–Heterogeneous Large, HetS–Heterogeneous Small, Het–Heterogeneous. The Female Experiment–varying female body size; The Male Experiment–varying male body size and The Female-Male Experiment–varying both female and male body size.</p

    Lifespan data

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    Lifespan data for ms published in Biology Letters "Inbreeding removes sex differences in lifespan in a population of Drosophila melanogaster." This is a .csv file with the following variables (see ms for details): Set, Inbreeding treatment, Sex, Lifespan (in days), Social environment treatment, and whether the individual had to be censored (Censor = 0; in which case lifespan = day in which this happened) or not (Censor = 1)

    Experiment_1_male_SP and OV production

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    Experiment 1: SP and OV produced by males in their accessory glands

    Experiments 3 and 4

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    Experiments 3 and 4: Latency to mating, mating duration and remating data