26 research outputs found

    Fluorination of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes:from CF4 plasma chemistry to surface functionalization

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    The surface chemistry of plasma fluorinated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (vCNT) is correlated to the CF4 plasma chemical composition. The results obtained via FTIR and mass spectrometry are combined with the XPS and Raman analysis of the sample surface showing the dependence on different plasma parameters (power, time and distance from the plasma region) on the resulting fluorination. Photoemission and absorption spectroscopies are used to investigate the evolution of the electronic properties as a function of the fluorine content at the vCNT surface. The samples suffer a limited ageing effect, with a small loss of fluorine functionalities after two weeks in ambient conditions

    Plasma fluorination of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes:functionalization and thermal stability

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    Grafting of fluorine species on carbon nanostructures has attracted interest due to the effective modification of physical and chemical properties of the starting materials. Various techniques have been employed to achieve a controlled fluorination yield; however, the effect of contaminants is rarely discussed, although they are often present. In the present work, the fluorination of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes was performed using plasma treatment in a magnetron sputtering chamber with fluorine diluted in an argon atmosphere with an Ar/F2 ratio of 95:5. The effect of heavily diluted fluorine in the precursor gas mixture is investigated by evaluating the modifications in the nanotube structure and the electronic properties upon plasma treatment. The existence of oxygen-based grafted species is associated with background oxygen species present in the plasma chamber in addition to fluorine. The thermal stability and desorption process of the fluorine species grafted on the carbon nanotubes during the fluorine plasma treatment were evaluated by combining different spectroscopic techniques

    Observation of a universal donor-dependent vibrational mode in graphene

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    Electron-phonon coupling and the emergence of superconductivity in intercalated graphite have been studied extensively. Yet, phonon-mediated superconductivity has never been observed in the 2D equivalent of these materials, doped monolayer graphene. Here we perform angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to try to find an electron donor for graphene that is capable of inducing strong electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity. We examine the electron donor species Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li, Ca and for each we determine the full electronic band structure, the Eliashberg function and the superconducting critical temperature Tc from the spectral function. An unexpected low-energy peak appears for all dopants with an energy and intensity that depend on the dopant atom. We show that this peak is the result of a dopant-related vibration. The low energy and high intensity of this peak are crucially important for achieving superconductivity, with Ca being the most promising candidate for realizing superconductivity in graphene

    Deep Cavitand Self-Assembled on Au NPs-MWCNT as Highly Sensitive Benzene Sensing Interface

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    The unprecedented sensitivity and partial selectivity of quinoxaline-walled thioether-legged deep cavitand functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes toward traces of benzene vapors are presented. The cavitand is grafted onto gold nanoparticle (Au-NP) decorated oxygen plasma treated multiwall carbon nanotubes (O-MWCNT) by a self-assembled monolayer process affording a product referred to as cav-Au-MWCNT. The reported technique is suitable for the mass production of hybrid nanomaterials at low cost. The cav-Au-MWCNT resistive gas sensor operates at room temperature and shows an outstanding performance toward traces of benzene vapors. The detection of 2.5 ppb of benzene in dry air is demonstrated with a limit of detection (LOD) near 600 ppt. For the first time, it is shown that a CNT nanomaterial can effectively sense the extremely harmful benzene molecule with higher sensitivity than toluene or o-xylene at the trace levels. The cavitand is well suited for binding benzene, which, being in close proximity to the MWCNT, affects its density of states (DOS) shifting the Fermi level away from the valence band. The binding of benzene is transduced in a diminution of MWCNT conductance. Furthermore, the inclusion of benzene is fully reversible at room temperature, implying that the sensor can operate at very low power consumption. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p

    Highlighting the Dynamics of Graphene Protection toward the Oxidation of Copper under Operando Conditions

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    We performed spatially resolved near-ambient-pressure photoemission spectromicroscopy on graphene-coated copper in operando under oxidation conditions in an oxygen atmosphere (0.1 mbar). We investigated regions with bare copper and areas covered with mono- and bi-layer graphene flakes, in isobaric and isothermal experiments. The key method in this work is the combination of spatial and chemical resolution of the scanning photoemission microscope operating in a near-ambient-pressure environment, thus allowing us to overcome both the material and pressure gap typical of standard ultrahigh-vacuum X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and to observe in operando the protection mechanism of graphene toward copper oxidation. The ability to perform spatially resolved XPS and imaging at high pressure allows for the first time a unique characterization of the oxidation phenomenon by means of photoelectron spectromicroscopy, pushing the limits of this technique from fundamental studies to real materials under working conditions. Although bare Cu oxidizes naturally at room temperature, our results demonstrate that such a graphene coating acts as an effective barrier to prevent copper oxidation at high temperatures (over 300 °C), until oxygen intercalation beneath graphene starts from boundaries and defects. We also show that bilayer flakes can protect at even higher temperatures. The protected metallic substrate, therefore, does not suffer corrosion, preserving its metallic characteristic, making this coating appealing for any application in an aggressive atmospheric environment at high temperatures

    Plasma fluorination of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: functionalization and thermal stability

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    Grafting of fluorine species on carbon nanostructures has attracted interest due to the effective modification of physical and chemical properties of the starting materials. Various techniques have been employed to achieve a controlled fluorination yield; however, the effect of contaminants is rarely discussed, although they are often present. In the present work, the fluorination of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes was performed using plasma treatment in a magnetron sputtering chamber with fluorine diluted in an argon atmosphere with an Ar/F2 ratio of 95:5. The effect of heavily diluted fluorine in the precursor gas mixture is investigated by evaluating the modifications in the nanotube structure and the electronic properties upon plasma treatment. The existence of oxygen-based grafted species is associated with background oxygen species present in the plasma chamber in addition to fluorine. The thermal stability and desorption process of the fluorine species grafted on the carbon nanotubes during the fluorine plasma treatment were evaluated by combining different spectroscopic techniques

    MAXPEEM : a spectromicroscopy beamline at MAX IV laboratory

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    MAXPEEM, a dedicated photoemission electron microscopy beamline at MAX IV Laboratory, houses a state-of-the-art aberration-corrected spectroscopic photoemission and low-energy electron microscope (AC-SPELEEM). This powerful instrument offers a wide range of complementary techniques providing structural, chemical and magnetic sensitivities with a single-digit nanometre spatial resolution. The beamline can deliver a high photon flux of ≥1015 photons s−1 (0.1% bandwidth)−1 in the range 30–1200 eV with full control of the polarization from an elliptically polarized undulator. The microscope has several features which make it unique from similar instruments. The X-rays from the synchrotron pass through the first beam separator and impinge the surface at normal incidence. The microscope is equipped with an energy analyzer and an aberration corrector which improves both the resolution and the transmission compared with standard microscopes. A new fiber-coupled CMOS camera features an improved modulation transfer function, dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio compared with the traditional MCP-CCD detection system