15 research outputs found

    Negotiating the Great Recession: How Teacher Collective Bargaining Outcomes Change in Times of Financial Duress

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    This article examines how teacher collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), teacher salaries, and class sizes changed during the Great Recession. Using a district-level data set of California teacher CBAs that includes measures of subarea contract strength and salaries from 2005–2006 and 2011–2012 tied to district-level longitudinal data, we estimate difference-in-difference models to examine bargaining outcomes for districts that should have been more or less fiscally constrained. We find that unions and administrators change critical elements of CBAs and district policy during times of fiscal duress. This includes increasing class sizes, reducing instructional time, and lowering base salaries to relieve financial pressures and negotiating increased protections for teachers in areas with less direct financial implications, including grievance procedures and nonteaching duties

    The Vergara ruling is a victory for California public school students, but further reforms are still needed to protect students’ rights to a high quality education

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    Earlier this month, a judge in California ruled that the state’s protections for teachers, including tenure after two years and ‘last in first out’ layoff provisions, violated the state’s constitutional clause guaranteeing a right to equality of education for students. Katharine O. Strunk argues that the state’s policies force districts to retain lower-quality teachers and that the decision is a victory for students and parents in California’s public school system. She writes that if the ruling is upheld, and California’s state legislature is tasked with writing new laws on teacher’s conditions, then they should take lessons from cities such as New York and Washington D.C which have introduced effective reforms to the way that teachers are evaluated and gain tenure

    Compreendendo os sinais: São relevantes os modelos de medidas múltiplas da eficácia do professor para fornecer informações consistentes para professores e diretores?

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    There is increasing policy interest in the use of standards-based multiple measure teacher evaluation systems that include both observational and value-added measures of teacher effectiveness. The growing literature that assesses the relationships between these measures does so mainly in academic settings using a validity lens. While valuable in their own right, this evidence from research-based settings provides little evidence about how teachers and principals receive the different signals from multiple measures of effectiveness when implemented in district contexts. Using pairwise correlations and a series of ordinary least squares regressions, this study assesses the relationships between value-added measures of teacher effectiveness and an observational measure of teacher practice as implemented in a district's pilot of a new standards-based multiple-measure teacher evaluation system. We find moderate correlations between value-added and observation-based measures, indicating that teachers will receive similar but not entirely consistent signals from each performance measure. We conclude by highlighting considerations for districts working to develop and implement standards-based multiple-measure teacher evaluation systems. Cada vez hay más interés en el uso de los sistemas de medidas múltiples de evaluación docente basados en estándares con medidas de observación y de valor añadido de la eficacia docente. La creciente literatura que evalúa las relaciones entre estas medidas lo hace principalmente en el ámbito académico utilizando la lente de la validez. Si bien valiosa, la evidencia basada en la investigación proporciona poca información sobre cómo los profesores y directores reciben las diferentes señales de los múltiples medidas de efectividad cuando se implementa en contextos distritales. Utilizando correlaciones por pares y una serie de regresiones de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios este estudio evalúa la relación entre las medidas de valor agregado de la eficacia docente y una medida observacional de la práctica docente como se aplica en una prueba piloto en un distrito con un sistema de múltiples medidas. Encontramos correlaciones moderadas entre el valor agregado y las medidas basadas en la observación, lo que indica que los docentes recibían señales enteramente coherentes similares pero no de cada medida de desempeño. Concluimos resaltando consideraciones para los distritos que trabajan para desarrollar e implementar sistemas de evaluación docente de medidas múltiples basadas en estándares. Há um crescente interesse em utilizar sistemas de medidas múltiplas de avaliação de professores baseada em padrões, que incluem tanto medidas observacionais e de valor agregado sobre a eficácia do professor. A crescente literatura acadêmica avaliando a relação entre essas medidas usa principalmente o lente de validade. Embora valiosa, as pesquisas baseadas em evidências fornece pouca informação sobre como professores e diretores recebem os diferentes sinais de medidas múltiplas de eficácia quando implementado em contextos distritais. Usando correlações em pares e uma série de regressões este estudo avalia a relação entre as medidas de valor agregado de eficácia do professor e uma medida de observação da prática docente aplicada em um teste piloto em um distrito escolar com um sistema de medidas múltiplas. Foram encontradas correlações moderadas entre as medidas de valor acrescentado baseados na observação, indicando que os professores receberam sinais inteiramente coerentes semelhantes, embora não de cada medida de desempenho. Concluímos, destacando considerações para os distritos que trabalham para desenvolver e implementar sistemas de avaliação de professores com base em padrões de medidas múltiplas.

    The Lantern Vol. 73, No. 2, Spring 2006

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    • Of the Man • Beauty in America • Kindling • Genevieve • Bits of Copper • A Love Song to Hip Hop • From James\u27 Journal • I Want a Woman • Peregrine Rain • Resurge • Frustrations • (At Least) You Gave Me Something to Write About • The Fun of Giving Interactive History Lectures as a Summer Job • Exigence • White Water • My Summer, with Salt • The City With Two Faces • I Dig Your Cello • Life-Filled Ghost Town • Laura, On Happiness • Integration/Assimilation • Sunny Side Estates • Every Night I Shut My Eyes • New England State of Mind • Your Body\u27s Weight in Water for Your Soul, Thank You Very Much • A Story That\u27s 10 Percent Truehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1168/thumbnail.jp

    The State Role in Teacher Compensation

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    Teacher Labor Market Responses to Statewide Reform: Evidence From Michigan

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    Challenging the One Best System : The Portfolio Management Model and Urban School Governance

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