1,178 research outputs found

    Application of multispectral radar and LANDSAT imagery to geologic mapping in death valley

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    Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) images, acquired by JPL and Strategic Air Command Systems, and visible and near-infrared LANDSAT imagery were applied to studies of the Quaternary alluvial and evaporite deposits in Death Valley, California. Unprocessed radar imagery revealed considerable variation in microwave backscatter, generally correlated with surface roughness. For Death Valley, LANDSAT imagery is of limited value in discriminating the Quaternary units except for alluvial units distinguishable by presence or absence of desert varnish or evaporite units whose extremely rough surfaces are strongly shadowed. In contrast, radar returns are most strongly dependent on surface roughness, a property more strongly correlated with surficial geology than is surface chemistry

    Au Fe vs Cu thermocouples

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    A calibration of gold iron thermocouples is given

    Improving Access to Physical Activity: Revitalizing the Old Kona Airport Walking/Jogging Path

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    Environmental approaches to increase access to physical activity facilities are recommended for promoting physical activity. People with easy access to recreational facilities are more likely to achieve the recommended levels of physical activity, and neighborhoods that are walkable and provide access to public parks and jogging trails are associated with higher levels of activity. Friends for Fitness, a grassroots organization in West Hawai‘i spearheaded a community-based planning process and intervention to revitalize the Old Kona Airport into a walking/jogging trail. Through community engagement, support from local media and businesses, and volunteers, Friends for Fitness succeeded in increasing physical activity among residents. After three years, the number of walkers utilizing the trail increased more than 20%

    Dar\u27s Somethin\u27 About Yer I Like / music by John T. Kelly; words by John T. Kelly

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    Cover: drawing of an African American male talking to an African American female; description reads An Ethiopian Character Creation; Publisher: Weber Fields and Stromberg (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_a/1036/thumbnail.jp

    A Systematic Review of the Incidence of Arrhythmias in Hemodialysis Patients Undergoing Long-Term Monitoring With Implantable Loop Recorders

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    Funding Funders who supported this work. Boston Scientific Corporation MedtronicPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    An Open-Sourced Statistical Application for Identifying Complex Toxicological Interactions of Environmental Pollutants

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    The rising number of chemicals that humans are exposed to on a daily basis, as well as advances in biomonitoring and detection technologies have highlighted the diversity of individual exposure profiles (complex body burdens). To address this, the toxicological sciences have begun to shift away from examining toxic agents or stressors individually to focusing on more complex models with multiple agents or stressors present. Literature on interactions between chemicals is fairly limited in comparison with dose-response studies on individual toxicants, which is largely due to experimental and statistical challenges. Experimental designs capable of identifying these complex interactions are often avoided or not evaluated to their fullest potential because of the difficulty associated with appropriate analysis as well as logistical factors. To assist with statistical analysis of these types of experiments, an online, open-sourced statistical application was created for investigators to use to analyze and interpret potential toxicant interactions in laboratory experimental data using a full-factorial three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). This model utilizes backward selection on interaction terms to model main effects and interactions

    Patterns of MicroRNA Expression in Normal and Early Alzheimer\u27s Disease Human Temporal Cortex: White Matter versus Gray Matter

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) expression was assessed in human cerebral cortical gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in order to provide the first insights into the difference between GM and WM miRNA repertoires across a range of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) pathology. RNA was isolated separately from GM and WM portions of superior and middle temporal cerebral cortex (N = 10 elderly females, postmortem interval \u3c 4 h). miRNA profiling experiments were performed using state-of-the-art Exiqon© LNA-microarrays. A subset of miRNAs that appeared to be strongly expressed according to the microarrays did not appear to be conventional miRNAs according to Northern blot analyses. Some well-characterized miRNAs were substantially enriched in WM as expected. However, most of the miRNA expression variability that correlated with the presence of early AD-related pathology was seen in GM. We confirm that downregulation of a set of miRNAs in GM (including several miR-15/107 genes and miR-29 paralogs) correlated strongly with the density of diffuse amyloid plaques detected in adjacent tissue. A few miRNAs were differentially expressed in WM, including miR-212 that is downregulated in AD and miR-424 which is upregulated in AD. The expression of certain miRNAs correlates with other miRNAs across different cases, and particular subsets of miRNAs are coordinately expressed in relation to AD-related pathology. These data support the hypothesis that patterns of miRNA expression in cortical GM may contribute to AD pathogenetically, because the aggregate change in miRNA expression observed early in the disease would be predicted to cause profound changes in gene expression

    Coupling groundwater and riparian vegetation models to assess effects of reservoir releases

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    Although riparian areas in the arid southwestern United States are critical for maintaining species diversity, their extent and health have been declining since Euro-American settlement. The purpose of this study was to develop a methodology to evaluate the potential for riparian vegetation restoration and groundwater recharge. A numerical groundwater flow model was coupled with a conceptual riparian vegetation model to predict hydrologic conditions favorable to maintaining riparian vegetation downstream of a reservoir. A Geographic Information System(GIS) was used for this one-way coupling. Constant and seasonally varying releases from the dam were simulated using volumes anticipated to be permitted by a regional water supplier. Simulations indicated that seasonally variable releases would produce surface flow 5.4-8.5 km below the dam in a previously dry reach. Using depth to groundwater simulations from the numerical flow model with conceptual models of depths to water necessary for maintenance of riparian vegetation, the GIS analysis predicted a 5- to 6.5-fold increase in the area capable of sustaining riparian vegetation

    Anti-Argonaute RIP-Chip Shows that miRNA Transfections Alter Global Patterns of mRNA Recruitment to Microribonucleoprotein Complexes

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play key roles in gene expression regulation by guiding Argonaute (AGO)-containing microribonucleoprotein (miRNP) effector complexes to target polynucleotides. There are still uncertainties about how miRNAs interact with mRNAs. Here we employed a biochemical approach to isolate AGO-containing miRNPs from human H4 tumor cells by co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) with a previously described anti-AGO antibody. Co-immunoprecipitated (co-IPed) RNAs were subjected to downstream Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST microarray analysis. During rigorous validation, the RIP-Chip assay identified target mRNAs specifically associated with AGO complexes. RIP-Chip was performed after transfecting brain-enriched miRNAs (miR-107, miR-124, miR-128, and miR-320) and nonphysiologic control miRNA to identify miRNA targets. As expected, the miRNA transfections altered the mRNA content of the miRNPs. Specific mRNA species recruited to miRNPs after miRNA transfections were moderately in agreement with computational target predictions. In addition to recruiting mRNA targets into miRNPs, miR-107 and to a lesser extent miR-128, but not miR-124 or miR-320, caused apparent exclusion of some mRNAs that are normally associated with miRNPs. MiR-107 and miR-128 transfections also result in decreased AGO mRNA and protein levels. However, AGO mRNAs were not recruited to miRNPs after either miR-107 or miR-128 transfection, confirming that miRNAs may alter gene expression without stable association between particular mRNAs and miRNPs. In summary, RIP-Chip assays constitute an optimized, validated, direct, and high-throughput biochemical assay that provides data about specific miRNA:mRNA interactions, as well as global patterns of regulation by miRNAs