16 research outputs found

    Management of severe intraoperative hemorrhage during intraventricular neuroendoscopic procedures: the dry field technique

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    Objective Neuroendoscopic procedures inside the ventricular system always bear the risk for an unexpected intraoperative hemorrhage with potentially devastating consequences. The authors present here their experience, and a stage-to-stage guide for the endoscopic management of intraoperative hemorrhages. Methods A step-by-step guide for the management to gain control of and stop the bleeding is described including a grading system. More advanced techniques are presented in cases examples. Conclusion Most of intraoperative hemorrhages can be controlled by constant irrigation and coagulation. More advanced techniques can be applied quickly and easily to ensure control of the hemorrhages and avoid the need for a microsurgical conversion

    Co-exposure to urban particulate matter and aircraft noise adversely impacts the cerebro-pulmonary-cardiovascular axis in mice

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    Worldwide, up to 8.8 million excess deaths/year have been attributed to air pollution, mainly due to the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM). Traffic-related noise is an additional contributor to global mortality and morbidity. Both health risk factors substantially contribute to cardiovascular, metabolic and neuropsychiatric sequelae. Studies on the combined exposure are rare and urgently needed because of frequent co-occurrence of both risk factors in urban and industrial settings. To study the synergistic effects of PM and noise, we used an exposure system equipped with aerosol generator and loud-speakers, where C57BL/6 mice were acutely exposed for 3d to either ambient PM (NIST particles) and/or noise (aircraft landing and take-off events). The combination of both stressors caused endothelial dysfunction, increased blood pressure, oxidative stress and inflammation. An additive impairment of endothelial function was observed in isolated aortic rings and even more pronounced in cerebral and retinal arterioles. The increase in oxidative stress and inflammation markers together with RNA sequencing data indicate that noise particularly affects the brain and PM the lungs. The combination of both stressors has additive adverse effects on the cardiovascular system that are based on PM-induced systemic inflammation and noise-triggered stress hormone signaling. We demonstrate an additive upregulation of ACE-2 in the lung, suggesting that there may be an increased vulnerability to COVID-19 infection. The data warrant further mechanistic studies to characterize the propagation of primary target tissue damage (lung, brain) to remote organs such as aorta and heart by combined noise and PM exposure

    All-day school: Perspectives from education science and practice

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    Ganztagsschulen werden im pädagogischen Diskurs gefordert, weil das Mehr an Zeit die Möglichkeit gibt die "Schule neu zu denken" (Hartmut von Hentig). Unsicherheit besteht vielerorts bei der Frage nach der Ausgestaltung der ganztägigen Schulorganisation. In diesem Band geben Praktiker und Wissenschaftler Hinweise, wie eine Ganztagsschule gelingen kann. Der Band richtet sich an Interessierte aus Schule, Schulverwaltung, Wissenschaft und Studium. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Teil I: Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft Olaf-Axel Burow Ganztagsschule entwickeln: Durch die „Weisheit der Vielen“ von der Unterrichtsanstalt zum Kreativen Feld Gerhard Koller Ganztagsschulen als Chance für die Entwicklung lokaler Bildungsregionen Fritz-Ulrich Kolbe Zur Entwicklung der Lern- und Unterrichtskultur in ganztägigen Angeboten: Erste Ergebnisse der LUGS-Studie Thomas Schnetzer Tagesstruktur an Ganztagsschulen: Die Rhythmisierung Christian Nerowski Die Tagesschule als Modell der Zeitstrukturierung durch Umverteilung des Unterrichts Ilse Kamski Hausaufgaben – Schulaufgaben – Lernzeiten: Ein Perspektivenwechsel Lars Holm Die Kooperation zwischen Ganztagsschulen und Eltern in Dänemark: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten Lea Pulkkinen/Raija Pirttimaa Der „integrierte Schultag“ in Finnland Teil II: Perspektiven aus der Praxis Alfred Hinz Schule ist Stätte der Personwerdung, was sonst? Ein Plädoyer für die Ganztagsschule am Beispiel der Bodensee-Schule St. Martin Christine Modesto Die offene Ganztagsschule in Bayern Claudia Gantke Die gebundene Ganztagsschule in Bayern Peter Hottaß Ganztagsschule: Von der Planung zur Umsetzung Andreas Keim Das Konzept des Achtjährigen Ganztagsgymnasiums am Beispiel des Johann-Philipp-von-Schönborn-Gymnasiums in Münnerstadt Karin Doberer Optimierte Raumbedingungen zur Unterstützung von Schulklima und Lernkultur Safter Çinar Können Ganztagsschulen Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund besser fördern? Stephan Bloße Schulinterne Evaluation ganztägiger Angebote Sabine Brendel/Judith Strohm Das Programm „Ideen für Mehr! Ganztägig lernen“: Bedarfsorientierte Unterstützung von Ganztagsschulen"In the German educational discourse, all-day schools are demanded because the extra time provides the opportunity to "re-think school" ("die Schule neu denken", Hartmut von Hentig). In many schools, there is uncertainty in questions of the arrangement of the daily routine. In this book, researchers and practitioners indicate how an all-day school may succeed. The publication adresses interested people from school, school administration, education research and education studies.

    Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in radiology: hindering and facilitating factors

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    Objective The objective was to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in clinical radiology in The Netherlands. Materials and methods Using an embedded multiple case study, an exploratory, qualitative research design was followed. Data collection consisted of 24 semi-structured interviews from seven Dutch hospitals. The analysis of barriers and facilitators was guided by the recently published Non-adoption, Abandonment, Scale-up, Spread, and Sustainability (NASSS) framework for new medical technologies in healthcare organizations. Results Among the most important facilitating factors for implementation were the following: (i) pressure for cost containment in the Dutch healthcare system, (ii) high expectations of AI’s potential added value, (iii) presence of hospital-wide innovation strategies, and (iv) presence of a “local champion.” Among the most prominent hindering factors were the following: (i) inconsistent technical performance of AI applications, (ii) unstructured implementation processes, (iii) uncertain added value for clinical practice of AI applications, and (iv) large variance in acceptance and trust of direct (the radiologists) and indirect (the referring clinicians) adopters. Conclusion In order for AI applications to contribute to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of clinical radiology, implementation processes need to be carried out in a structured manner, thereby providing evidence on the clinical added value of AI applications

    Quadrupole Susceptibility of Γ 3

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    Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in radiology: hindering and facilitating factors

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    Objective The objective was to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in clinical radiology in The Netherlands. Materials and methods Using an embedded multiple case study, an exploratory, qualitative research design was followed. Data collection consisted of 24 semi-structured interviews from seven Dutch hospitals. The analysis of barriers and facilitators was guided by the recently published Non-adoption, Abandonment, Scale-up, Spread, and Sustainability (NASSS) framework for new medical technologies in healthcare organizations. Results Among the most important facilitating factors for implementation were the following: (i) pressure for cost containment in the Dutch healthcare system, (ii) high expectations of AI’s potential added value, (iii) presence of hospital-wide innovation strategies, and (iv) presence of a “local champion.” Among the most prominent hindering factors were the following: (i) inconsistent technical performance of AI applications, (ii) unstructured implementation processes, (iii) uncertain added value for clinical practice of AI applications, and (iv) large variance in acceptance and trust of direct (the radiologists) and indirect (the referring clinicians) adopters. Conclusion In order for AI applications to contribute to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of clinical radiology, implementation processes need to be carried out in a structured manner, thereby providing evidence on the clinical added value of AI applications

    Long-term effects of aircraft noise exposure on vascular oxidative stress, endothelial function and blood pressure : no evidence for adaptation or tolerance development

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    Transportation noise is recognized as an important cardiovascular risk factor. Key mechanisms are noise-triggered vascular inflammation and oxidative stress with subsequent endothelial dysfunction. Here, we test for adaptation or tolerance mechanisms in mice in response to chronic noise exposure. C57BL/6J mice were exposed to aircraft noise for 0, 4, 7, 14 and 28d at a mean sound pressure level of 72 dB(A) and peak levels of 85 dB(A). Chronic aircraft noise exposure up to 28d caused persistent endothelial dysfunction and elevation of blood pressure. Likewise, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation as determined by dihydroethidium (DHE) staining and HPLC-based measurement of superoxide formation in the aorta/heart/brain was time-dependently increased by noise. Oxidative burst in the whole blood showed a maximum at 4d or 7d of noise exposure. Increased superoxide formation in the brain was mirrored by a downregulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (Nos3) and transcription factor Foxo3 genes, whereas Vcam1 mRNA, a marker for inflammation was upregulated in all noise exposure groups. Induction of a pronounced hearing loss in the mice was excluded by auditory brainstem response audiometry. Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation were present during the entire 28d of aircraft noise exposure. ROS formation gradually increases with ongoing exposure without significant adaptation or tolerance in mice in response to chronic noise stress at moderate levels. These data further illustrate health side effects of long-term noise exposure and further strengthen a consequent implementation of the WHO noise guidelines in order to prevent the development of noise-related future cardiovascular disease

    Role of inflammatory signaling pathways involving the CD40-CD40L-TRAF cascade in diabetes and hypertension-insights from animal and human studies

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    CD40L-CD40-TRAF signaling plays a role in atherosclerosis progression and affects the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease (CHD). We tested the hypothesis that CD40L-CD40-TRAF signaling is a potential therapeutic target in hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and hypertension. In mouse models of hyperlipidemia plus diabetes (db/db mice) or hypertension (1 mg/kg/d angiotensin-II for 7 days), TRAF6 inhibitor treatment (2.5 mg/kg/d for 7 or 14 days) normalized markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. As diabetes and hypertension are important comorbidities aggravating CHD, we explored whether the CD40L-CD40-TRAF signaling cascade and their associated inflammatory pathways are expressed in CHD patients suffering from comorbidities. Therefore, we analyzed vascular bypass material (aorta or internal mammary artery) and plasma from patients with CHD with diabetes and/or hypertension. Our Olink targeted plasma proteomic analysis using the IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY panel revealed a pattern of step-wise increase for 13/92 markers of low-grade inflammation with significant changes. CD40L or CD40 significantly correlated with 38 or 56 other inflammatory targets. In addition, specific gene clusters that correlate with the comorbidities were identified in isolated aortic mRNA of CHD patients through RNA-sequencing. These signaling clusters comprised CD40L-CD40-TRAF, immune system, hemostasis, muscle contraction, metabolism of lipids, developmental biology, and apoptosis. Finally, immunological analysis revealed key markers correlated with comorbidities in CHD patients, such as CD40L, NOX2, CD68, and 3-nitrotyrosine. These data indicate that comorbidities increase inflammatory pathways in CHD, and targeting these pathways will be beneficial in reducing cardiovascular events in CHD patients with comorbidities

    Vascular dysfunction and arterial hypertension in experimental celiac disease are mediated by gut-derived inflammation and oxidative stress

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    Aims: We examined the cardiovascular effects of celiac disease (CeD) in a humanized mouse model, with a focus on vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. Methods and results: NOD.DQ8 mice genetically predisposed to CeD were subjected to a diet regime and oral gavage to induce the disease (gluten group vs. control). We tested vascular function, confirmed disease indicators, and evaluated inflammation and oxidative stress in various tissues. Plasma proteome profiling was also performed.CeD markers were confirmed in the gluten group, indicating increased blood pressure and impaired vascular relaxation. Pro-inflammatory genes were upregulated in this group, with increased CD11b+ myeloid cell infiltration and oxidative stress parameters observed in aortic and heart tissue. However, heart function remained unaffected. Plasma proteomics suggested the cytokine interleukin-17A (IL-17A) as a link between gut and vascular inflammation. Cardiovascular complications were reversed by adopting a gluten-free diet. Conclusion: Our study sheds light in the heightened cardiovascular risk associated with active CeD, revealing a gut-to-cardiovascular inflammatory axis potentially mediated by immune cell infiltration and IL-17A. These findings augment our understanding of the link between CeD and cardiovascular disease providing clinically relevant insight into the underlying mechanism. Furthermore, our discovery that cardiovascular complications can be reversed by a gluten-free diet underscores a critical role for dietary interventions in mitigating cardiovascular risks associated with CeD