38 research outputs found

    Scour properties of Mono Bucket foundation

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    Field experience proved that the Mono Bucket foundations (MBFs) have good response against scour development. Moreover, the ratio between large diameter (bucket lid) and the small diameter (shaft tower) is the driving parameter for the process of erosion/backfill, like scour protection diameter in the case of scour protected monopiles. However, the structural design to reduce the scour development for MBFs is still open to optimization. The influences of parameters that generate backfill and scour, the transfer load webs and the misalignment with seabed, have not been systematically studied until now. Thus, an experimental analysis was carried out to quantify the influence of webs, the misalignment parameters and combination of the two. The physical analysis uses the flume facility at Aalborg University. The test conditions are irregular waves superposition with co-directional or opposite tidal flow. Three structural models have been tested in several tidal cycles with a variation of the current intensity. Three levels of alignment with seabed are taken: one flushing and two more with different levels of misalignment. Field results for installation stage have been collected from the North Sea and compared with lab tests. The results showed a sensibility to the misalignment height comparable with the berm height of the scour protection on traditional monopiles leading to edge scour. Design improvements to limit the scour and increase backfill have been found. The experimental analysis compared with real surveys and existing studies showed good agreements. Scour protection based on collar solution shows high efficiency when scour protection should be required. The paper demonstrates good agreement between field measurements and small-scale studies. The unique value of the field measurements increases confidence in small-scale studies which are subject to scale and lab effects

    Single center experience of over 130 pancreatic resection between 2015 and 2019 – „Saint Mary” surgery and transplant department

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    Clinica de Chirurgie și Transplant, Spitalul „Sf. Maria”, Clinica de Chirurgie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, București, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Acest studiu a fost propus pentru a putea aduce noi informații despre centrul nostru de chirurgie hepato-bilio-pancreatică, mai cu seama deoarece în ce privește rezecțiile pancreatice (propuse și efectuate pentru tumori cefalopancreatice, ale ampulei Vater, ale corpului sau cozii de pancreas cât si ale coledocului distal). Evoluția în timp a echipei operatorii a avut un rol important în menținerea rezultatelor apropiate de cele din marile centre de chirurgie hepato-bilio-pancreatică din lume. Material și metode: Scopul acestui studiu este de a prezenta experiența clinicii in rezecțiile pancreatice, dar și să analizeze și să compare rezultatele noastre cu cele din literatură. Inițial, numărul mediu anual de rezecții pancreatice a fost relativ mic, însa în ultimii doi ani, am efectuat cu mai mult de 40% de rezecții pancreatice. Prezentarea această are, de asemenea, rolul de a evidenția importanța unei baze de date naționale ce facilitează urmărirea postoperatorie a pacienților și calcularea ratei de supraviețuire. Rezultate: Am analizat numărul total de rezecții pancreatice (cefalice, centrale, distale) țn perioada 2014-2019, efectuate de mai mulți operatori pentru patologii pancreatice și de calea biliară principală distală, țn cadrul centrului de Chirurgie Generală si Transplant a Spitalului Clinic “Sfânta Maria”, București. Pe baza analizei acestora, am obținut rezultate mult similare cu cele din literatură. Concluzii: Recuperarea postoperatorie a unui pacient ce a suferit o rezectie pancreatică este țn mod cert influențata de comorbiditățile preexistente și de experiența chirurgului. Analizând rezultatele obținute în clinica noastră si comparându-le cu cele din literatură, considerăm ca nivelul nostru de performanța este unul mediu-mare, în special deoarece numărul de rezecții pancreatice anuale a crescut considerabil în ultimii doi ani.Background: This study is meant to bring new pieces of information regarding our hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgical center, especially regarding pancreatic resections (suggested and conducted for cephalopancreatic tumors, ampullary tumors, tumors of the body and tail of the pancreas or distal choledocus tumors). Our team’s evolution and progress has an important role in keeping our results similar to those of the large international hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgical centers. Methods and materials: The aim of this study is to present our clinic’s experience with pancreatic resections, as well as to analyze and compare our results with those described in literature. At the beginning, the mean number of pancreatic resections was small, but in the last two years, we have performed at least 40% more pancreatic resections. The presentation is also meant to emphasize the importance of a national database to facilitate patient follow-up and survival rate calculus). Results: We analyzed a number of patients who underwent pancreatic resections (cephalic, central, distal) performed in our clinic for malignant and benign pathologies of the pancreas, but also biliary pathologies, between 2014 and 2019. After studying the results, the morbidity and mortality rates obtained in our surgical clinic can be compared to those described in literature. Conclusion: The postoperative recovery of a patient that underwent a pancreatic resection is definitely influenced by the preexistent comorbidities and the experience of the main surgeon. By analyzing the results obtained in our clinic and comparing them with those mentioned in literature, we think that our performance level can be considered medium-large, particularly since the number of annual pancreatic resections has grown considerably in the last two years

    Central pancreatectomy - indications revisited

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    Institutul Clinic Fundeni, București, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Pancreatectomia alternativă la rezecțiile standard (duodenopancreatectomia cefalica și pancreatectomia distală) pentru leziuni situate la nivelul istmului și corpului de pancreas. Principalul avantaj este reprezentat de conservarea atât a funcției exocrine cât și a celei endocrine a pancreasului. Dezavantajul major este reprezentat de morbiditatea postoperatorie crescută, reprezentată în principal de fistula pancreatică. Cele mai frecvente indicații ale pancreatectomiei centrale sunt reprezentate de tumorile benigne și cu potențial redus de malignizare. Chiar dacă acest procedeu chirurgical este contraindicat în carcinomul ductal de pancreas, totuși, o serie de alte malignități speciale ale pancreasului cum ar fi metastazele pancreatice ale altor neoplazii sau pancreatoblastomul pot beneficia, în anumite situații, de acest tip de intervenție chirurgicală. Deși nu este o procedură chirurgicală foarte frecvent utilizată, pancreatectomia centrală, își găsește locul în arsenalul rezectiilor pancreatice.Central pancreatectomy has emerged as a pancreas-sparing alternative technique to standard pancreatic resections (i.e. pancreatico-duodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy) for pancreatic lesions located to the isthmus and body. The main advantage is related to a better preservation of both exocrine and endocrine pancreatic functions. Conversely, the major concern is related to the high postoperative morbidity, mainly related to the postoperative pancreatic fistula rate. The most frequent reported indications for central pancreatectomy are represented by benign and low-malignant lesions of the pancreas. Although central pancreatectomy is not indicated for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, however, for certain special malignancies of the pancreas (i.e. metastasis to the pancreas of others neoplasia, pancreatoblastoma), central pancreatectomy has been proven to be a safe operation. Although central pancreatectomy is not a frequent operation, it should be included in pancreatic surgeons’ armamentarium for certain indications


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    Jerusalem artichoke, is a technical plant that have some special features which make it suitable to be cultivated on degraded and difficult soils. However, processing difficult lands can cause major problems for farmers, in terms of using the right technology and reducing investment costs. The paper aim to address to the main challenges faced in preparing the soil for a Jerusalem artichoke culture, in order to maximize the productivity and efficiency


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    In order to breathe fresh and clean air, nature and terrestrial atmosphere should be preserved and protected. Carbon emissions represent one of the main enemies of air quality. Recently, carbon emissions have surpassed all the predictions because the excessive industrialization, becoming the determining factor for global warming. A viable alternative to carbon emissions reduction is the utilization of energy sources that can diminish the noxious substances emissions up to zero. This can be done by using the power of wind, sun, water, energy plants, etc. Among the energetic potential plants, the biomass is obtained- a form of renewable energy which final product is biofuel


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    The equipment is intended to operate within the fruit processing technological flows, respectively to detach- disintegrate the grape pomace which are formed during the fruit pressing using milling drums. These pomaces, usually are made up of fruit solid agglomerations, that have a greater seed concentration and humidity, especially when the rotary rollers are working with a certain distance between, in order to not crush the grape seeds. Based on these considerations, in the paper it is analyzed and presented the case in which the detacher can successfully be used in grape seeds separating technology from the pomace and its performances to separate the sub-products resulting from the grapes pressing operation


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    Silver nanoparticles were deposed on bacterial cellulose (BC) membranes using tannic acid as reducing agent. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy with X-ray (EDX) and UV-VIS spectroscopy. The antimicrobial activity of BC-silver films was tested against E. coli K12-MG1655, all the composites having a good antimicrobial activity. These composites could be used for antimicrobial wound dressings

    Esophageal resection- experience in center of general surgery and liver transplantation “Dan Setlacec” 2001-2011

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    Institultul Clinic Fundeni, Clinica Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Chirurgia rezecţională esofagiană este complexă prin varietatea substratului lezional, multitudinea căilor de abord precum şi terenul biologic frecvent alterat al pacienţilor. Scopul acestei lucrări este analiza rezultatelor postoperatorii imediate şi tardive în rândul pacienţilor supuşi rezecţiei esofagiene în Centrul de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic ”Dan Setlacec” în perioada 2001-2011.Esophageal resection is a demanding surgical task due to various lesional substrat and type of surgical approach and, often, .alterated biological field of patients.The aim of this study is to analyze immediate and late outcome of patients reffered for esophageal resection in Center for General Surgery and Liver Transplantation “Dan Setlacec” from Fundeni Clinical Institute along a decade (2001-2011)


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    Objectives. Our research team aimed to evaluate the effects smoking has on several salivary parameters and to assess if there are any correlations between smoking and the cariogenic activity. Material and method. The present research included a total of 35 participants. Saliva was collected from every participant to the study. Salivary chloride, calcium and potassium levels, as well as salivary flux and pH were determined for all subjects. Results. Our results showed significantly lower salivary flux and pH levels in smokers compared to nonsmokers (p < 0.01). Chloride, calcium and potassium we found to have higher concentrations in smokers compared to the control group. However, a statistical significance could be found only for calcium (p = 0.02). Moreover, we were able to find in the smokers group a positive correlation in smokers between salivary chloride levels and cariogenic activity as well as a negative correlation could be found in smokers between salivary calcium levels and the cariogenic activity Conclusions. The results of the present study show that smoking alters salivary parameters and that these modifications can favour the development of dental caries