5 research outputs found


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    This article presents results of promotion of students self-direction in cooperative learning in teacher training. The purpose of the study was to work out and implement an cooperative learning model for promotion of student self-directed learning skills in teacher training in university, and explore the relationships between the cooperative learning process and self-directed learning development. Empirical data were collected through self-directed learning-eadiness tests (SDLRS/LPA) and interviews at the beginning and the end of the semester. The data of experiment group were compared with control group data, and 170 students were involved in the study. Results indicate that self-directed learning readiness improves through cooperative learning processes for students of all levels, while in traditional process below average and average level students’ readiness improves, and above average level students’ readiness expressions are limited and readiness for self-direction decreases


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    This article presents results of implementation of principles of direction and liberalization in cooperative learning in teacher training. The purpose of the study was to work out and implement an educational model for promotion of student self-directed learning skills in teacher training in university, and explore the relationships between the cooperative learning process and self-directed learning development. Empirical data were collected through self-directed learning-readiness tests (SDLRS/LPA), student self-assessment questionnaires, and interviews at the beginning and the end of the semester. The data of experiment group were compared with control group data, and 170 students were involved in the study. Results indicate that self directed learning readiness improves through cooperative learning processes for students of all levels, while in traditional process below average and average level students’ readiness improves, and above average level students’ readiness expressions are limited and readiness for self-direction decreases


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    People have always looked for the best opportunities for life and for a variety of reasons there has been migration from country to country. The aim of the study is to find out, through questionnaires and interviews, the reasons for people leaving and the creation of support that would encourage returns. 23 respondents were surveyed, who answered 87 questions. Emigrants were interviewed using email lists to find out what people expected from their country, what differences they see in their home country and in their country of origin. The reasons for leaving are mentioned is credit, debt, marriage with foreigner and many other reasons. Career guidance for remigrants have the task to help them to find a job that is consistent with their abilities and interests and helping to build a successful career

    Promotion of students self-direction at cooperative learning in university

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    Studentu pašnoteikšanās veicināšana kooperatīvās mācīšanās procesā augstskolā. Promocijas darbs pedagoģijas zinātnes doktora grāda iegūšanai augstskolas pedagoģijā, 2012. Promocijas darba pētījuma aktualitāti nosaka pārmaiņu nepieciešamība augstākajā izglītībā industriālās un postindustriālās paradigmu maiņā. Pētījums ietver teoriju izpēti par pētījuma priekšmetu – studentu pašnoteiktās mācīšanās attīstību kooperatīvās mācīšanās procesā augstskolā, kā arī studiju procesa organizācijas teorētisko analīzi. Empīriska studentu pašnoteiktas mācīšanās pilnveides un tās gatavības veicināšanas nosacījumu mijsakarību izpēte veikta izmantojot jauktu paralēli veiktu kvantitatīvu un kvalitatīvu metožu pētījuma veidu – iegūti testa, pašnovērtējuma anketas un strukturētu interviju dati. Teoriju analīzes rezultātā atklātas pašnoteiktas mācīšanās un izglītības konteksta sakarības un izveidots teorētisks modelis, noteikti pašnoteiktu mācīšanos raksturojošie kritēriji un to rādītāji, izveidots kooperatīvās mācīšanās modelis pašnoteiktas mācīšanās apguves veicināšanai studiju procesā augstskolā. Empīriskā pētījuma rezultātā konstatēts, ka kooperatīvā grupā pašnoteiktas mācīšanās gatavība palielinās visu gatavības līmeņu studentiem, bet tradicionālā procesā zema un vidēja gatavības līmeņa studentu gatavība paaugstinās kamēr augsta līmeņa studentu gatavības izpausmes ir ierobežotas un gatavība pašnoteiktām mācībām samazinās. Atslēgas vārdi: pašnoteikta mācīšanās, kooperatīvā mācīšanās, augstākā izglītība.Promotion of students self-direction at cooperative learning in university. Doctoral thesis. 2012. Topicality of doctoral thesis research determined by the need for change in higher education and industrial and post-industrial paradigm shift. The study includes research on the theory of student’s self-directed learning promotion at cooperative learning in university, as well as theoretical analysis of the study process organization. Theory analysis: explore relationships between self-directed learning and educational context and author workout theoretical model, the self-directed learning development criteria and indicators are defined, on cooperative learning based educational model for students self- directed learning promotion in university worked out. Empirical study is concurrent mixed methods design research in which quantitative and qualitative approaches are mixed across the stages of a study. It was used to collect self-directed learning readiness, self-assessment and interview data from a small groups’ of students who participated in cooperative learning based educational model approbation. Empirical study results evidence for: cooperative learning increase self-directed learning for all readiness levels of students, versus the traditional study process were low and medium readiness levels students increase, but high readiness level students readiness expression is limited and self-directed learning readiness decrease. Keywords: self-directed learning, cooperative learning, higher education