10 research outputs found

    Social familiarity modulates group living and foraging behaviour of juvenile predatory mites

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    Environmental stressors during early life may have persistent consequences for phenotypic development and fitness. In group-living species, an important stressor during juvenile development is the presence and familiarity status of conspecific individuals. To alleviate intraspecific conflicts during juvenile development, many animals evolved the ability to discriminate familiar and unfamiliar individuals based on prior association and use this ability to preferentially associate with familiar individuals. Assuming that familiar neighbours require less attention than unfamiliar ones, as predicted by limited attention theory, assorting with familiar individuals should increase the efficiency in other tasks. We assessed the influence of social familiarity on within-group association behaviour, development and foraging of juvenile life stages of the group-living, plant-inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. The observed groups consisted either of mixed-age familiar and unfamiliar juvenile mites or of age-synchronized familiar or unfamiliar juvenile mites or of pairs of familiar or unfamiliar larvae. Overall, familiar mites preferentially grouped together and foraged more efficiently, i.e. needed less prey at similar developmental speed and body size at maturity, than unfamiliar mites. Preferential association of familiar mites was also apparent in the inter-exuviae distances. Social familiarity was established by imprinting in the larval stage, was not cancelled or overridden by later conspecific contacts and persisted into adulthood. Life stage had an effect on grouping with larvae being closer together than nymphal stages. Ultimately, optimized foraging during the developmental phase may relax within-group competition, enhance current and future food supply needed for optimal development and optimize patch exploitation and leaving under limited food

    Використання інваріантів у визначенні інтеграції й диверсифікованості виробництва промислових підприємств

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    Успішний розвиток економіки багато в чому залежить від функціонування всіх її ланок. Важливу роль грає діагностика й організація процесів інтеграції й диверсифікованості виробництва промислових підприємств, що забезпечують підвищення стабільності, керованості й ефективність діяльності підприємств в умовах конкурентної боротьби

    Social familiarity governs prey patch-exploitation, -leaving and inter-patch distribution of the group-living predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis.

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    In group-living animals, social interactions and their effects on other life activities such as foraging are commonly determined by discrimination among group members. Accordingly, many group-living species evolved sophisticated social recognition abilities such as the ability to recognize familiar individuals, i.e. individuals encountered before. Social familiarity may affect within-group interactions and between-group movements. In environments with patchily distributed prey, group-living predators must repeatedly decide whether to stay with the group in a given prey patch or to leave and search for new prey patches and groups.Based on the assumption that in group-living animals social familiarity allows to optimize the performance in other tasks, as for example predicted by limited attention theory, we assessed the influence of social familiarity on prey patch exploitation, patch-leaving, and inter-patch distribution of the group-living, plant-inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. P. persimilis is highly specialized on herbivorous spider mite prey such as the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, which is patchily distributed on its host plants. We conducted two experiments with (1) groups of juvenile P. persimilis under limited food on interconnected detached leaflets, and (2) groups of adult P. persimilis females under limited food on whole plants. Familiar individuals of both juvenile and adult predator groups were more exploratory and dispersed earlier from a given spider mite patch, occupied more leaves and depleted prey more quickly than individuals of unfamiliar groups. Moreover, familiar juvenile predators had higher survival chances than unfamiliar juveniles.We argue that patch-exploitation and -leaving, and inter-patch dispersion were more favorably coordinated in groups of familiar than unfamiliar predators, alleviating intraspecific competition and improving prey utilization and suppression

    The effects of social familiarity on dispersion of juvenile predatory mites.

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    <p>Dispersion index (mean + SE), i.e. how many leaves out of four leaves per experimental unit were occupied, of juvenile <i>P. persimilis</i> held in groups of four familiar or four unfamiliar individuals over time.</p

    The effects of social familiarity on activity of juvenile predatory mites.

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    <p>Proportion (mean + SE) of juvenile <i>P. persimilis</i> moving within groups consisting of four familiar or four unfamiliar individuals over time.</p

    Results of generalized estimating equations (GEE; autocorrelation structure between observation points) for the effects of familiarity, leaf (origin or external; only for dispersion) and time nested within familiarity (only for females present, leaves occupied and dispersion by females) on the number of <i>P. persimilis</i> females present, the number of leaves occupied by <i>P. persimilis</i> females and dispersion by <i>P. persimilis</i> females and their offspring (after 72 h) between the origin and external leaves.

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    <p>Results of generalized estimating equations (GEE; autocorrelation structure between observation points) for the effects of familiarity, leaf (origin or external; only for dispersion) and time nested within familiarity (only for females present, leaves occupied and dispersion by females) on the number of <i>P. persimilis</i> females present, the number of leaves occupied by <i>P. persimilis</i> females and dispersion by <i>P. persimilis</i> females and their offspring (after 72 h) between the origin and external leaves.</p

    The effects of social familiarity on prey exploitation by juvenile predatory mites.

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    <p>Number (mean ± SE) of <i>T. urticae</i> eggs left per experimental unit of four leaves by juvenile <i>P. persimilis</i> held in groups of four familiar or four unfamiliar individuals over time.</p

    Results of generalized estimating equations (GEE; autocorrelation structure between observation points) for the effects of familiarity and time nested within familiarity on the number of dispersed juvenile predators (i.e. found on the outer three leaflets), their dispersion index (number of leaves occupied), activity (moving yes/no) and number of prey eggs left per experimental unit of four leaflets.

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    <p>Results of generalized estimating equations (GEE; autocorrelation structure between observation points) for the effects of familiarity and time nested within familiarity on the number of dispersed juvenile predators (i.e. found on the outer three leaflets), their dispersion index (number of leaves occupied), activity (moving yes/no) and number of prey eggs left per experimental unit of four leaflets.</p

    The effects of social familiarity on presence and leaf occupation by predatory mite females.

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    <p>Number (mean ± SE) of familiar (filled symbols) and unfamiliar (open symbols) adult <i>P. persimilis</i> females present (solid lines) and the number (mean ± SE) of leaves out of five occupied by them (dotted lines) per experimental unit (group of five plants) over time.</p