13 research outputs found

    Examining the range of strategies mothers use to cope when caring for a child with an intellectual disability

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraA presente investigação tem como objetivo geral estudar os sentimentos, as representações e as expectativas da gestante relativamente ao filho. Num plano mais específico, pretende-se estudar aspetos da vinculação pré-natal materna, através dos sentimentos que a mãe tem pelo bebé e da interação que estabelece com ele; explorar a importância da representação criada pela mãe sobre a gravidez e sobre o bebé, através da representação gráfica da gravidez; e analisar possíveis expetativas da gestante relativamente ao bebé e a sua capacidade de lhe conceber e atribuir características físicas e psicológicas. Para tal, foi estudada uma amostra composta por 50 grávidas, em regime de consulta no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, com uma média de idades de 29,9±5,91 anos (entre os 18 e os 40 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Vinculação Pré-Natal Materna (adaptação portuguesa de Camarneiro & Justo, 2010); o Teste do Desenho da Gravidez; e a Entrevista sobre a Gestação e as Expectativas da Gestante (Gidep, 1998). Os resultados indicaram que a maioria das gestantes apresenta vinculação forte ou saudável ao feto; os desenhos elaborados pelas gestantes parecem refletir elementos, hipoteticamente, sugestivos da ligação afetiva materno-fetal, do reconhecimento da imagem corporal, da aceitação da gravidez e da diferenciação fetal; e as respostas das gestantes à entrevista parecem expressar a existência de uma relação materno-fetal pautada por sentimentos e expectativas das gestantes quanto ao sexo do bebé e quanto às suas características físicas e psicológicas.The present research study has the general objective of studying the feelings, representations and expectations of pregnant women in relation to the child. In a more specific way, is intended to study aspects of maternal prenatal attachment, through the feelings that the mother has by the baby and the interaction that she establishes with him; explore the importance of representation raised by the mother about the pregnancy and the baby, through the graphical representation; and analyze possible expectations of pregnant women in relation to the baby and their ability to conceive and give him physical and psychological characteristics. For this purpose, has been studied a sample of 50 pregnant women in the consultation regime on the Cova da Beira Hospital Center, with a mean age of 29.9±5.91 years (between 18 and 40 years). The instruments used were the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (portuguese adaptation of Camarneiro & Justo, 2010); the Drawing of Pregnancy; and the Interview about the Pregnancy and the Expectations of Pregnant Women (Gidep, 1998). The results indicate that most of the pregnant women present strong or healthy attachment to the fetus; the drawings produced by pregnant women seem to reflect elements, hypothetically, suggestive of maternal-fetal emotional attachment, recognition of the body image, acceptance of pregnancy and fetal differentiation; and the answers of the pregnant women to the interview seem to express the existence of a maternal-fetal relationship guided by feelings and expectations of pregnant women as the sex of the baby and as to their physical and psychological characteristics.Cette étude vise à décrire les sentiments, les représentations et les attentes des femmes enceintes par rapport à l'enfant. Sur un niveau plus spécifique, nous avons l'intention d'étudier les aspects de l'attachement maternel prénatal, à travers les sentiments que la mère a par rapport à l'enfant et l'interaction qu’elle a avec lui; explorer l'importance des idées que la mère se fait par rapport à la grossesse et au bébé, à partir de la représentation graphique de la grossesse; et d'analyser les attentes des femmes enceintes par rapport à l'enfant, à leur capacité à concevoir et à leur donner des caractéristiques physiques et psychologiques. A cet effet, un échantillon de 50 femmes enceintes a été étudié dans le service des consultations à Cova da Beira Centre Hospitalier, avec un âge moyen de 29,9±5,91 années (entre 18 et 40 ans). Les instruments utilisés ont été Échelle de l'attachement maternel prénatal (adaptation portugaise de Camarneiro & Justo, 2010); Dessin de la Grossesse; et Interview sur la Grossesse et les Attentes de le femme enceinte (Gidep, 1998). Les résultats ont indiqué que la plupart des femmes enceintes présentent un attachement maternel fort ou bon pour le foetus; les dessins réalisés par les femmes enceintes semblent donner des éléments, hypothétiquement, suggestifs de l'attachement émotionnel materne-foetale, la reconnaissance de l'image corporelle, de l'acceptation de la grossesse et de la différenciation du foetus; et les réponses de ces femmes lors de l’interview semblent exprimer l'existence d'une relation materne-foetale guidé par les sentiments et les attentes des femmes enceintes par rapport au sexe du bébé et à leurs caractéristiques physiques et psychologiques

    University–school partnerships: literacy and students with additional learning needs

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    A estimulação magnética transcraniana (do inglês, transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS) é uma técnica médica utilizada no tratamento de patologias neuropsiquiátricas, tal como a depressão (aprovada em 2008 pela United States Food and Drug Administration). Esta técnica consiste na indução de correntes cerebrais através da aplicação de campos magnéticos transientes. A TMS foi proposta em 1985, contudo, a sua utilização no tratamento de várias doenças neurológicas não tem sido mais aprofundada devido à sua incapacidade de estimulação de regiões cerebrais profundas. Este facto deve-se sobretudo às limitações físicas resultantes da presença de descontinuidades, particularmente a existente entre o escalpe e o ar. O trabalho aqui apresentado propõe um sistema otimizado formado por várias bobinas, que visa a estimulação profunda de todo o cérebro ou de apenas um hemisfério. Este sistema é designado por configuração ortogonal. A configuração ortogonal foi desenvolvida através do software COMSOL Multiphysiscs AC/DC. Os resultados das simulações revelam que este sistema é capaz de originar um valor de indução relativa no centro do cérebro, relativamente à indução máxima na superfície do mesmo, sem precedentes (57,6%). Tal capacidade de penetração supera os sistemas do estado da arte de TMS. Este avanço de capacidade de indução (57,6%), resulta da presença de líquido condutor (e.g., uma simples solução salina) a envolver o conjunto de bobinas, bem como parte da cabeça do doente. Além da capacidade de estimulação de todo o cérebro (e.g. potencialmente útil para a profilaxia de doentes com epilepsia), o sistema proposto é também capaz de estimular preferencialmente um hemisfério, que poderá ser útil na reabilitação após acidente vascular cerebral, entre outras aplicações. Para completar este trabalho foi proposto e simulado um sistema de estimulação cerebral profunda de TMS adaptado a ratos. Concluiu-se que apenas uma bobina circular simples, quando imersa em líquido condutor, permite um elevado valor de indução relativa no centro do modelo do cérebro de um rato. Estes resultados sugerem a continuação do desenvolvimento de um tal sistema TMS dedicado ao cérebro de ratos. Palavras-chave: Estimulação magnética transcraniana; Estimulação cerebral humana e animal; Estimulação cerebral profunda; Otimização; Protótipo

    Supporting people with intellectual disabilities in preparation for partnership and family life: Preparedness of sexual confidants

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    The aim of the research was to analyse the perspectives of sexual trustees on supporting young people with intellectual disabilities for relationships and parenthood. The six participating sexual trustees adopted a respectful and open attitude to the sexuality of their clients. With respect to working with sexuality and relationships, the sexual trustees considered important to put in place an organisational framework and equip themselves with the relevant competencies. The family planning of their clients was not addressed at the organisation level, and the interviewed sexual trustees described conflicting feelings related to the support of their clients with concern to their desire to have children. Moreover, the trustees were felt societal pressure to prevent conception associated with the topic of family planning

    Co-design of a neurodevelopment assessment scale : a study protocol

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    Neurodevelopmental disorders are a heterogeneous group of conditions with overlapping symptomatology and fluctuating developmental trajectories that transcend current diagnostic categorisation. There is a need for validated screening instruments which dimensionally assess symptomatology from a holistic, transdiagnostic perspective. The primary aim is to co-design a Neurodevelopment Assessment Scale (NAS), a user-friendly transdiagnostic assessment inventory that systematically screens for all signs and symptoms commonly encountered in neurodevelopmental disorders. Our first objective is to undertake development of this tool, utilising co-design principles in partnership with stakeholders, including both those with lived experience of neurodevelopmental disorders and service providers. Our second objective is to evaluate the face validity, as well as the perceived utility, user-friendliness, suitability, and acceptability (i.e., ‘social validity’), of the NAS from the perspective of parents/caregivers and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, clinicians, and service providers. Our third objective is to ascertain the psychometric properties of the NAS, including content validity and convergent validity. The NAS will provide an efficient transdiagnostic tool for evaluating all relevant signs, symptoms, and the dimensional constructs that underpin neurodevelopmental presentations. It is anticipated that this will maximise outcomes by enabling the delivery of personalised care tailored to an individual’s unique profile in a holistic and efficient manner

    The ethics of belonging

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    Reported prevalence of evidence-based instructional practices by special educators in the Czech Republic

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    The reported level of use of eight instructional strategies in a sample of 531 special educators in the Czech Republic was examined in this study. Consistent with recent parallel studies in North America and Australia, the respondents reported that they used a combination of evidence-based instructional practices (such as direct instruction and applied behaviour analysis) and other practices that may be considered unproven or disproved (such as perceptual motor training and modality instruction). The details of the pattern of use of strategies differed from previous parallel studies including relatively high levels of use of perceptual motor programmes, possibly reflecting local historical factors. Overall, the results support the conclusion that commitment to evidence-based instruction has only partially permeated special education practice and provide a baseline for monitoring future change.17 page(s

    Examining number sense: an exploratory study of students with additional learning needs

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    Sustaining mobile learning in inclusive environments: A universal design for learning approach

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    Mobile technology is being adopted at a rapid pace by both schools and families, essentially being repurposed as assistive technology for students with disabilities (Gentry et al., 2010). This recent technology appears to have the potential to ameliorate many of the issues connected to the lack of sustainability of traditional forms of assistive technology implementation, which include: (a) stigmatisation; (b) cost; (c) maintenance; (d) sustainability; and (e) lack of alignment with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (Wehmeyer et al., 2008). As mobile technologies are being widely adopted as educational tools for all students, their potential importance as assistive technology for students with disabilities cannot be overstated. Many students with disabilities rely heavily on assistive technology to participate more fully in most environments in their lives. They use this technology for mobility (wheelchairs, electronic navigation systems), communication (Dynavox, PECS systems), social skills acquisition (video modelling), learning (computer software), literacy (screen readers, audiobooks), etc. (Merbler, Hadadian, & Ulman, 1999). Some students require several different devices; this can be impractical when moving from one environment to another. Through the use of a variety of personalised applications, mobile technology may possess the capability to provide many kinds of support with one device. For example, a screen reader application could be used to assist with literacy, a communication app with communication, and a movie app for social skills lessons. Globally, students with disabilities have been included in the general education classroom in increasing numbers over the past few decades. The inclusion movement has left some general education teachers struggling to adapt their pedagogy to support an increasingly diverse student population. Global legislation such as the United States’ Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004), Australia’s Disability Standards for Education (2005), the United Kingdom’s Special Education Codes of Practice (2001), and the European Union’s Support for Children with Special Educational Needs (2013) all provide frameworks to ensure that students with disability can access education on the same basis as other students. These policies require all education providers to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities are treated equally with their non-disabled peers. Often this is accomplished through the use of accommodations and modifications to the environment, the curriculum, teaching, and learning. Accommodations and modifications are not always the optimal way to accomplish accessibility for all students. The environments and educational materials should be planned from the onset in such a way that they are accessible to all individuals (Edyburn, 2010). This underlines the importance of a teaching and learning framework that incorporates evidencebased practices that work for diverse populations of teachers and students from the outset. Accessibility is preferable over accommodation because it does not require extra effort in the form of time and resources, or moving to a special location, which is exclusionary. This type of built-in accessibility is an integral feature of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which designs curricular materials and activities to be flexible in matching learner strengths and needs to assist students in reaching their learning goals (Gargiulo & Metcalf, 2010). In order for assistive technology to be effective, it must be available across environments, and all individuals supporting the students must be well versed in the technology’s use (Brown, 2011). If these conditions are not present, students with disabilities experience distinct disadvantage and difficulties with full participation in inclusive environments. Therefore, it is imperative that both theoretical and operational frameworks are available to guide the collaboration between school personnel and home in all areas of technology implementation. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lends itself well as a theoretical framework to support using mobile technology as assistive technology to allow students with disabilities to more fully participate in inclusive environments. This framework is supported by the pedagogical approaches differentiated instruction and explicit instruction in inclusive learning and teaching settings