6 research outputs found

    An innovative strategy to investigate microbial protein modifications in a reliable fast and sensitive way: A therapy oriented proof of concept based on UV-C irradiation of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

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    : The characterization of modifications of microbial proteins is of primary importance to dissect pathogen lifecycle mechanisms and could be useful in identifying therapeutic targets. Attempts to solve this issue yielded only partial and non-exhaustive results. We developed a multidisciplinary approach by coupling in vitro infection assay, mass spectrometry (MS), protein 3D modelling, and surface plasma resonance (SPR). As a proof of concept, the effect of low UV-C (273 nm) irradiation on SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein was investigated. Following UV-C exposure, MS analysis identified, among other modifications, the disruption of a disulphide bond within the conserved S2 subunit of S protein. Computational analyses revealed that this bond breakage associates with an allosteric effect resulting in the generation of a closed conformation with a reduced ability to bind the ACE2 receptor. The UV-C-induced reduced affinity of S protein for ACE2 was further confirmed by SPR analyses and in vitro infection assays. This comprehensive approach pinpoints the S2 domain of S protein as a potential therapeutic target to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Notably, this workflow could be used to screen a wide variety of microbial protein domains, resulting in a precise molecular fingerprint and providing new insights to adequately address future epidemics

    Simple Detection of Unstained Live Senescent Cells with Imaging Flow Cytometry

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    Cellular senescence is a hallmark of aging and a promising target for therapeutic approaches. The identification of senescent cells requires multiple biomarkers and complex experimental procedures, resulting in increased variability and reduced sensitivity. Here, we propose a simple and broadly applicable imaging flow cytometry (IFC) method. This method is based on measuring autofluorescence and morphological parameters and on applying recent artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools. We show that the results of this method are superior to those obtained measuring the classical senescence marker, senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal). We provide evidence that this method has the potential for diagnostic or prognostic applications as it was able to detect senescence in cardiac pericytes isolated from the hearts of patients affected by end-stage heart failure. We additionally demonstrate that it can be used to quantify senescence “in vivo” and can be used to evaluate the effects of senolytic compounds. We conclude that this method can be used as a simple and fast senescence assay independently of the origin of the cells and the procedure to induce senescence

    Natural SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects Neutralizing Activity in Saliva of Vaccinees

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    BACKGROUND: SARS-CoV-2 transmission mainly occurs through exposure of the upper airway mucosa to infected secretions such as saliva, which are excreted by an infected person. Thus, oral mucosal immunity plays a central role in the prevention of and early defense against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Although virus-specific antibody response has been extensively investigated in blood samples of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients and vaccinees, local humoral immunity in the oral cavity and its relationship to systemic antibody levels needs to be further addressed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We fine-tuned a virus neutralization assay (vNTA) to measure the neutralizing activity (NA) of plasma and saliva samples from 20 SARS-CoV-2-infected (SI), 40 SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated (SV), and 28 SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated subjects with a history of infection (SIV) using the “wild type” SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1 (EU) and the Delta (B.1.617.2) strains. To validate the vNTA results, the presence of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) to the spike receptor binding domain (RBD) was evaluated with an ELISA assay. RESULTS: NA to SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1 (EU) was present in plasma samples from all the tested subjects, with higher titers in SIV compared to both SI and SV. Conversely, NA was detected in saliva samples from 10.3% SV, 45% SI, and 92.6% SIV, with significantly lower titers in SV compared to both SI and SIV. The detection of NAbs in saliva reflected its reduced NA in SV. DISCUSSION: The difference in NA of plasma vs. saliva was confirmed in a vNTA where the SARS-CoV-2 B.1 and Delta strains were tested head-to-head, which also revealed a reduced NA of both specimens compared to the B.1 variant. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines was associated with limited virus NA in the oral cavity, as measured in saliva and in comparison to plasma. This difference was more evident in vaccinees without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, possibly highlighting the importance of local exposure at the site of virus acquisition to effectively prevent the infection and block its spread. Nevertheless, the presence of immune escape mutations as possibly represented by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant negatively affects both local and systemic efficacy of NA associated with vaccination

    Salivary miRNA Profiles in COVID-19 Patients with Different Disease Severities

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    : The oral mucosa is the first site of SARS-CoV-2 entry and replication, and it plays a central role in the early defense against infection. Thus, the SARS-CoV-2 viral load, miRNAs, cytokines, and neutralizing activity (NA) were assessed in saliva and plasma from mild (MD) and severe (SD) COVID-19 patients. Here we showed that of the 84 miRNAs analyzed, 8 were differently expressed in the plasma and saliva of SD patients. In particular: (1) miRNAs let-7a-5p, let-7b-5p, and let-7c-5p were significantly downregulated; and (2) miR-23a and b and miR-29c, as well as three immunomodulatory miRNAs (miR-34a-5p, miR-181d-5p, and miR-146) were significantly upregulated. The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-9, and TNFα) and chemokines (CCL2 and RANTES) increased in both the saliva and plasma of SD and MD patients. Notably, disease severity correlated with NA and immune activation. Monitoring these parameters could help predict disease outcomes and identify new markers of disease progression

    The Modulation of Cholesterol Metabolism Is Involved in the Antiviral Effect of Nitazoxanide

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    We previously investigated the role of Nitazoxanide (NTZ), a thiazolide endowed with antiviral and antiparasitic activity, in HIV-1 infection. NTZ treatment in primary isolated PBMCs was able to reduce HIV-1 infection in vitro by inducing the expression of a number of type-I interferon-stimulated genes. Among them, NTZ was able to induce cholesterol-25-hydroxylase (CH25H), which is involved in cholesterol metabolism. In the present study, we wanted to deepen our knowledge about the antiviral mechanism of action of NTZ. Indeed, by inducing CH25H, which catalyzes the formation of 25-hydroxycholesterol from cholesterol, NTZ treatment repressed cholesterol biosynthetic pathways and promoted cholesterol mobilization and efflux from the cell. Such effects were even more pronounced upon stimulation with FLU antigens in combination. It is already well known how lipid metabolism and virus replication are tightly interconnected; thus, it is not surprising that the antiviral immune response employs genes related to cholesterol metabolism. Indeed, NTZ was able to modulate cholesterol metabolism in vitro and, by doing so, enhance the antiviral response. These results give us the chance to speculate about the suitability of NTZ as adjuvant for induction of specific natural immunity. Moreover, the putative application of NTZ to alimentary-related diseases should be investigated

    Dopamine Reduces SARS-CoV-2 Replication In Vitro through Downregulation of D2 Receptors and Upregulation of Type-I Interferons

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    Recent evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 hinders immune responses via dopamine (DA)-related mechanisms. Nonetheless, studies addressing the specific role of DA in the frame of SARS-CoV-2 infection are still missing. In the present study, we investigate the role of DA in SARS-CoV-2 replication along with potential links with innate immune pathways in CaLu-3 human epithelial lung cells. We document here for the first time that, besides DA synthetic pathways, SARS-CoV-2 alters the expression of D1 and D2 DA receptors (D1DR, D2DR), while DA administration reduces viral replication. Such an effect occurs at non-toxic, micromolar-range DA doses, which are known to induce receptor desensitization and downregulation. Indeed, the antiviral effects of DA were associated with a robust downregulation of D2DRs both at mRNA and protein levels, while the amount of D1DRs was not significantly affected. While halting SARS-CoV-2 replication, DA, similar to the D2DR agonist quinpirole, upregulates the expression of ISGs and Type-I IFNs, which goes along with the downregulation of various pro-inflammatory mediators. In turn, administration of Type-I IFNs, while dramatically reducing SARS-CoV-2 replication, converges in downregulating D2DRs expression. Besides configuring the CaLu-3 cell line as a suitable model to study SARS-CoV-2-induced alterations at the level of the DA system in the periphery, our findings disclose a previously unappreciated correlation between DA pathways and Type-I IFN response, which may be disrupted by SARS-CoV-2 for host cell invasion and replication