7 research outputs found

    Hypereosinophilia in a boy with asthma and Varicella Zoster Virus infection

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    Hypereosinophilia is a rare pediatric condition that could be secondary to infections, allergens, immunologic disorders or may be expression of a clonal proliferation.We report the case of an asthmatic boy aged 9 years who presented hypereosinophilia with spontaneous resolution. He had positive serum IgM antibodies to Varicella Zoster Virus while other tests, including genetic ones, gave negative results. Our findings suggest that in children with unexplained hypereosinophilia Varicella Zoster Virus infection should be investigated

    Propranolol treatment for infantile hemangioma: a case series of sixty-two patients

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    Infantile hemangiomas (IH) complicated by ulceration, disfigurement, functional impairment or life-threatening conditions need early, safe and effective treatment. This study explores the impact of propranolol on complicated IH. We report our experience of 62 patients treated with oral propranolol for complicated IH. The effect of propranolol was assessed using a score on a visual analogue scale integrated with echo, magnetic resonance or endoscopic findings. The average age at the beginning of the treatment was seven months [standard deviation (SD)±8.9], with a median of four months (range 1-53 months). The average age at the end of the treatment was 15 months (SD±8.4), with a median of 13 months (range 7-59 months). The mean treatment length was eight months (SD±3.2). Oral propranolol was successful in 95.2% of the patients in reducing the volume, the intensity of color and the elevation of IH. Statistically significant improvement of IH volume was observed in the first two months of therapy (P≤0.001), and between the second month and the end of the treatment (P<0.05). No significant bradycardia or hypotension occurred. Severe hypoglycemia occurred in one patient. Mild adverse effects were observed in seven patients. Our study demonstrates that propranolol administered orally at 2 to 3 mg/kg/day has a rapid therapeutic effect leading to remarkable shortening of the natural course of IH and it is safe in the majority of patients

    The effect of component-resolved diagnosis on specific immunotherapy prescription in children with hay fever

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    Sensitization to profilins and other cross-reacting molecules might hinder proper specific immunotherapy (SIT) prescription in polysensitized patients with pollen-related allergic rhinitis (AR). In these patients, component-resolved diagnosis (CRD) might modify SIT prescription by improving the identification of the disease-eliciting pollen sources. We sought to measure the effect of CRD on SIT prescription in children with pollen-related AR. Children (n = 651) with moderate-to-severe pollen-related AR were recruited between May 2009 and June 2011 in 16 Italian outpatient clinics. Skin prick test (SPT) reactivity to grass, cypress, olive, mugwort, pellitory, and/or Betulaceae pollen was considered clinically relevant if symptoms occurred during the corresponding peak pollen season. IgE sensitization to Phl p 1, Phl p 5, Bet v 1, Cup a 1, Art v 1, Ole e 1, Par j 2, and Phl p 12 (profilin) was measured by using ImmunoCAP. SIT prescription was modeled on SPT responses first and then remodeled considering also CRD according to GA(2)LEN-European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology guidelines and the opinions of 14 pediatric allergists. No IgE to the respective major allergens was detected in significant proportions of patients with supposed clinically relevant sensitization to mugwort (45/65 [69%]), Betulaceae (146/252 [60%]), pellitory (78/257 [30%]), olive (111/390 [28%]), cypress (28/184 [15%]), and grass (56/568 [10%]). IgE to profilins, polcalcins, or both could justify 173 (37%) of 464 of these SPT reactions. After CRD, the SPT-based decision on SIT prescription or composition was changed in 277 (42%) of 651 or 315 (48%) of 651 children according to the European or American approach, respectively, and in 305 (47%) of 651 children according to the opinion of the 14 local pediatric allergists. In children with pollen-related AR, applying CRD leads to changes in a large proportion of SIT prescriptions as opposed to relying on clinical history and SPT alone. The hypothesis that CRD-guided prescription improves SIT efficacy deserves to be tested