27 research outputs found

    Tuft-cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic mediators of norovirus tropism regulate viral immunity

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    Murine norovirus (MNoV) is a model for human norovirus and for interrogating mechanisms of viral tropism and persistence. We previously demonstrated that the persistent strain MNo

    Tuft cells are key mediators of interkingdom interactions at mucosal barrier surfaces.

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    Although tuft cells were discovered over 60 years ago, their functions have long been enigmatic, especially in human health. Nonetheless, tuft cells have recently emerged as key orchestrators of the host response to diverse microbial infections in the gut and airway. While tuft cells are epithelial in origin, they exhibit functions akin to immune cells and mediate important interkingdom interactions between the host and helminths, protists, viruses, and bacteria. With broad intra- and intertissue heterogeneity, tuft cells sense and respond to microbes with exquisite specificity. Tuft cells can recognize helminth and protist infection, driving a type 2 immune response to promote parasite expulsion. Tuft cells also serve as the primary physiologic target of persistent murine norovirus (MNV) and promote immune evasion. Recently, tuft cells were also shown to be infected by rotavirus. Other viral infections, such as influenza A virus, can induce tuft cell-dependent tissue repair. In the context of coinfection, tuft cells promote neurotropic flavivirus replication by dampening antiviral adaptive immune responses. Commensal and pathogenic bacteria can regulate tuft cell abundance and function and, in turn, tuft cells are implicated in modulating bacterial infiltration and mucosal barrier integrity. However, the contribution of tuft cells to microbial sensing in humans and their resulting effector responses are poorly characterized. Herein, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of microbial activation of tuft cells with an emphasis on tuft cell heterogeneity and differences between mouse and human tuft cell biology as it pertains to human health and disease

    Systematic detection of tertiary structural modules in large RNAs and RNP interfaces by Tb-seq

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    Abstract Compact RNA structural motifs control many aspects of gene expression, but we lack methods for finding these structures in the vast expanse of multi-kilobase RNAs. To adopt specific 3-D shapes, many RNA modules must compress their RNA backbones together, bringing negatively charged phosphates into close proximity. This is often accomplished by recruiting multivalent cations (usually Mg2+), which stabilize these sites and neutralize regions of local negative charge. Coordinated lanthanide ions, such as terbium (III) (Tb3+), can also be recruited to these sites, where they induce efficient RNA cleavage, thereby revealing compact RNA 3-D modules. Until now, Tb3+ cleavage sites were monitored via low-throughput biochemical methods only applicable to small RNAs. Here we present Tb-seq, a high-throughput sequencing method for detecting compact tertiary structures in large RNAs. Tb-seq detects sharp backbone turns found in RNA tertiary structures and RNP interfaces, providing a way to scan transcriptomes for stable structural modules and potential riboregulatory motifs

    A Novel Subcluster of Closely Related <i>Bacillus</i> Phages with Distinct Tail Fiber/Lysin Gene Combinations

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are the most numerous entities on Earth, but we have only scratched the surface of describing phage diversity. We isolated seven Bacillus subtilis phages from desert soil in the southwest United States and then sequenced and characterized their genomes. Comparative analyses revealed high nucleotide and amino acid similarity between these seven phages, which constitute a novel subcluster. Interestingly, the tail fiber and lysin genes of these phages seem to come from different origins and carry out slightly different functions. These genes were likely acquired by this subcluster of phages via horizontal gene transfer. In conjunction with host range assays, our data suggest that these phages are adapting to hosts with different cell walls

    CD300lf is the primary physiologic receptor of murine norovirus but not human norovirus.

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    Murine norovirus (MNoV) is an important model of human norovirus (HNoV) and mucosal virus infection more broadly. Viral receptor utilization is a major determinant of cell tropism, host range, and pathogenesis. The bona fide receptor for HNoV is unknown. Recently, we identified CD300lf as a proteinaceous receptor for MNoV. Interestingly, its paralogue CD300ld was also sufficient for MNoV infection in vitro. Here we explored whether CD300lf is the sole physiologic receptor in vivo and whether HNoV can use a CD300 ortholog as an entry receptor. We report that both CD300ld and CD300lf are sufficient for infection by diverse MNoV strains in vitro. We further demonstrate that CD300lf is essential for both oral and parenteral MNoV infection and to elicit anti-MNoV humoral responses in vivo. In mice deficient in STAT1 signaling, CD300lf is required for MNoV-induced lethality. Finally, we demonstrate that human CD300lf (huCD300lf) is not essential for HNoV infection, nor does huCD300lf inhibit binding of HNoV virus-like particles to glycans. Thus, we report huCD300lf is not a receptor for HNoV

    The KDM6A-KMT2D-p300 axis regulates susceptibility to diverse coronaviruses by mediating viral receptor expression.

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    Identification of host determinants of coronavirus infection informs mechanisms of pathogenesis and may provide novel therapeutic targets. Here, we demonstrate that the histone demethylase KDM6A promotes infection of diverse coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) in a demethylase activity-independent manner. Mechanistic studies reveal that KDM6A promotes viral entry by regulating expression of multiple coronavirus receptors, including ACE2, DPP4 and Ceacam1. Importantly, the TPR domain of KDM6A is required for recruitment of the histone methyltransferase KMT2D and histone deacetylase p300. Together this KDM6A-KMT2D-p300 complex localizes to the proximal and distal enhancers of ACE2 and regulates receptor expression. Notably, small molecule inhibition of p300 catalytic activity abrogates ACE2 and DPP4 expression and confers resistance to all major SARS-CoV-2 variants and MERS-CoV in primary human airway and intestinal epithelial cells. These data highlight the role for KDM6A-KMT2D-p300 complex activities in conferring diverse coronaviruses susceptibility and reveal a potential pan-coronavirus therapeutic target to combat current and emerging coronaviruses. One Sentence Summary: The KDM6A/KMT2D/EP300 axis promotes expression of multiple viral receptors and represents a potential drug target for diverse coronaviruses