25 research outputs found

    Urban extractivism. Contesting megaprojects in Mexico City, rethinking urban values

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    Urban extractivism is an emergent concept increasingly discussed within Latin America-based scholarship but less known in anglophone urban geography. The devastating social and environmental impact of large-scale natural resource extraction, usually accompanied and driven by infrastructure megaprojects, is the main domain to which activists and scholars are currently applying the concept of extractivism. However, extractivism-related accumulation also applies to urban contexts, as for instance, scholars argue using this lens to analyze the production of exclusive urban territories in central Buenos Aires. In this contribution, I suggest to broaden the concept of urban extractivism to address pressing challenges of urban transformations in the peripheries of Mexico City, particularly concerning urban infrastructure megaprojects and Indigenous socio-territorial movements that advocate for a more sustainable use of natural resources. Critical reflection on the extractivism of knowledge reveals the need for more collaborative research methods in urban geography and beyond

    Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization

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    Political subjectivity and territorialization often appear disconnected in recent debates. We propose a fresh approach based on Latin American scholarship to understand subjects and territories as relational: Subjects are (de)stabilized in processes of territorialization, while territories are (de)stabilized in processes of subject formation. We introduce the concept of territorial subjectivities and use examples from the literature to show how these emerge in Berlin, Buenos Aires, and Dresden. Placing an analytical focus on becoming rather than being, the contingency of territorial subjectivities is key to this novel conceptual link that supports a differentiated reading of socio-territorial struggles in diverse geographical contexts

    How to Compare Specificity, Build Concepts, and Change Theory: A Creative Methodology to Grasp Urbanization Processes

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    In a range of comparative methods that have emerged in recent years, scholars were increasingly drawing on innovative approaches to engage with today's diverse and complex urban worlds. Yet few researchers to date—in the field of urban studies or in spatial disciplines in general—have focused on the design and implementation of comparative inquiry. With this article, I seek to contribute to these current debates by presenting the specific methodology developed in the framework of the research project Patterns and Pathways of Planetary Urbanization. The main questions are: How can the spatiality of large urban territories be empirically studied? How can urbanization processes be analyzed comparatively? To tackle these questions, I focus on our experiences of putting the comparative procedure to work, drawing on a complementary set of ethnographic, cartographic, and historiographic methods useful for a creative, transdisciplinary, and more collaborative study of urbanization. I conclude with a call for a broad discussion of methodology and its theoretical implications by emphasizing the intrinsic link between crafting new methods and the generation of comparative concepts

    Gemeinsam Karten lesen: kollektive Wissensproduktion in der Stadtforschung

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    Während in der heutigen Stadtforschung ausführlich über das Karten-Machen geschrieben wird, spielt das Karten-Lesen bei der kritischen Analyse kaum eine Rolle. Das Karten-Lesen selbst – gerade in einer Gruppe – ist jedoch ein zentraler Schritt im Prozess der (kollektiven) raumbezogenen Wissensproduktion. Am Beispiel des Workshops „Poner las cartas sobre la mesa“ (dt. „die Karten auf den Tisch legen“) in Mexiko-Stadt möchten wir diesen methodischen Ansatz im Umgang mit Karten diskutieren und weiter einsetzbar machen

    Incorporation of urban differences in Tokyo, Mexico City, and Los Angeles

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    Reinvestment and intensification are common processes in many urban areas across the world. These transformations are often analyzed with concepts such as ‘urban regeneration’, ‘urban renaissance’, or ‘gentrification’. However, in analyzing Shimokitazawa (Tokyo), Centro Histórico (Mexico City), and Downtown Los Angeles, we realized that these concepts do not fully grasp the qualitative changes of everyday life and the contradictory character of the urbanization processes we observed. They do not take into consideration the far-reaching effects of these processes, and particularly do not address the underlying key question: how is urban value produced? Therefore, we have chosen a different analytical entry point to these transformations, by focusing on the production, reproduction, and incorporation of the intrinsic qualities of the urban. We found Lefebvre’s concept of ‘urban differences’ and Williams’ concept of ‘incorporation’ particularly useful for analyzing our empirical results. In this contribution, we compare the ‘incorporation of urban differences’ in the three case study areas and offer this concept for further discussions and applications

    Peripheralization through mass housing urbanization in Hong Kong, Mexico City, and Paris

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    This article compares how state-initiated mass housing urbanization has contributed to processes of peripheralization in three very different historical and geopolitical settings: in Paris from the 1950s to the 1990s in Hong Kong from the 1950s to 2010s and in Mexico City from the 1990s to the 2010s. We understand mass housing urbanization as large-scale industrial housing production based on the intervention of state actors into the urbanization process which leads to the strategic re-organization of urban territories. In this comparison across space and time we focus particularly on how, when and to what degree this urbanization process leads to the peripheralization of settlements and entire neighbourhoods over the course of several decades. This long-term perspective allows us to evaluate not only the decisive turns and ruptures within governmental rationales but also the continuities and contradictions of their territorial effects. Finally, we develop a taxonomy of different modalities of peripheralization that might serve as a conceptual tool for further urban research

    Trend zur Transdisziplinarität: kritische Einordnung einer ambivalenten Praxis qualitativer Stadtforschung

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    "Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Rolle von transdisziplinären Herangehensweisen innerhalb der Stadtforschung mittels einer theoretisch-methodischen Besprechung dieses Forschungsfeldes. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Rückblick auf die Methodengeschichte und die wichtigsten epistemologischen Debatten der empirischen Stadtforschung diskutiert die Autorin die Frage, welche neue Erkenntnis ein transdisziplinärer Zugang in der Betrachtung des Städtischen bringt, genauer: Wie kann Transdisziplinarität produktiv in eine kritische Forschungspraxis umgesetzt und als Strategie für Stadtforschung fruchtbar gemacht werden? Der Beitrag beschreibt die empirische Prägung der westeuropäischen Stadtforschungspraxis durch vorerst überwiegend intuitive transdisziplinäre Zugänge. Dabei zeigt die Autorin auf, dass insbesondere die aus der postmodernen und poststrukturalistischen Wende resultierende wissenschaftliche Reflexivität, die neu bewertete Ethnografie und der Fokus auf die soziale Produktion von Raum als zentrale sozialwissenschaftliche und erkenntnistheoretische Stränge die Stadtforschung auf inhaltlicher und struktureller Ebene bis heute durchziehen. In der kritischen Weiterentwicklung ebendieser methodischen und theoretischen Grundlagen der Stadtforschung sieht sie eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für Forschende, um Transdisziplinarität heute in eine explizite empirische Praxis zu übersetzen. Die große Bandbreite aktueller transdisziplinärer Ansätze bündelt sie schließlich schematisch und lote ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für die Stadtforschung aus." (Autorenreferat)"In this article the authoress draws on a theoretical-methodological discussion of urban studies in order to focus on the role transdisciplinarity plays in it. Beginning with a brief review of the difficulties that have plagued empirical urban studies over the years and the main epistemological debates concerning these studies, she then discuss the question of what kind of knowledge can be produced by transdisciplinary studies of the urban, or more precisely: How can transdisciplinarity be productively introduced in a critical research agenda to become a fruitful strategy for urban studies? She emphasizes the historical empirical and rather intuitive transdisciplinary imprint of west-European urban studies. The authoress argues that the main theoretical and methodological understanding for contemporary transdisciplinary urban studies is based particularly on the results of the postmodern and the poststructuralist turns which lead scholars to a deeper engagement with scientific reflexivity, ethnography, and the social production of space. Hence, she underlines the importance of this critical understanding of such a methodological and theoretical framework of urban studies and concludes that this approach is key for the structural and thematic commitment to the urban today. It is an essential requirement to translate transdisciplinarity into an explicit empirical praxis. The wide range of contemporary transdisciplinary approaches is finally schematically outlined by three main tendencies that are discussed to illustrate their possibilities and limitations for urban studies." (author's abstract

    Tendencia hacia la transdisciplinaridad. Evaluación crítica de una práctica ambivalente en los estudios urbanos cualitativos

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    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Rolle von transdisziplinären Herangehensweisen innerhalb der Stadtforschung mittels einer theoretisch-methodischen Besprechung dieses Forschungsfeldes. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Rückblick auf die Methodengeschichte und die wichtigsten epistemologischen Debatten der empirischen Stadtforschung diskutiere ich die Frage, welche neue Erkenntnis ein transdisziplinärer Zugang in der Betrachtung des Städtischen bringt, genauer: Wie kann Transdisziplinarität produktiv in eine kritische Forschungspraxis umgesetzt und als Strategie für Stadtforschung fruchtbar gemacht werden? Der Beitrag beschreibt die empirische Prägung der westeuropäischen Stadtforschungspraxis durch vorerst überwiegend intuitive transdisziplinäre Zugänge. Dabei zeige ich auf, dass insbesondere die aus der postmodernen und poststrukturalistischen Wende resultierende wissenschaftliche Reflexivität, die neu bewertete Ethnografie und der Fokus auf die soziale Produktion von Raum als zentrale sozialwissenschaftliche und erkenntnistheoretische Stränge die Stadtforschung auf inhaltlicher und struktureller Ebene bis heute durchziehen. In der kritischen Weiterentwicklung ebendieser methodischen und theoretischen Grundlagen der Stadtforschung sehe ich eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für Forschende, um Transdisziplinarität heute in eine explizite empirische Praxis zu übersetzen. Die große Bandbreite aktueller transdisziplinärer Ansätze bündle ich schließlich schematisch und lote ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für die Stadtforschung aus.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1401175In this article I draw on a theoretical-methodological discussion of urban studies in order to focus on the role transdisciplinarity plays in it. Beginning with a brief review of the difficulties that have plagued empirical urban studies over the years and the main epistemological debates concerning these studies, I then discuss the question of what kind of knowledge can be produced by transdisciplinary studies of the urban, or more precisely: How can transdisciplinarity be productively introduced in a critical research agenda to become a fruitful strategy for urban studies? I emphasize the historical empirical and rather intuitive transdisciplinary imprint of west-European urban studies. I argue that the main theoretical and methodological understanding for contemporary transdisciplinary urban studies is based particularly on the results of the postmodern and the poststructuralist turns which lead scholars to a deeper engagement with scientific reflexivity, ethnography, and the social production of space. Hence, I underline the importance of this critical understanding of such a methodological and theoretical framework of urban studies and conclude that this approach is key for the structural and thematic commitment to the urban today. It is an essential requirement to translate transdisciplinarity into an explicit empirical praxis. The wide range of contemporary transdisciplinary approaches is finally schematically outlined by three main tendencies that are discussed to illustrate their possibilities and limitations for urban studies.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1401175En este artículo se presenta una reflexión teórica-metodológica sobre los estudios urbanos con el fin de enfocar el rol que juega la transdisciplinaridad en dicho campo científico. Partiendo de una mirada histórica de la metodología y de los debates epistemológicos más trascendentes de los estudios urbanos empíricos se discute: ¿cuál es el conocimiento nuevo que un acercamiento transdisciplinario a lo urbano nos permite pensar? Y más precisamente: ¿cómo se aplica la transdisciplinaridad en una investigación práctica y crítica para llegar a una estrategia de investigación que nos permita entender mejor la complejidad urbana? Por ello, el artículo expone el acuñamiento histórico de la investigación urbana en lo empírico, como también en lo transdisciplinario. Con énfasis de la investigación urbana occidental, se muestra que lo transdisciplinario inicialmente era mas bien una estrategia intuitiva que explícita; introduce a tres líneas epistemológicas y ontológicas resultado del cambio posmoderno y del postestructuralismo, como son la reflexividad científica, la etnografía y también el enfoque de la producción social del espacio y muestra cómo dichas líneas forman parte clave del marco temático y estructural en los estudios urbanos contemporáneos. Se señala también una conceptualización crítica de la metodología y la teoría, como una condición primordial para traducir la transdisciplinaridad en una investigación urbana que es a la vez práctica, empírica y explícita. Finalmente, agrupa la variedad de diferentes aproximaciones transdisciplinarias en tres principales tendencias esquemáticas para interrogar sus respectivas posibilidades y límites en el marco de los estudios urbanos.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs140117

    How to set ethnography in motion

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    Wo Mexiko-Stadt den Dreck hinschafft

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    Umweltaktivist*innen leben in der mittelamerikanischen Metropole gefährlich – ist auch Abisai Pérez Romero ermordet worden