11 research outputs found
Mathematische Familienförderung in der Kita. Eine Interventionsstudie zur Effektivität familialer mathematischer Förderung im letzten Kindergartenjahr
Streit-Lehmann J. Mathematische Familienförderung in der Kita. Eine Interventionsstudie zur Effektivität familialer mathematischer Förderung im letzten Kindergartenjahr. Bielefelder Schriften zur Didaktik der Mathematik. Vol 9. Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum; 2022
Handbuch zur Eingangsdiagnose
Peter-Koop A, Kerstingjohänner P, Streit-Lehmann J. Handbuch zur Eingangsdiagnose. Welt der Zahl. Braunschweig: Westermann; 2020
ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview Zahlen und Operationen. Handbuch Diagnostik.
Flottmann N-C, Streit-Lehmann J, Peter-Koop A. ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview Zahlen und Operationen. Handbuch Diagnostik. . Neubearbeitung. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2021
ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview. Zahlen und Operationen. Materialpaket zum Handbuch Diagnostik.
Flottmann N-C, Streit-Lehmann J, Peter-Koop A. ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview. Zahlen und Operationen. Materialpaket zum Handbuch Diagnostik. Neubearbeitung. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2021
ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview. Zahlen und Operationen. Handbuch Förderung
Streit-Lehmann J, Flottmann N-C, Peter-Koop A. ElementarMathematisches BasisInterview. Zahlen und Operationen. Handbuch Förderung . Neubearbeitung. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2022
Daten, Kombinatorik, Wahrscheinlichkeit 3/4. Arbeitsheft Daten, Kombinatorik, Wahrscheinlichkeit 3/4
Peter-Koop A, Streit-Lehmann J, Bassin L, Pinker-Schmidl L. Daten, Kombinatorik, Wahrscheinlichkeit 3/4. Arbeitsheft Daten, Kombinatorik, Wahrscheinlichkeit 3/4 . Welt der Zahl. Braunschweig: Westermann; 2022
Mathematische Diagnostik in der Schuleingangsphase- ein Überblick über gängige Verfahren und Tests
Rottmann T, Streit-Lehmann J, Fricke S. Mathematische Diagnostik in der Schuleingangsphase- ein Überblick über gängige Verfahren und Tests. In: Peter-Koop A, Rottmann T, Lüken M, eds. Inklusiver Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule. Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2015: 135-155
Investigating the potential of the home learning environment for early mathematics learning. First results of an intervention study with kindergarten children
Streit-Lehmann J, Peter-Koop A. Investigating the potential of the home learning environment for early mathematics learning. First results of an intervention study with kindergarten children. In: Meaney T, Helenius O, Johansson ML, Lange T, Wernberg A, eds. Mathematics Education in the Early Years. Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014. New York : Springer; 2016: 99-114
Patterns of care and follow-up care of patients with uveal melanoma in German-speaking countries: a multinational survey of the German Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group (DeCOG)
Purpose Uveal melanoma (UM) is an orphan cancer of high unmet medical need. Current patterns of care and surveillance remain unclear as they are situated in an interdisciplinary setting. Methods A questionnaire addressing the patterns of care and surveillance in the management of patients with uveal melanoma was distributed to 70 skin cancer centers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Frequency distributions of responses for each item of the questionnaire were calculated. Results 44 of 70 (62.9%) skin cancer centers completed the questionnaire. Thirty-nine hospitals were located in Germany (88.6%), three in Switzerland (6.8%) and two in Austria (4.5%). The majority (68.2%) represented university hospitals. Most patients with metastatic disease were treated in certified skin cancer centers (70.7%, 29/41). Besides, the majority of patients with UM were referred to the respective skin cancer center by ophthalmologists (87.2%, 34/39). Treatment and organization of follow-up of patients varied across the different centers. 35.1% (14/37) of the centers stated to not perform any screening measures. Conclusion Treatment patterns of patients with uveal melanoma in Germany, Austria and Switzerland remain extremely heterogeneous. A guideline for the treatment and surveillance is urgently needed