4 research outputs found

    Distribution and Molecular Evolution of Bacillus anthracis Genotypes in Namibia

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    The recent development of genetic markers for Bacillus anthracis has made it possible to monitor the spread and distribution of this pathogen during and between anthrax outbreaks. In Namibia, anthrax outbreaks occur annually in the Etosha National Park (ENP) and on private game and livestock farms. We genotyped 384 B. anthracis isolates collected between 1983–2010 to identify the possible epidemiological correlations of anthrax outbreaks within and outside the ENP and to analyze genetic relationships between isolates from domestic and wild animals. The isolates came from 20 animal species and from the environment and were genotyped using a 31-marker multi-locus-VNTR-analysis (MLVA) and, in part, by twelve single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and four single nucleotide repeat (SNR) markers. A total of 37 genotypes (GT) were identified by MLVA, belonging to four SNP-groups. All GTs belonged to the A-branch in the cluster- and SNP-analyses. Thirteen GTs were found only outside the ENP, 18 only within the ENP and 6 both inside and outside. Genetic distances between isolates increased with increasing time between isolations. However, genetic distance between isolates at the beginning and end of the study period was relatively small, indicating that while the majority of GTs were only found sporadically, three genetically close GTs, accounting for more than four fifths of all the ENP isolates, appeared dominant throughout the study period. Genetic distances among isolates were significantly greater for isolates from different host species, but this effect was small, suggesting that while species-specific ecological factors may affect exposure processes, transmission cycles in different host species are still highly interrelated. The MLVA data were further used to establish a model of the probable evolution of GTs within the endemic region of the ENP. SNR-analysis was helpful in correlating an isolate with its source but did not elucidate epidemiological relationships

    Evaluating Burkholderia pseudomallei Bip proteins as vaccines and Bip antibodies as detection agents.

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei is a biothreat agent and an important natural pathogen, causing melioidosis in humans and animals. A type III secretion system (TTSS-3) has been shown to be critical for virulence. Because TTSS components from other pathogens have been used successfully as diagnostic agents and as experimental vaccines, it was investigated whether this was the case for BipB, BipC and BipD, components of B. pseudomallei's TTSS-3. The sequences of BipB, BipC and BipD were found to be highly conserved among B. pseudomallei and B. mallei isolates. A collection of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for each Bip protein was obtained. Most recognized both native and denatured Bip protein. Burkholderia pseudomallei or B. mallei did not express detectable BipB or BipD under the growth conditions used. However, anti-BipD mAbs did recognize the TTSS needle structures of a Shigella strain engineered to express BipD. The authors did not find that BipB, BipC or BipD are protective antigens because vaccination of mice with any single protein did not result in protection against experimental melioidosis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) studies showed that human melioidosis patients had antibodies to BipB and BipD. However, these ELISAs had low diagnostic accuracy in endemic regions, possibly due to previous patient exposure to B. pseudomallei